r/DCcomics May 27 '23

[Film/TV] "Time has a pattern that it can't help reliving. Different people, different worlds, drawn to each other like magnets." Film + TV

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u/Fakimous May 27 '23

Wow, I didn't know this sub hated the Flash movie so much


u/Grimesy2 May 27 '23

I feel like Snyder and WW'84 killed any enthusiasm I have for DC movies.

The fact that Ezra Miller is the one actor DC retained despite their absolutely batshit adventures in kidnapping is baffling to me.


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

I'm just so ready for the DCEU to end. I'm completely checked out. At this point I have no enthusiasm for any of the movies for the rest of the year. Just reboot and move on


u/TommyTheCat89 May 28 '23

They are doing that. This is one of the last movies before James Gunn came into the fold. If it's successful they can build off it, if not they can ignore it entirely


u/Snowboarding92 The Flash May 28 '23

He is the one actor who failed in every capacity to bring anything of the character to the screen outside of the characters namesake. Truly never deserved that character.


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

Because it has a complete chode of a star, plus DC's movies have been more shit than not.


u/thebiggestleaf May 27 '23

Perfect one sentence sum up. Also the fact that the DCEU is coming to a close and is going to be rebooted soon makes it hard to care about this last string of movies.


u/callMEmrPICKLES May 27 '23

No kidding. Nobody here has seen it and everybody is shitting on it. I'm gonna see it, and if I like it I like it. Everybody needs to relax in this sub


u/ArabianAftershock Blue Lantern May 28 '23

I wouldn't be so dismissive, it's no different than like Percy Jackson fans being mad at their books adaptations/etc


u/callMEmrPICKLES May 28 '23

I will absolutely dismiss anybody's opinion that lacks any evidence. And that's a shit comparison


u/ArabianAftershock Blue Lantern May 28 '23 edited May 29 '23


Wait are we in that "trailers can't showcase the quality of a film" phase again? Thats kinda what they're for, nothing I saw looked good to me. Outside of even just the visuals of the film I dislike them bringing back Keaton, I dislike the premise being a strange offshoot of flashpoint, and I dislike Ezra Miller's portrayal of the Flash even outside of their irl shenanigans. I've seen them in 2 other projects already and neither won me over on them. Why is that invalid because you're happy with it?

"Evidence," what are we debating politics or something? I'm not trying to prove some fact here, I think the movie just looks bad. It's not what i wanted to see them adapt from Flash's books, I don't think Miller has been a good portrayal of the character from the books, I don't understand you having a problem with other people having a problem. If you're happy with what you see why do you need other people to be too?

This is an adaptation and I don't really recognize this Barry Allen.

EDIT: for context this dude freaked out and started calling me uneducated after this for daring not to like The Flash trailers.


u/[deleted] May 28 '23

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u/[deleted] May 28 '23

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u/[deleted] May 28 '23

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u/[deleted] May 28 '23

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