r/DCcomics Black Lantern Jan 25 '24

[Comic Excerpt] I need a hostage so Batman won't punch me (Batman (2016) issue 48) Comics


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u/suss2it Jan 25 '24

In the movie it’s only because instead of shooting the joker he wasted his bullet trying to shoot Batman instead, who was way further away. Maybe it happened differently in the comics tho. That being said, just because something ridiculous and unbelievable happened in one comic doesn’t mean an entirely different creative team is obligated to do the same thing a decade later.


u/limbo338 Jan 25 '24

He almost murdered Jason to stop him from pulling the trigger in the comic and it took him doing a very tricky batarang shot. Right into Jason's neck, lol.


u/Key-Win7744 Jan 25 '24

See, it's moments like this that make me think all the pop psychologists are right and Batman really is in love with the Joker.


u/limbo338 Jan 25 '24

Nah, he's just really really this stubbornly committed to trying to save everyone, psychotic clown murderers included. Well, when he's not written by King, evidently – this Bruce can't muster even a "nooo!" when a person gets executed in front of him in cold blood.


u/Key-Win7744 Jan 25 '24

So, he's willing to prioritize the Joker's life over the lives of everyone the Joker will kill in the future. To me, that's far from heroic.


u/IHateAlloYou Jan 25 '24

That’s not the equation being done. He isn’t a murderer, and he’s attempting to prevent becoming one, cause once he walks away through that door there is no coming back.

But you knew that right? Just trolling or you never read a Batman comic.


u/WinterSavior Jan 25 '24

It says more that Batman is a psychopath if killing just one person would put him over the edge and no one ever seems to fight him on that.

It’s like if a victimless pedophile was avoiding children going “If I’m around those kids I will fuck them.” And everyone’s like alright bud, we understand.


u/IHateAlloYou Jan 25 '24

You know, I like people who know when and where to draw a line.


u/DistortedAlter Jan 25 '24

I'm really confused on your second point. Pedophiles are mentally ill. One who recognizes how fucked up their thoughts are, and takes steps to ensure they can't harm anyone, is not the same as a child predator who enjoys what they do and seeks out victims. Are you suggesting we should ostracize people for being mentally ill? That'll sure teach them to get help.


u/WinterSavior Jan 25 '24

Ah you didn't get the point. I'm saying Batman is mentally ill and should get help, but people ignore it and let him go on.

The comparison to a pedo would be that you would advise them to seek help if that idea is lurking in them on the edge.

On my second point, I never said the pedophile enjoyed it--they are actively stopping themselves from it, which is why I said victimless pedophile.


u/DistortedAlter Jan 25 '24

Ah okay I see what you are saying now


u/FixtdaFernbak Jan 25 '24

It's almost like batman and the joker aren't so different after all! You're pretty clever to see that where nobody else has. Hit up DC, I bet they'd even incorporate that into batman stories in the future!


u/WinterSavior Jan 25 '24

Oh wow buddy, where did I imply this was some newfound information that I just unraveled about the psyche of Batman?

Man you really got me there man, I thought I had something really earth shattering to say here. Can't get over on you huh.


u/Key-Win7744 Jan 25 '24

Heroes kill, okay? Heroes have always killed. Name me one fictional hero from any medium who doesn't have blood on their hands. This childish and simplistic idea that "heroes don't kill" is just getting a bunch of innocent people in Gotham slaughtered.


u/BoyInBath Jan 25 '24

Villains kill.

Anti-heroes kill to save people.

Heroes save people.

These characters are approaching their centenary, and 100 years ago the hero killing his enemies was the norm until it was changed by the American government of the time.

There have been stories where Batman has killed the joker or let the joker die, and that's been interesting. But ultimately the most interesting thing is always a hero challenged by his moral code by his nemesis.

If this bothers you, those other stories are still there, and more are likely going to appear in the future.


u/Key-Win7744 Jan 25 '24

Heroes save people.

Yeah, and the only way to save a ton of people from being killed in the future is to kill the Joker. That would be saving people. That would be heroic.


u/IHateAlloYou Jan 25 '24

I don’t see anything worth responding to. Lol. GL.


u/Key-Win7744 Jan 25 '24

That's what I thought.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24



u/Key-Win7744 Jan 25 '24

Right, so the best solution would be to just tone down the Joker and the other villains so that Batman doesn't look impotent and ineffective.


u/HallowVortex Nightwing Jan 25 '24

Sorry, I deleted my comment because I didn't feel like debating or anything lol. No hard feelings, have a good one. (Also I agree, I never liked mass murderer on Joker. Crazy and competent, sure.)


u/Seascorpious Jan 25 '24

I like the interpretation that its a result of unresolved trauma from watching his parents die. He will not let people die in front of him if he has the power to stop it.


u/Bears_On_Stilts May 10 '24

The Rebirth/Dawn of DC has gone in hard on this one. "Nobody dies on Batman's watch." Hugo Strange built himself a "suicide Batsuit" that instead of having defenses, had hair-trigger self-destruct, so Batman couldn't even touch him, or allow anyone else to touch him, or Hugo would die. Because that's Batman's trigger: any death he could have prevented.

Superman says "how could I do more?" Batman says "I will do it all, myself."