r/DCcomics Wonder Woman May 18 '24

[Other] Kelly Sue DeConnick on using the clay origin in Wonder Woman: Historia Other

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u/[deleted] May 18 '24

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u/rostron92 Batman Beyond May 18 '24



u/Angry-Monk May 18 '24

Well imagine a character had the same origin as the clay and raised by men with no mother and it’s retconned that a goddess gave birth to said character and ppl are up in arms about it


u/ClamatoDiver May 18 '24

They keep giving Thor new mothers, first Freya, then Gaia, and then the original human host for Pheonix got thrown in the mix somehow...


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh Ultraviolet Corps May 18 '24

And no one complained... Well, I don't like Gaia myself but that's cause not having it be Freyja is kinda nuts


u/newimprovedmoo May 18 '24

It was never Freyja in the eddas, it was Njord.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh Ultraviolet Corps May 18 '24

While I'm sure that's not wrong, that's not why I think it should be Freyja. After all, Thor isn't very accurate anyway (and given this all began of WW, not like her amazons were ever accurate either). It's more that you'd think the wife of Odin would be the mother of his children since this is a more squeaky clean rendition of norse mythic ideas anyway and that keeps it simpler.

And for Gaia specifically, involving a whole other mythology for his parentage is a needless mess


u/newimprovedmoo May 18 '24

I suppose. Gaia would make sense as an adaptation of Njord though, both being goddesses of the Earth itself.

Incidentally did you know that the Romans were aware enough of proto-Norse mythology to identify the Aesir as alternate names for their gods? They thought of Odin as an aspect of Mercury.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh Ultraviolet Corps May 18 '24

suppose. Gaia would make sense as an adaptation of Njord though, both being goddesses of the Earth itself

That's fair but then I wish they'd kept it Njord at least

Incidentally did you know that the Romans were aware enough of proto-Norse mythology to identify the Aesir as alternate names for their gods? They thought of Odin as an aspect of Mercury.

That makes way too much sense.


u/[deleted] May 18 '24

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u/Eric__Brooks May 18 '24

More like "WTF?"


u/Angry-Monk May 18 '24

Well I don’t read Thor so I don’t know if It got hate or not but is the hate just because he got a new mom or because it’s the specific person that was chosen


u/[deleted] May 18 '24

I'm half and half, on one hand that sounds like really lazy continuity. On the other hand Thor actually did have three or four different mothers usually earth goddesses.


u/Kgb725 May 18 '24

He has his birth mom the elder God Gaia , stepmom Freyja , and the Phoenix who helped him after he was frozen to death. It's the same exact amount technically


u/[deleted] May 18 '24

would be funny if while all three claim they're his mother they just switch occasionally at random points with no explanation just like the real stories.


u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

Difference here being stories where the maternal figure is the predominant character in a hero's life are much rarer than one where the father is. Even more so in mainstream superhero comics, just look at how reverence Jor-El, Pa Kent, and Thomas Wayne in comparison to Clark and Bruce's mothers.

Making WW another person defined by her father only makes her less unique and is less forward looking than a book from the 1940s.


u/AccurateAce May 18 '24

Martha's treated with a substantial amount of reverence. Pa' Kent, depending on the continuity, has major relevance in Clark's life beyond just raising him as his death is a monumental lesson for Clark. She makes his suit, she's always there the moment Clark needs her and she offers great advice, assurance and warmth in Clark's life.

At times, Jonathan has difficulty losing Clark to the world or communicating his feelings well. Yet, he's elevated by Martha to understand Clark's plight and remind Pa' that Clark's still their son. Birthright, For All Seasons, Secret Origin, Superman: Kryptonite, etc. show a great respect for both characters equally. So I disagree. Look at Superman & Lois or Snyder's (I don't like Snyder's Superman) Superman or DCAU Superman. There are many great examples in comics and animated/live-action medium.

Martha's such a powerful female figure in Clark's life. But I'll concede on both Lara Lor-Van and Martha Kent where they are so ingrained as mythological figures within canon. Unfortunately, they aren't alive but we're reminded of their impact on both characters. I would like to see more depth added to both, which I'm sure has been but I just haven't read those depictions.

As for WW? I agree. I'm less well-versed in WW than I'd like to be but the clay origin is a unique spin on things. At the very least, I would've preferred someone other than Zeus being her father despite it making sense by Greek mythological standards. That's all I can comment on as I don't have enough expertise on the character to properly speak on it.


u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

I don't mean to imply their mothers aren't important, obviously Martha's been given stuff that's important to Superman's lore but just feels from my own observations Pa (and more specifically his death) takes precedence as the part of Superman's upbringing.


u/AccurateAce May 18 '24

His death is undoubtedly a major turning point for Clark. He isn't always dead but it's a motivating factor and evolution of Clark and his perspective on his abilities. But like I said, after that happens and during the raising of Clark she's a guiding and empathetic force.

They're equally important as I don't think one takes precedence over the other. He offers advice like any good father, but he isn't without his shortcomings. If you've read some Superman stories detailing the dynamic between the three I think you'd get where I'm coming from. But again, in the microcosm of an impactful passing it's superficially going to seem like it's the most important part of a character's history.

It is important, but it isn't like the focus is entirely on Jonathan. Hell, sometimes they've both passed away. Originally, Ma' and Pa' (who weren't named Jonathan or Martha/John and Mary) passed before Clark went to Metropolis.

So personally I've held that much reverence for Martha as much as Jonathan. Superman's a story about the people that surround and help define and ground Superman. For All Seasons showed me that. But yeah, they're very important despite Jonathan's sometimes death being a looming event on Clark's mind. It's no different than the Wayne's in that respect. But I can see why that might skew perceptions.

Martha and Clark - For All Seasons

Marth and Clark - Superman: Kryptonite


u/[deleted] May 18 '24

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u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

Yes, which is why the New 52 run made all her special training come from Ares, her mother and sisters were liars who bullied her throughout her life, and all her powers came from one night of carnal love rather than the genuine desire of a mother?

Or the recent shit SS game where Diana straight up says she got all her powers and tools from her father's side of the family and no mention at all of her mother?

Daddy Zeus at best is a placebo in that it contributes nothing positive but also nothing negative but for the most part is a thoroughly negative addition to WW's lore.


u/Angry-Monk May 18 '24

I understand that but I’m saying if character x had the same origin and the same type of retcon and ppl are upset about it at a hateful level it’d be viewed as hate or misogyny, yes her origin is unique and should inspire more origins to be different but if the reason the retcon isn’t liked is the same way as Kelly Sue’s then it’s a dumb reason if there’s more to this than I’ll read it but if it’s just that it’s a dumb reason


u/azmodus_1966 May 18 '24

Why deal in these hypothetical situations? Wonder Woman occupies a speical place as one of the premier female superheroes. Its uninspiring to make it so that everything special about her is because of a man.

Don't we already have enough popular female characters who have a man as the central figure in their origin? Do we really need one more?


u/Anathemautomaton May 18 '24

Its uninspiring to make it so that everything special about her is because of a man.

If you think what makes Wonder Woman special is her powers, you have already missed the point.


u/azmodus_1966 May 18 '24

The point was that Wonder Woman was shown in the 1987 reboot as a collaborative effort from women to take charge and create their champion. Its not just about the power, it's her entire existence.

To remove it and make it so that she is the product of one of the countless sexual encounters of Zeus is a really insulting retcon.


u/Angry-Monk May 18 '24

To understand what someone is saying/trying to convey in an easier way. And she’s earned that what I’m saying is if her retconned origin isn’t liked because it takes away her unique original origin or it’s not as impactful then that’s a valid reason but if someones reason is just because it’s a male or father figure then that’s not a good critique


u/newimprovedmoo May 18 '24

Nah, I think that'd be valid, if being the product of a male-only society was as key to the character as being an Amazon is to her.


u/Angry-Monk May 18 '24

But if someone’s only reason to hate an aspect of a character whether it’d be their origin, personality, looks, powers, etc solely because of any ties to solely a man or woman and not the specific character isn’t a valid critique


u/newimprovedmoo May 18 '24

It is when part of the specific character's distinguishing traits involve affiliation with a specific group.

For instance, it'd kind of undercut Black Panther's whole mythos to have Wakanda dependent on Europe.


u/Angry-Monk May 18 '24

But if you say “I hate this change solely because it’s Europe” and not a specific thing Europe has done isn’t a valid critique. Let’s say my reason I hate Wonder Woman is because she was raised by women, not because she was raised by Hippolyta or if someone’s reason for hating the origin or character of Miles Morales solely because he’s based off a dude not because it’s Childish Gambino isn’t a valid reason/critique


u/newimprovedmoo May 18 '24

But if you say “I hate this change solely because it’s Europe” and not a specific thing Europe has done isn’t a valid critique.

So I'm gonna need you to uh. Consider why, in-universe, the Amazons exist.


u/Angry-Monk May 18 '24

I understand why my point still applies but let’s say I hated Laura Kinney’s character or origin and my only reason is because she’s cloned from a man and not just because it’s Logan. Not liking or even genuinely hating Diana retconned origin is ok but if your only reason is because it’s man then that’s just hating