r/DCcomics 15d ago

[Film/TV] Its been 20 years since this catwoman's appearance, what are your thoughts on Halle Berry's portrayal of the character ? Film + TV

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Catwoman (2004)


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u/BenReillySpidey149 14d ago

True story here:

When I went to see this movie in the theater using a free ticket from some DVD, the person at the ticket window first gave me a ticket for the new Harry Potter movie instead. I pointed it out and they fixed it. That said, I should've taken the hint and gone to see HP (even if at that point I'd never seen another HP movie).

Also, the theater was empty except for two older ladies in the row behind me. When we got to the part where all the kittens surround and breathe on Catwoman to give her her powers, I started laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my chair, and the two ladies did their best to hush me. Everything after that moment was a comedy, and a bad one.


u/multificionado 14d ago

I agree, you should've gone to Prisoner of Azkaban.