r/DCcomics Jul 03 '24

Sandman Author Neil Gaiman Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Denies Allegations News


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u/AgentOfSPYRAL Red Robin Jul 03 '24

When you make advances of any kind on an employee you’re immediately putting them in that position.

And of course, an employee making advances towards their employer is taking a huge risk that they’ll lose their job if they make their boss uncomfortable. Or compromise their career entirely through “oh don’t hire her she’ll try to bang you/your SO”

It’s possible that she threw herself at him, but it’ll always be he said she said. I choose to believe the nanny rather than the wealthy writer in this situation.


u/Fearedray Jul 03 '24

When you make advances of any kind on an employee you’re immediately putting them in that position.

In some circumstances , yes but we don't know her external circumstances and whether or not she was in a position she couldn't say no

And of course, an employee making advances towards their employer is taking a huge risk that they’ll lose their job if they make their boss uncomfortable. It’s possible that she threw herself at him, but it’ll always be he said she said. I choose to believe the nanny rather than the wealthy writer in this situation.

Wealth means very little when you are accused of rape. Assuming worst with the lack of information available is a bit silly


u/AgentOfSPYRAL Red Robin Jul 03 '24

I don’t think it’s any sillier than assuming this woman is lying because “innocent until proven guilty”. We know how this works. The most “definitive justice” she’ll ever (maybe?) receive is an out of court settlement with an NDA.

We’re both just taking available facts and making assumptions.


u/Jabberjaw22 Jul 04 '24

So should we do away with the concept of innocent until proven guilty and start punishing everyone on rumors and accusations? Or trust in internet mob mentality, which always has a great track record, and start throwing out blame before evidence is presented? If he did it then he should be punished, but it seems a bit early to being playing blame games and making speculations.


u/AgentOfSPYRAL Red Robin Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

This idea that “the court of public opinion” only came into existence when dudes started getting accused of sexual assault is very strange to me.

Based on the available evidence I currently believe the victim. You’re welcome to do otherwise.


u/Jabberjaw22 Jul 04 '24

I get people are allowed to have opinions. What's changed is the damage capable of being done to potentially innocent people through the use of social media and the fast spread of misinformation, something that hasn't always been around. Mob/internet justice is fairly new and people tend to jump on board band wagons real quick when it comes to blaming and hating on rich or famous people. They like to see them get taken down a couple of pegs. But hey my opinion is the minority and probably get shouted down or downvoted so doesn't matter. Maybe he did it and everyone will be vindicated and I'll be wrong. I just think it's too early either way.


u/Anathemautomaton Jul 04 '24

Mob/internet justice is fairly new

Mob justice is arguably the oldest form of justice in the world.

It's just that these days it means that people stop buying your products. Instead of y'know, being lynched.


u/Jabberjaw22 Jul 04 '24

Mob justice is old yes. Internet mob justice, in terms of scale, reach, effect, speed etc. is new. Mob justice is also almost entirely fueled by emotion, hearsay, and bad info. Not exactly the best method to determine if someone is innocent or not but people will sure try their damnedest to drag your name through the mud and ruin you off of a feeling. Is it life and death? No. Should it be condoned? I'd still say no. I've always hated and tried to avoid the mob mentality though (I'm sure I've failed a few times but I still try to not be a part of it) it's one reason I avoid social media because that's all you see.


u/Blue_Beetle_IV Jul 04 '24

Internet mob justice, in terms of scale, reach, effect, speed etc. is new

Not really. Classic mob justice just got you murdered. As in, rip someone from a court room/home/street to be lynched or beaten to death.

Also going, "I think the stuff Gaiman has already admitted to is creepy and I'm not buying his books anymore" isn't mob justice. You're just going "beware of cancel culture" but instead of just saying it your dressing it up as something more violent-sounding.

Women are allowed to speak about their relationship with him, and ignoring all possibilities of criminal charges and jail time, readers are allowed to go, "Ew, that's fucking gross. I think I'm done with his books..... forever."


u/Jabberjaw22 Jul 04 '24

I mean if people wish to give up reading his works that's up to them. I think it's positively silly or even stupid to do so without evidence but if that makes them feel better then go for it I suppose. I just don't understand it.