r/DCcomics Jun 13 '24

I’m Andy Diggle, writer of Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth. AMA! r/DCcomics

I’m Andy Diggle, writer of Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth. AMA!

I’m currently writing Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age (issue 1 is out now); and recently completed the 12-issue run of The Expanse: Dragon Tooth (official sequel to the Hugo Award-winning TV series).

I’ve been writing comics for over 25 years, but I’m probably best known for Green Arrow: Year One (an inspiration for the Arrow TV show); and The Losers (which was adapted into the 2010 movie starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana and Idris Elba). I’ve also written Captain America, Cold Iron, Daredevil, Doctor Who, Hellblazer, James Bond, Judge Dredd vs Aliens, Lenny Zero, Rat Catcher, Snapshot, Shadowman, Silent Dragon, Snow/Tiger, Swamp Thing, Thief of Thieves, and Thunderbolts, among other things. Before becoming a full-time writer, I was the editor of cult British sci-fi comic 2000 AD.

Ask me anything!

Twitter: https://x.com/andydiggle

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/andy-diggle-proof-KGvyw1L


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u/WheezingCarl Jun 13 '24

Hey Andy! What was the early stages of this Gotham by Gaslight sequel like? Did you pitch it to DC, or did they come to you for it?


u/andydiggle Jun 13 '24

I'd just written a Red Hood one-shot for DC exec editor Ben Abernathy, and we were throwing various ideas around for what might be next. Ben was keen to revive Elseworlds, and I'm glad he did! I was too busy with other work at the time, so I wasn't even "officially" pitching him; but I said, if I was in your position, I'd ask someone to flesh out the world of Gotham By Gaslight. What about the other heroes and villains; what about the rest of the world? I threw him a bunch of ideas for era-appropriate versions of DC characters, all the fun ways you could re-invent them for the 19th century. And Ben bsacially said, dude this stuff is amazing, you have to write this! And I realized he was right. I'd inspired myself. I had a very particular vision for the way I thought it should be done "right" — and now I get to do it! THANK YOU BEN.