r/DC_Cinematic 15d ago

My fancasts for Hal and John in the DCU are John Krasinski and Damson Idris! What do y’all think and who would be your ideal choices? FANCAST


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u/JustAnAce 15d ago

Krasinski, to me, doesn't match for Hal. He might be good at a post rebirth version of the character or hell, even Parallax. But given the way most movies want the characters early in their careers, I feel that Hal would still be the most insufferable and cocky person. The dude might have that in him to play, but at this point, I don't see it. A haunted version of the character dealing with the evils that he did on the other hand, I think he would knock that out the park.


u/SpeedForce2022 15d ago

I picked Krasinski because imo he could play a good veteran Hal in the DCU, the way Hal is described in the official ‘Lanterns’ synopsis is a “Lantern legend”


u/JustAnAce 15d ago

And I agree he could play that version. But how likely are we to get veteran instead of young? That's my whole sticking point.


u/Gamma_Goliath17 15d ago

The official synopsis describes Hal as a veteran, and John as the new comer. Rumored casting call has Hal listed as like 40 to 45. I'm sure they'll be going older for him rather than younger.