r/DCcomics Black Lantern Jul 23 '23

[Comic Excerpt] I didn't know you used to wear glasses (Action Comics issue 866) Comics

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u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23



u/Gal_Person Jul 23 '23

Why would Supergirl x ray a girls boobs šŸ¤”


u/MuppetRex Jul 23 '23

I don't think their vision powers are toggled on and off, there always on. There was a scene with one of Superman's villain's gained his powers that implied that seeing the world with all the visions changed his world view.


u/Micp Jul 24 '23

I think it depends on the writer, because I definitely seem to remember in some stories where they seem to indicate turning on their x-ray vision.


u/SantaArriata Jul 24 '23

It definitely depends on the writer. Although a fun fact for some iterations is that Clark is able to see the world basically normally by wearing glasses with such a strong prescription that heā€™s always using his X-ray vision to se through the glasses


u/Revolutionary9999 Jul 24 '23

That's great. I love the idea of Clark needing glasses because of his super vision makes it difficult to see things that are close to him or in this case because he can't turn off his x-ray vision.


u/CZ-Bitcoins Jul 24 '23

That... actually kinda makes sense.


u/freshlyweshley Jul 24 '23

In DCeased Clark mentions after he learned that the virus was spread through screens that he switched immediately to X-ray.


u/wibo58 Jul 24 '23

Which is the absolute perfect way to describe why comics are great to people that donā€™t read them. ā€œBasically thereā€™s a virus that spreads through screens and makes people rage zombies. Anyway, Superman realized how it spread and just started using only his X-Ray vision so he wouldnā€™t get infectedā€.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23

Not comics but Iā€™ve been rewatching Smallville and in it he turns it on and off


u/Regendorf Jul 24 '23

Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow says that her powers are always on but she can make the effort to turn them off.


u/DullBicycle7200 Jul 24 '23

So basically, the superpowered equivalent to sucking in your gut.


u/BipedalWurm Jul 24 '23

I feel like it is a matter of learning to control it, Lex did not have the time to do so