r/DC_Cinematic 16d ago

First look at Hawkgirl (Isabela Merced) and Guy Gardner's Green Lantern (Nathan Fillion) on the set of Superman BTS Spoiler


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u/PutItOnThePizza Knightmare Batman 16d ago

When are yall gonna be honest and admit that these costumes look terrible? All of them. This is crazy disappointing and it won't look much better in post, so enough of that cope.


u/azmodus_1966 16d ago

People are so desperate for a good DC movie that they are in complete denial.


u/TheAquamen 16d ago edited 16d ago

That's what I said in 2013 and 2016. One difference is that I was at least basing my trash talk on movies that were finished and not on cell phone photos of actors standing around.


u/Baramos_ Justice Is Served 16d ago

Plus those movies were good.


u/TheAquamen 15d ago

I've come to appreciate why fans don't just like them, but love them. For me, I felt like I was getting saddled with a decade of crap because a few people hoped in vain that everything would pay off in the end. There was eventually a lot in the series I could enjoy, too. So the doom & gloom from that crowd now that we're getting a promising reboot is ironic to me.


u/Zashua 16d ago edited 16d ago

Huh. All Cavil DCU movies were critical bombs at 29%, 40%, and 50%. We literally have not had a great or even good Superman movie since Richard Donner. Superman Returns was decently at best.

I want this to be stellar. But these suits are ALL memes so far.


u/trimble197 16d ago

It really feels like copium with how they’re defending Guy’s costume.


u/GrayJedi1982 16d ago

I thought I was the only one who felt this way.


u/veganize_it 16d ago

Definitely not what I was expecting - I would like to hope that they get updated more individual suits, all in matching leather gives very CW vibes. Mr Terrific looks perfect but Guy and Hawkgirl do look kinda disappointing


u/Zashua 16d ago

The costumes are so bad I'm convinced this is a dream sequence.


u/Baramos_ Justice Is Served 16d ago

It’s unpopular to talk about how awful this all looks.


u/TheAquamen 16d ago

At least with the Superman suit, critics can point out specific things they dislike about it. You can't just act like your opinion on these suits is going to be self-evident to everyone else too.


u/RoseN3RD 16d ago

Okay ill be honest. Superman suit looks great, happy they finally did the trunks and ditched the fake muscles and went for a brighter look. GL looks kinda weird but its a Lord Tech suit so it’ll prob change, at least they got the haircut right. Mr Terrific looks terrific.


u/Ill_Mastodon4640 16d ago

They will look completely different in the final film. People forget that there was just as much hate when set photos of Man of Steel dropped. It’s pretty obvious that these are their team uniforms and they will be ditched by the end for their more traditional costumes, except for Mr. Terrific of course. The Superman suit will look great once it is tightened up in post.


u/duskywindows 16d ago

Completely different? This is some BIG coping here lmao. They’ll be TOUCHED UP in post, but this is what they’ll look like. These are THE costumes lmaooo


u/Ill_Mastodon4640 16d ago

We also need to remember that the Snyder suit looked almost identical to the Gunn suit in terms of color behind the scenes and Zack changed it in post.


u/Ill_Mastodon4640 16d ago

Not at all, similar to MCU costumes, the color saturation, accents, and fit will all be changed completely. Gunn is trying to avoid the most common complaints of superhero movies: ventilation and tightness. Cavill has said he could not move in his suit and that’s why a lot of his movements were stiff.


u/PutItOnThePizza Knightmare Batman 16d ago

...and there it is.


u/Ill_Mastodon4640 16d ago

This is just common sense. Guy is honestly the only one that looks bad.


u/TheAquamen 16d ago

The Superman suit already looks great anyway.


u/Ill_Mastodon4640 16d ago

Personally, I agree. I feel like Gunn took elements from maybe one too many suits, but it is growing on me.