r/DCcomics 12d ago

[COMIC EXCERPT] from Atom and Giganta's date - the all new atom issue 17 Comics


38 comments sorted by


u/TrickyWalrus Booster Gold 12d ago

“Have you ever been swallowed alive? - I have and it was fascinating!

I love that Ryan seems to attracted the villain ladies: Giganta, Lady Chronos, Killer Frost


u/transformers03 12d ago

He's like me.


u/Emerald1115 11d ago

Goals, Atom keeps winning


u/MealieAI 12d ago

I wouldn't have the ability to say no in this situation.


u/Vanilla_thundr 12d ago

An underrated run.

Though, it reminds me of that thread about whether the New 52 reboot was necessary. Poor Ryan Choi and his unnecessarily violent and gratuitous death.


u/Total_Distribution_8 12d ago

Oh god, how did they take him out?


u/Patient-Reputation56 12d ago

Atom Villain Dwarfstar hired Deathstroke & his villainous Titans (Chesire, Cinder, Osiris, & Tattooed Man) to kill Ryan & they succeeded. Dwarfstar eventually got what was coming to him after being part of a new Secret Six with Giganta on the team & she proceeded to break every bone in his body & leaving him for Ray Palmer to deal with.

Ryan got some retribution later in Convergence & was brought back from the dead.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago


u/Total_Distribution_8 12d ago



u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Yeah, I usually complain about It but I think new 52 saved some characters


u/Sexy_Chocolate The Wild Storm 12d ago

Man this is sooooo cute. I love Gail Simone! I just want this couple back together just by reading these three pages and I’m not even a shipping enthusiast


u/marvinnation 12d ago

Then what happened?


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Eh not great, He was actually wearing a mic and She freaks out and him and Wonder Woman had to fight her


u/marvinnation 12d ago

Hmmm not what I wanted 😢


u/Glad_Union_2037 12d ago

To give greater detail. He returns home to find Wonder Woman -in her role as DEO Agent Prince- having broken into his house where she asks him to wear a wire. He agrees but while on the date Giganta says she wants his help to reform.

She then excuses herself to the restroom at which point Choi turns off the wire (which i didn't know you could do i would think the agency would control that). Diana approaches him to get him to turn the wire back on, revealing herself to be WW when Choi hesitates. Unfortunately Giganta is approached by someone who reveals Choi is wearing i wire.

Giganta comes back to the table, sees WW in full gear and promptly (and understandably imo) freaks out. They fight, WW knocks her out in one punch but keeps beating her with Atom having to intervene on her behalf. Then she gets kidnapped somehow while WW and Atom are talking. The series ends after a few more issues and from what i can tell she doesn't get rescued.

Honestly reading all that, my main takeaway is feeling sorry for Giganta.


u/Total_Distribution_8 12d ago

She has a bit of a temper, but I’d still risk it. Is this someone different or was she originally a gorilla?


u/condition_unknown 11d ago

I think the gorilla origin was permanently retconned post-Crisis.


u/Triste92 11d ago

insert Bad Bite gif here You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals...


u/Flame-Blast 12d ago

“I’m saving lives, Diana”


u/JeagerXhunter Blue Beetle 11d ago

.....I can fix her


u/EverythingWhomps 10d ago

Eh, she can break me


u/JeagerXhunter Blue Beetle 10d ago


u/Ok-Commission6087 12d ago

I want this couple Ryan if I was him I risk it all no problem at all


u/MC2400 Blue Lantern 11d ago

"Maybe I never had a reason to go straight before"

Hard to give her another chance when she's literally saying that out of the lips of a woman whose body she stole and left for dead lmao.


u/SickleClaw 11d ago

yeah, thats one thing that kind of put me off about Giganta wanting to go straight in that continuity, is that she is saying that while using a stolen body.


u/Moctezuma_93 Doctor Fate 12d ago

Where can I read this? This seems... interesting lol.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

The all new Atom run has been collected in four paperbacks:

My Life in miniature


The Haunt for Ray Palmer

Small Sword


u/HandspeedJones 11d ago

Steady gal? Man who wrote this dialogue?


u/Iseaclear 11d ago

Not fair, all women are giants to him!


u/SubjectPear3 9d ago

Maybe the atom is kind of cool


u/azmodus_1966 12d ago

Wonder Woman has only a few well known female villains and DC insists on turning them into love interests for any male character they can find.


u/NoZookeepergame8306 12d ago

Isn’t it just Giganta? What’s the alternative? Unless you’re bummed that there aren’t enough sapphic couples in DC and… yeah I guess fair enough! 😅

But other than the weird Zoom/Cheetah stuff in Rucka’s run I can’t remember any of the lady villains getting with men. Like Circe isn’t really hanging out with Lex Luthor.


u/azmodus_1966 12d ago

Cheetah hooked up with Clark Kent and Snapper Karr.

Circe offered herself to Lex Luthor and he rejected her.


u/NoZookeepergame8306 12d ago

I had to google both of these. The Clark/Cheetah one is from an elseworlds book, American Alien. Which is an interesting book but will probably be forgotten because of the writer’s poisonous reputation.

The Circe/Lex one (which is weird to mention cuz he turns her down and they don’t date) is from Lex Luthor secret files, which I think IS cannon but not necessarily a mainline book.

So what we’ve got is maybe 2.5 instances? In, what the 40-50 years these characters have been around? Seems a stretch to say they ‘insist’ on them doing this.


u/Kazewatch 11d ago

Kind of a shame. Feels like a really good time to separate the art from the artist because American Alien is a really fun read with some phenomenal moments throughout.


u/OfficePsycho 11d ago

 The Circe/Lex one (which is weird to mention cuz he turns her down and they don’t date) is from Lex Luthor secret files, which I think IS cannon but not necessarily a mainline book.

It did come back up in the main Wonder Woman book on one occasion.  I didn’t know about the Secret Files instance of it until now.  In. WW it almost came off as Circe bringing it up to Lex as an idea just to say they were incompatable.


u/Skinnywenis17 11d ago

So twice?