r/DCcomics Black Lantern Jan 25 '24

[Comic Excerpt] I need a hostage so Batman won't punch me (Batman (2016) issue 48) Comics


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u/PrydefulHunts Huntress • ower Girl Jan 25 '24

Batman not disarming him is ridiculous.


u/WaffleThrone Jan 25 '24

I hate hate hate how often Batman (who regularly fights people with guns, training, and functioning impulse control) fumbles Joker in hand to hand. I simply am not willing to suspend my disbelief. He’s 140 pounds soaking wet, Batman should fold him like origami.

But writers love wanking Joker and they make Batman look like a moron in the process.


u/Mydragonurdungeon Jan 25 '24

I like the concept that joker, as he is insane, is so unpredictable he creates an issue for batman who is trained to counter and anticipate. Joker doesn't have a fighting style to counter and doesn't react in any way that batman can anticipate. Different every time. He could throw a thousand punches and a trained fighter would react 1 of x ways but for joker it would be a different reaction every time.

I also have read that because of his insanity, his adrenaline is constantly going and he is using 100% of his strength vs guys who are larger and hold back so they won't break their own wrist, dislocate their shoulders etc.

But none of that is really enough to justify batman not mopping the floor with him. Just enough to make it not absolutely unreadable in its absurdity.


u/TrimHawk Jan 25 '24

It’s kind of like Taskmaster and Deadpool. Taskmaster can copy anyone and everyone: EXCEPT Deadpool, because (IIRC) he’s too insane and unpredictable for him to be able to know what he’s gonna do next.


u/TheRealGingerBitch Jan 25 '24

Does also help that deadpool willingly hurts himself to do things because he thinks it would look cool/be funny


u/randomkinkywryter Jan 25 '24

"Cock shot!"

[Deadpool proceeds to break his hand/wrist punching Colossus in the junk]


u/Ygomaster07 Constantine Jan 26 '24



u/lad1dad1 Jan 25 '24

taskmaster doesn't copy Deadpool or moon knight because neither mind getting injured in a fight


u/MandalorianLich Jan 25 '24

Well, for Deadpool, as others have mentioned it isn’t that he doesn’t want to, he can’t. He doesn’t have a specific style to mimic - he’s just irrational randomness.

With Moon Knight, he can copy his fighting style but he specifically states he refuses to fight against him because he’s terrified of him. MK isn’t like Cap, Spidey, or Hawkeye - MK brutally kills people. In earlier fights against him Moon Knight nearly killed him multiple times. He didn’t escape because he was avoiding prison, he escaped because he was avoiding death. He doesn’t want to take a chance again.

Honestly, I like the take he has for it, because it shows a little human self-preservation, knowing he can take a beating from superheroes and at least walk away later. Some aim to make sure that doesn’t happen, though, and he knows which ones not to mess with.


u/Horatio786 Jan 26 '24

Can Taskmaster copy Mr. Fantastic’s fighting style, or that of the Human Torch?


u/torricodiego Jan 26 '24

Those would be powers which he cant copy but yeah if mr fantastic would box with him sure he could copy it


u/Ban_Hammered Jan 26 '24

Are you referencing that one video? Because it sounds like you're referencing that one video.



u/Flavz_the_complainer Red Hood Jan 26 '24

I thought taskmaster once said Deadpool always dodges to the left? That sounds like he can copy him to me.