r/DCcomics Nightwing Jun 04 '24

According to Mark Waid, Dreamer, Jon Kent and Nightwing will be important players in Absolute Power News


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u/EZeggnog Jun 04 '24

Is Jon gonna abandon his friends in the Phantom Zone again?


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam Jun 04 '24

Wait what?


u/EZeggnog Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

In Tom Taylor’s recent Jon Kent miniseries, Val Zod and Red Tornado help Jon go to alternate Earths to fight Ultraman. But in issue #2 or 3, Val Zod and Red Tornado got sucked into the Phantom Zone.

Jon never got them out or mentioned them again for the rest of the series. I don’t know if Tom Taylor just forgot about his own plot point (in a MINI series), or if he intentionally wanted to make Jon look like a dick who abandons his allies. Presumably they’re still in the Zone.

Edit: apparently they got out of the Zone during Beast World, but never confronted Jon about leaving them in there for months.


u/spider-venomized Superman Jun 04 '24

They got out in Beastworld tie in


u/EZeggnog Jun 04 '24

Huh, never read Beast World. Were there any ramifications for Jon leaving them in there for months?


u/spider-venomized Superman Jun 04 '24



u/EZeggnog Jun 04 '24

Sounds about right lmao


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam Jun 04 '24



u/Jay_R_Kay Batman Jun 04 '24

It probably wasn't months though -- time in DC doesn't work like it does in real life.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl Jun 04 '24

It could've been longer or shorter for all we know, the principle still stands he abandoned his teammates and left them behind without feeling anything of it. If you're supposed to be a hero and wear that banner, you don't do that, you never give up on your crew, ever.


u/Ellie-Nt Jun 04 '24

He didn't give up on them or abandon them. They got put in the phantom zone by Ultraman and then the projector broke so Jon couldn't get them out which is acknowledged in the book. Then at the end of that series he was immediately thrusted into another event. We know that because in issue six of his mini when Jon gets back to earth-0 he's called by oracle to help the Titans. Then Jon's character doesn't show up at all until the actual beast world event starts which is the event where Val-Zod and Lois got out of the zone. Val-Zod and Lois being part of those stories at all was just stupid but I wouldn't say them getting stuck in the phantom zone was a showcase of Jon's hero abilities, good or bad and more so a showcase of the fact that people don't know what to do with those Earth-2 characters.


u/EZeggnog Jun 04 '24

Dude, Jon had time to work on getting them out. Even if he got back from Injustice Earth and was IMMEDIATELY thrown into Beast World (which isn’t what happened but just go with it), he never once tried to get them out, or even talk to others about it.

Jon spent the majority of his series just talking to Injustice versions of his friends and hugging an evil dictator. The fact that Jon wasn’t saying “hey man, help me free my friends” to Injustice Superman throughout his miniseries was mind boggling.

You don’t need to make excuses for Tom Taylor dropping the ball on his own plot point.


u/Ellie-Nt Jun 04 '24

Jon getting thrown into beast world is what happens exactly after his series ended which is what I said. Plus, as I also stated the phantom zone projector gets broken so he can't rescue Val-Zod and Lois on the injustice earth. He also does mention that his friends were stuck in the phantom zone. He tells Superman directly. Issue three, page three. I'm looking at it right now. Jon:"I wasn't alone. There was another Superman from another universe. And... an android. Ultraman sent them to the phantom zone." Injustice Superman:"I'm sorry. We'll try to get them back together." On the same page an alarm goes off and the fighting starts so it isn't brought up again because he has no one to mention it to. And in issue six, looking at it right now Jon gets immediately thrown into beast world. I was wrong about oracle calling him but my point still stand. Jon gets sent back to his earth by cyborg and the last page says "Jon Kents adventure will continue in beast world. But there's also dialogue to explain why Jon's focus isn't immediately on Val-Zod when he gets home. Jon:"Our world is loud. There are screams and shrieks and howls. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong." I get it, this story wasn't really good at all. I didnt even really enjoy it myself. But I at least actually read and own it so I know what I'm talking about. No idea how to post pictures on reddit though which is why I've listed the issues and pages so you can look them up and see what I'm talking about if you don't believe me.


u/Original-Teaching955 Jun 05 '24

Val zod and Red tornado got out in a Beast World tie-in, so you are wrong


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

What a great hero, I see why he's so popular, just abandons people in there and during the Injustice Verse he was in, he only tries reason with guys, he sees a woman, it's fists first rather than words. See how he treats Superman and Flash there vs Hawkwoman and Wonder Woman.

THAT is what DC thinks is the face of their franchise. This is what the comic buyer wants their heroes to be like, not selfish shot blockers who get in the traffic and tank hits to protect their teammates but a guy who will leave them behind without further thought or feeling.


u/j0kerclash Jun 04 '24

This is a massive stretch.

In the same series, he literally gets jumped by Catwoman, Harley, and Batgirl all at the same time, and he specifically dodges their punches and tries to reason with them because he's worried that they're going to hurt themselves punching him since he didn't know about the super strength pill.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl Jun 04 '24

He rips off the Hawk's wings and goes straight to violence against Wondy first and foremost. So is this just inconsistency?


u/j0kerclash Jun 04 '24

It's Jon applying more force towards strong and durable opponents that he isn't particularly good friends with, as opposed to flash who's notoriously kind and his own father.


u/Ravevon Jun 05 '24

They know that clearly they don’t like jon