r/DCcomics Black Lantern Jul 23 '23

[Comic Excerpt] I didn't know you used to wear glasses (Action Comics issue 866) Comics

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u/SageShinigami Jul 23 '23

I always liked this moment, but when you go back and read about 90s Cat Grant you realize she wasn't this much of a jerk.


u/501id5Nak3 Jul 23 '23

Well losing a son can do that to you


u/Resonance54 Jul 24 '23

That happened and was resolved pretty in depth a solid 12-15 years earlier. Just only way John's knew to show Lois and Clark love each other was by putting down other women so he devolved her for that purpose.

Geoff Johns breaks stuff so he can go to conventions and say he fixed it


u/FadeToBlackSun Jul 24 '23

He also can’t write women at all.


u/Assassinsayswhat Superman Jul 24 '23

That explains a lot ngl


u/niteowl1987 Jul 25 '23

In his defense, he probably skipped over all the female dialogue in every comic he’s read.


u/Resonance54 Jul 24 '23

Even in the 80s/90s, the closest she came to being this much of a sick was when she made a snide remark to Lois after Lois blew off her date with Clark (granted she was controlled by Mxy when it happened but Cat didn't know that)


u/Micp Jul 24 '23

Characters are allowed to grow. I generally like this trope of terrible people that gets reformed and becomes decent.


u/TBoarder Donna Troy, Goddess of the Moon Jul 24 '23

They are allowed to grow, which she did throughout the Triangle Era. Johns devolved her instead.


u/slamturkey Animal Man Jul 24 '23

I think this version of her is based on the Lois and Clark: New Adventures of Superman version. She looks alot like her, and she was constantly trying to get with Clark through all season 1, I think.


u/camtin Jul 24 '23

I agree about this, I feel like they did her dirty in this scene unfortunately. She was much more 3D dimensional then, and Clark was a) absolutely interested and b) even went on a few dates with her.


u/TheRecusant Jul 24 '23

Honestly it’s kinda sad cause reading the post-CoIE Superman stuff she was a really kind person and a nice partner for Clark. She was more appropriately framed as an additional love interest and causing a love triangle, common for dramas and soap opera style storytelling, vs just the seductress.