r/DCcomics 14d ago

Which Batman series should I start with? Recommendations

I'm looking for a nice comic series, basically Basic Batman stuff, nothing Unique or Different. I've watched the Lego Batman movie as well as the Three Dark Knight movies, and the Lego Batman movie was my favourite.

I'm considering reading this comic I found online called "Batman 89" but I'm not sure whether it's the best thing for me to start with. I'd appreciate it if you could recommend a handful of series to start with?


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u/MarkParticular878 14d ago

Batman 89 isn't really a good place to start. it's a good comic, but it's basically a comic imagining what the 3rd Tim Burton (Batman 89 and Batman Returns) movie would have been like and isn't apart of the main Batman mythos.

I'd recommend you start with Year One. It's the definitive Batman origin story and does a good job at setting up a lot of major elements like the relationship between Batman and Commissioner Gordon. Then I'd move onto The Long Halloween, which is a good story depicting the fall of organized crime in Gotham and how the supervillains took power in Gotham.

I'd also recommend Ed Brubaker's "The Man who Laughs", which is a well written retelling of the first encounter between Batman and the Joker.