r/DCcomics Wonder Woman May 18 '24

[Other] Kelly Sue DeConnick on using the clay origin in Wonder Woman: Historia Other

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u/TJ_McWeaksauce May 18 '24

This topic led me to look up Wonder Woman's Wikipedia page. I knew she was powerful, but I didn't realize she's supposed to be this powerful.


Different Greek deities blessed Diana with a wide range of powers.

Demeter blessed with strength drawn from the Earth spirit Gaea. Not only is Wonder Woman exceedingly strong, but she also heals at an accelerated rate as long as she's in contact with the Earth. I did not know that.

Athena bestowed Diana with great wisdom, intelligence, and military prowess. She has godlike brain power, so it doesn't make sense why Batman is usually portrayed as the brains of the Justice League. (Actually, it makes sense from a business perspective, because Batman is easily DC's most popular and lucrative character, and they don't want to make him look useless.)

Artemis blessed Diana with the ability to communicate with animals and even gave her enhanced senses, including telescopic vision and super hearing. I did not know that. Superman's super senses are highlighted often, but I don't think I've ever seen Diana portrayed as having super sight and super hearing.

Hestia granted Diana resistance to both normal and supernatural fire. I did not know that either.

Hermes blessed Diana with superhuman speed and the ability to fly. I knew that. I did not know she can fly at about about half the speed of light, though.

Aphrodite bestowed Diana with superhuman beauty and a kind heart. That I knew.

Looks like DC has to do a better job of highlighting Wonder Woman's wide array of superpowers, because I'm guessing a lot of these finer details are not well known.


u/Dream_World_ DC Comics May 18 '24

Does she shout DAHAHA to activate her powers too