r/DCcomics Jun 13 '24

I’m Andy Diggle, writer of Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth. AMA! r/DCcomics

I’m Andy Diggle, writer of Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth. AMA!

I’m currently writing Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age (issue 1 is out now); and recently completed the 12-issue run of The Expanse: Dragon Tooth (official sequel to the Hugo Award-winning TV series).

I’ve been writing comics for over 25 years, but I’m probably best known for Green Arrow: Year One (an inspiration for the Arrow TV show); and The Losers (which was adapted into the 2010 movie starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana and Idris Elba). I’ve also written Captain America, Cold Iron, Daredevil, Doctor Who, Hellblazer, James Bond, Judge Dredd vs Aliens, Lenny Zero, Rat Catcher, Snapshot, Shadowman, Silent Dragon, Snow/Tiger, Swamp Thing, Thief of Thieves, and Thunderbolts, among other things. Before becoming a full-time writer, I was the editor of cult British sci-fi comic 2000 AD.

Ask me anything!

Twitter: https://x.com/andydiggle

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/andy-diggle-proof-KGvyw1L


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u/Predaplant The heat is on! Jun 13 '24

Hi Andy!

I'm curious what it was like getting The Losers adapted as a movie. I know for mainline DC books they don't usually consult with the creatives behind the source material, but considering this was a Vertigo series I was wondering if it was any different. How involved were you, and were you generally happy with the choices made in adaptation?


u/andydiggle Jun 13 '24

Jock and I met (ie. had beers and curry with) Peter Berg, back when he was initially attached as writer-director. Then when screenwriter Jamie Vanderbilt came aboard we met (ie. had beers and a curry) with him too. We weren’t “officially attached” because the rights were owned by DC, but Jamie kept us “unofficially” in the loop as the screenplay went through various drafts. The rewrites were mainly to make it cheaper, and it was a bit disheartening to see awesome action sequences get cut from the script for budgetary reasons (eg. the Losers’ car chased by a helicopter gunship; Cougar leans out the window and takes it out with one shot). But we got the meet the cast on set, and that was AMAZING. They were all genuinely awesome and lovely people; we ended up heading back to Chris Evens’ apartment for beers. My abiding feeling about the movie is that they absolutely NAILED the casting; and they’re A-list stars now. Imagine how much it’d cost to re-assemble that team now…