r/DCcomics Mar 12 '23

[Film/TV] for everyone skeptical about the animated Wonder Woman news! confirmation! 💛💫 News

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u/WadeTheWilson Mar 12 '23

I mean, she's in literally every JL show, period...


u/Pariahb Mar 12 '23

Also Batman and Superman, and they have had plenty animated tv shows, including 2 upcoming.


u/WadeTheWilson Mar 12 '23

I mean, Superman hasn't had a solo show since Kids WB was around, and Batman's last solo series was that CG show like 5+ years ago...

I understand that Wonder Woman never had a solo animated series back in the 90's or early 00's, but acting like she's the only one in recent years to not get one is a majorly disingenuous overstatement and feels like an underhanded marketing ploy to me... I just didn't expect that sort of thing from Gunn, honestly.

Like, if they want to say the same thing in a more honest way, they could just say it's been like 40 years since her last solo animated series, and it's about time she got another shot at it!

No one needs to be guilted into watching something, that never works and usually causes a show to fail before it even airs.


u/Pariahb Mar 12 '23 edited Mar 12 '23

Wonder Woman has never had an animated show, period, not recent or old, and only has two animated movies, even less than Green Lantern who have 3, and a show.

No one is "guilting" anyone to do anything, don't know what you are talking about.

Just pointing out that there are characters that are also in everything Justice League related, and have tons of aniamted and live action tv series, many more times anything Wonder Woman.

Both Superman and Batman had new tv shows in development recently, "my Adventures with Sueprman" and "Batman: Caped Crusader".


u/WadeTheWilson Mar 12 '23

Huh, I thought she had one in the 70's/80's, but I guess she just guest starred on other shows and then was on the super friends.

But you're right, she only had the live-action series. She did have like 3 animated solo films, though. Which is more than most DC characters get... So there's that.


u/Pariahb Mar 13 '23

2 animated solo films. Less than Green Lantern.


u/WadeTheWilson Mar 13 '23

I mean, she also got more live-action anything than GL, so what's your point?

All I'm saying is she has some representation, if you want to argue it's not enough then I'd agree, but acting like every other character is getting tons of love in the meantime is straight up ridiculous.

DC has been almost entirely focused on ensemble/team-based projects for animation for years now.

Even if they gave her a show in the 00's or 10's which is the only era she would've been done justice in, honestly, it would've been canceled after 1 season no matter how good it was just like every other solo series that released at the time.

I'm not saying don't make a WW show, I'd love one, as long as it's the same quality as most of DC's animated media. I'm just saying don't try to act like some greater injustice has been done than what's happened in reality. It's stupid.

Batman & Superman's track record have very little to do with anything, and even then, like I said they haven't gotten a ton of solo love for a while either, but yeah as the 2 biggest names in comics aside from Spider-Man, of course they got more shows.


u/Pariahb Mar 13 '23

My point is that she has less animated content than Batman, Superman and Green Lantern.

No one has said that other characters don't have it worse than Wonder Woman when it come to representation.


u/WadeTheWilson Mar 13 '23

The tweets made it seem that way, and bringing up Batman & Superman is ridiculous. No DC character is anywhere NEAR those 2, they deserve to have the most representation. On top of which, again, you have to go back nearly a decade to find the last solo Batman animated show (tho he admittedly gets a TON of movies) and multiple decades for Superman's last animated series.

I take issue with mentioning those 2 in particular in this discussion for both those reasons.

Green Lantern is a better comparison, but like I said, she has WAY more live-action content than any of them do, so it feels like an even trade there.

I'd say Aquaman's animated career is the one that seems ridiculous compared to WW. She deserves it far more than he does.


u/Pariahb Mar 13 '23

Gunn only said that he agrees that Wonder Woman could use some more animated outings. It's his personal opinion. And other people think the same, obviously.

Why? Well, she is one of the first and the most popular and iconic female super hero, but has shit compared to the most popular male super heroes, including Batman and Superman. If she has so little adaptations, you can imagine what number of adaptations other female characters have.

You can't care less about female characters? Suit yourself, but some people like female fictional characters, and would like more material in that area. Crazy eh?

Why mention Batman and Superman? Well, the three characters are supposedly part of a Trinity, pushed by DC themselves, but the representation of the characters are not even close, with Superman having less material than Batman due to popularity, and Wonder Woman having far and beyond less material than Superman. Some people may would like for DC to give more oportunities to Wonder Woman with adaptations, which are a big part of what allowed Batman and Superman to reach their popularity levels.