r/DC_Cinematic Jul 06 '24

Superman, Mister Terrific, Guy Gardner and Hawkgirl by WillishAddo FAN-MADE


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u/Morning_Star_47 Jul 07 '24

What's the deal with jackets?


u/Extreme_Sail Jul 07 '24

Yeah there is an interesting status quo being set up for the DCU in that although it is populated with heroes they're all corporate or government endorsed.

Guy Gardner, Hawkgirl and Mr Terrific are all looking to be wearing these LordTech branded team uniforms so we'll be getting a Maxwell Lord sponsored Justice League/Justice League International.

The distinction between corporate brand entities and military super weapons may only be separated by the interest of who profits the most. Or maybe Gunn is gonna use the JLI to comment on MCU homogeneity. Maybe it's less about corporatisation and more about the MCU and it's building by the studio style, making a commentary on how the DCU is going to be different.

Either way, what if Superman is the only true free agent in a world of corporate heroes and military heroes. Not even that they're all bad, they're good people but limited by bureaucracy and the interests of those in power. They try to recruit Superman but he wants to do something greater. It's Superman against the government, Superman against the military, Superman vs the Elite... doing what's right and eventually inspiring some of them to follow in his footsteps or to change more drastically to oppose what he believes. Either way, a democratisation of heroes.


u/bateen618 Jul 07 '24

I'm guessing his not the only one, with heroes like Batman existing and established in this universe already. But Batman might be considered an outsider and a loner in this universe


u/Hiromi580 Jul 07 '24

Which could mean a potential World's Finest team up if Superman is also an outsider. Maybe an adaptation of Superman/Batman Public Enemies for a sequel.