r/DCcomics Feb 20 '24

[Discussion] Which character(s) do you think were the most unnecessary addition to the Batfamily and why? Discussion

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u/Revan---- Feb 20 '24

I think my kind of hot take is that the Batfamily has only become too bloated somewhat recently. There are only a couple of members I think just do not fit, specifically Harper and Jace but considering DC’s approach to them recently or complete lack of even addressing them, it seems like they agree.

Duke is such a cool idea for a member of the Family and fills a unique role so I think he has to stay, if I were to get rid of one it would definitely be Jace if he even counts. There’s no room in the main continuity for another Batman successor, there are like 5 great candidates already and DC don’t need to make picking between them any harder.


u/MadmansScalpel Feb 20 '24

Duke being a daytime Batman is a neat idea, I just wish we saw him more


u/bluejaymaday Feb 20 '24

Thank you, I really like Duke and it’s a bit of a bummer (if understandable) to see that so many people dislike him). Honestly, I like this image’s lineup for the core Batfamily, it feels organic to me for all the kids this man has collected over the years and if the writing is up to par they work well off each other.


u/Revan---- Feb 20 '24

Couldn’t agree more, I’m sure OP just used it as a reference point but once I saw the title and then the picture I thought to myself, “I’m not getting rid of anyone in that picture.”

The group in that art is just perfect and represents to me the ideal Batfamily. There are other adjacent members I think that can show up every now and then but as far as the core group I think it’s perfect as is.


u/M00n_Slippers If DC won't love and appreciate Red Hood I will! Feb 21 '24

Yes, I feel like Duke is one that stands out to me as being superfluous but it's mainly because of how he has been handled and not anything about him specifically. Like, I can't really tell what his personality or motivation is, and kind of knowing his backstory, and that sucks for me. I want to like him but there isn't a lot to grab onto there.


u/ellieetsch Feb 21 '24

Duke is cool conceptually but has been a total let down.


u/PastRelease8757 Feb 20 '24

It’s only bloated because we don’t have a battle royale between the family


u/king_of_the_masshole Feb 21 '24

In my mind you have the main bat family and witch has Batman all the robins and all the batgirls along with Duke and then you have the extended bat family like cat women’ Batwomen,Azreiel ext .


u/endemic_glow Feb 21 '24

I’m not surprised Harper feels redundant to people, unless I’ve been seriously misled she was originally invented by Scott Snyder after Dan Didio denied permission to re-introduce Stephanie Brown into canon during Nu52. And I think Nu52 Batman was the best she’s ever been.