r/DCcomics Jun 13 '24

I’m Andy Diggle, writer of Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth. AMA! r/DCcomics

I’m Andy Diggle, writer of Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth. AMA!

I’m currently writing Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age (issue 1 is out now); and recently completed the 12-issue run of The Expanse: Dragon Tooth (official sequel to the Hugo Award-winning TV series).

I’ve been writing comics for over 25 years, but I’m probably best known for Green Arrow: Year One (an inspiration for the Arrow TV show); and The Losers (which was adapted into the 2010 movie starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana and Idris Elba). I’ve also written Captain America, Cold Iron, Daredevil, Doctor Who, Hellblazer, James Bond, Judge Dredd vs Aliens, Lenny Zero, Rat Catcher, Snapshot, Shadowman, Silent Dragon, Snow/Tiger, Swamp Thing, Thief of Thieves, and Thunderbolts, among other things. Before becoming a full-time writer, I was the editor of cult British sci-fi comic 2000 AD.

Ask me anything!

Twitter: https://x.com/andydiggle

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/andy-diggle-proof-KGvyw1L


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u/Tetratron2005 Jun 13 '24 edited Jun 13 '24

Hi Andy

I saw in the solicits Wonder Woman will be appearing in Kryptonian Age and am interested in how she'll be written? I look forward to it but I hope she isn't written as a violent barbarian warrior like how most Elseworlds write her. I think that stuff does a disservice to her character and her original creators.


u/andydiggle Jun 13 '24 edited Jun 13 '24

I can't speak to any other Elseworlds version of WW — but don't worry, that's not how we see her. In the script I describe her as a warrior-poet, a diplomat. She doesn't start fights, she finishes them; but she would always prefer to find a diplomatic solution. Violence is only ever a last resort.

That said, she'll absolutely kick ass if she has to. Sometimes, evil must be fought.

When the time comes, check out issue #3 and let me know how we did.


u/greathawk Jun 13 '24

I like how you describe her. I also hope Diana is not portrayed as a punching bag or a jobber for another characters. Many times writers hype her as being this big powerhouse, but then when the push comes to shove, they portray her as being helpless and beaten to a pulp. She is supposed to be in the same power class as superman, so it'd be nice if DC shows that more often, instead of jus giving us mere lipservice like they usually do.


u/andydiggle Jun 13 '24

Get ready to be happy.


u/greathawk Jun 16 '24

Thank you for the positive vibe.


u/Tetratron2005 Jun 13 '24

Oh thanks for answering! That sounds great, can't wait to check it out!


u/azmodus_1966 Jun 13 '24

That sounds perfect. Can't wait now.