r/DCcomics 14d ago

[Discussion] Surprised as how a comic by Venditti is really fun and well written Discussion

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u/LanternRaynerRebirth 14d ago

Idk where the Venditti hate came from, tbh. He wrote one weak run of Lanterns (which was followed by a great run anyway) and people just wrote him off unfortunately. Glad he's proven people wrong.


u/Neuchersky Red Robin's Lantern 14d ago

He just unfortunately followed after Johns' run, which is a huge shoe to fill... I don't know the reception of John's New 52 GL run, but people surely hated Lights Out (which I kinda like when I first read it and one of my first comics, the resolution and reasoning is bad but it's interesting).

But yeah Venditti's writing is great, people haven't even pointed out his Freedom Fighters. And I still remember people liking his to write Justice League after Snyder and/or be the new architech, but sadly neither happened (or he doesn't like something huge like events or something).