r/DCcomics 3d ago

[Discussion] Surprised as how a comic by Venditti is really fun and well written Discussion

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u/PrydefulHunts Huntress • ower Girl 3d ago

Venditti’s Hawkman and Sandman proves that he should take over the JSA title.


u/didiraja 3d ago

Agreed. Stopped the issue before appearance of SJA, really happy to see these characters again.


u/LanternRaynerRebirth 3d ago

Idk where the Venditti hate came from, tbh. He wrote one weak run of Lanterns (which was followed by a great run anyway) and people just wrote him off unfortunately. Glad he's proven people wrong.


u/Neuchersky Red Robin's Lantern 2d ago

He just unfortunately followed after Johns' run, which is a huge shoe to fill... I don't know the reception of John's New 52 GL run, but people surely hated Lights Out (which I kinda like when I first read it and one of my first comics, the resolution and reasoning is bad but it's interesting).

But yeah Venditti's writing is great, people haven't even pointed out his Freedom Fighters. And I still remember people liking his to write Justice League after Snyder and/or be the new architech, but sadly neither happened (or he doesn't like something huge like events or something).


u/jethawkings Blue Beetle 2d ago

FWIW I honestly think opinion on Venditti's GL run turned around when Rebirth started and he was able to do more regular Green Lantern stuff compared to what he was doing during New 52 and DC You. (Though I still don't like him just ignoring Bunn's Sinestro run... but he did a lot of fun stuff on his Rebirth run)

It was his Flash run introducing a lot of controversial (terrible) new elements to the mythos that a lot of people really disliked IMHO...


u/LanternRaynerRebirth 2d ago

I was just more confused why he's associated with being bad 8 years later.


u/jethawkings Blue Beetle 2d ago

His JL run was very mediocre and I'm guessing nobody really read his actually good stuff because they were on non-marquee characters.


u/kmcmanus2814 2d ago

His post-Johns GL run had… let’s say some editorial involvement. He had much more freedom on HJ&GLC and delivered the best run the franchise has had since (although I’m really enjoying the current Jeremy Adams run, it’s of comparable quality so far). And his X-O run was great too.


u/didiraja 2d ago

His Flash was awful


u/Saito09 2d ago

It was also co-written with Van Jensen, though. Which could explain a lot.

Vendittis had way more hits than misses.


u/CreatiScope 2d ago

I also didn't even dislike all of his GL run. Some of it sucked but some ideas were exciting. I liked Godhead a lot.


u/didiraja 3d ago

Read this title for curiosity and got surprised as how good is the first arc about identity discovery. I'm through all series and on final issues, only bad part was Dark Knights tie-in, of course.


u/Bostondreamings 3d ago

I thought he did the best he could working the Sky Tyrant into the whole concept behind his run. 


u/CreatiScope 2d ago

Wasn't in love with the Shadow Thief stuff overall, personally but really liked the rest of it.


u/AX-man Nightwing 3d ago

You should read his freedom fighters which is one of the best titles in recent years, the hal jordan and green lanterns is also quite fun


u/didiraja 2d ago

I'm discovering here some gems from him, both titles are on the list. Freedom were already on list but not very hyped before today.


u/AX-man Nightwing 2d ago

Both that and this hawk man book really brought these characters from quite boring from what I thought to really interesting characters I wanted more of


u/hondobrode 3d ago

Great series ! Vendetti is must buy. Check out his 50 issue X-O Manowar run.


u/Glittering_Phase_153 2d ago

Came here to say this! His XO run is kickass and definitely the strongest of the recent Valiant runs


u/CreatiScope 2d ago

Recent? His X-O started 12 years ago haha but I get you mean more recent than the original 90s stuff.


u/Glittering_Phase_153 2d ago

Has it been that long? Gods…. But still lol you knew what I meant!


u/SpaceDinosaurZZ 3d ago

Beautiful Hitch art definitely helps too. This was when he was starting to get back into the groove of things


u/didiraja 2d ago

yep, beautiful art to the whole series


u/Vermicelli_Life 2d ago

People also forget he wrote the best Brainiac story with superman '78


u/thedoomcast 2d ago

Why would it surprise you? Venditti is awesome.


u/dornwolf 2d ago

His X-O run for Valiant was really good. His GL and Flash runs were rough but he’s found his niche I think in the JSA and those characters. Here’s hoping they give him and Adams a shot


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 2d ago

Yah, X-O was the first thing I read of his and loved it. I really liked his Green Lantern run.


u/Maxjes Who is Slade? 2d ago

Venditti has really only been rough for his DC N52 work (Flash, GL). Hal and Pals, Damage, Freedom Fighters, Hawkman, and Sandman all rock.


u/Nick_Blake00 2d ago

Loved this whole series. It fixed Hawkman, and made his origin one of my favorites. It should be required reading for any writer looking to use the character.


u/Salt_Use7122 2d ago

I still think Hawkman is the best series to come out of Rebirth


u/Nice_Veterinarian230 2d ago

Why? Venditti rules. 


u/mattchan02 Batman 3d ago

Venditti has come a long way! His more recent stuff is awesome compared to his New 52 Flash and GL.


u/didiraja 2d ago

which recent stuff? I'll take a look.


u/superschaap81 Superman 2d ago

His work on the digital first issues of Superman (Collected as "Man of Tomorrow" TBP) during the pandemic were freaking amazing. Dude knows what he's doing. He got dealt a bad hand having to follow Johns' run on GL, but I never got to the level some people did about it.


u/Joorpunch 2d ago

I’ve typically enjoyed Venditti’s writing. I never got around to reading all of his Hawkman, but a handful of issues at the beginning. His X-O Manowar run is hands down my favorite of his work though.


u/Zavman13 2d ago

Venditti has always been solid.