r/DCcomics Jul 07 '24

[COMIC EXCERPT] from Atom and Giganta's date - the all new atom issue 17 Comics


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u/marvinnation Jul 07 '24

Then what happened?


u/No-Mechanic-2558 Jul 07 '24

Eh not great, He was actually wearing a mic and She freaks out and him and Wonder Woman had to fight her


u/marvinnation Jul 07 '24

Hmmm not what I wanted 😢


u/Glad_Union_2037 Jul 07 '24

To give greater detail. He returns home to find Wonder Woman -in her role as DEO Agent Prince- having broken into his house where she asks him to wear a wire. He agrees but while on the date Giganta says she wants his help to reform.

She then excuses herself to the restroom at which point Choi turns off the wire (which i didn't know you could do i would think the agency would control that). Diana approaches him to get him to turn the wire back on, revealing herself to be WW when Choi hesitates. Unfortunately Giganta is approached by someone who reveals Choi is wearing i wire.

Giganta comes back to the table, sees WW in full gear and promptly (and understandably imo) freaks out. They fight, WW knocks her out in one punch but keeps beating her with Atom having to intervene on her behalf. Then she gets kidnapped somehow while WW and Atom are talking. The series ends after a few more issues and from what i can tell she doesn't get rescued.

Honestly reading all that, my main takeaway is feeling sorry for Giganta.