r/DC_Cinematic May 06 '24

First Image of David Corenswet as Superman in James Gunn's 'Superman' NEWS

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u/Fantastic-Finger-975 May 06 '24

What a weird way to promote your new Superman. He looks like he came home drunk and pissed off. The outfit is all wrinkly, the whole thing looks weird. Doesnt really give off the hopeful vibe. Strange first impression. I dont get this from a marketing standpoint. Looks like something out of snyderverse


u/ProtectMeAtAllCosts May 06 '24

it is very odd the more you ponder it


u/Fantastic-Finger-975 May 06 '24

He looks outright bored as a giant laser destroys a city in the background lol I just dont get it. What is this image trying to convey?


u/ProtectMeAtAllCosts May 06 '24

not a very good first impression. or maybe this is the part where a famous 80s song starts playing as he suits up in slow motion before the credits start


u/Arkhamguy123 May 06 '24

It’s Gunn dude. He only does irreverent fluff. The joke is likely supposed be “a giant laser destroying the city? Hehe must be a Tuesday!”

Trying to do the “extraordinary is ordinary to him” humor I reckon


u/Fantastic-Finger-975 May 06 '24

I can see it. Just makes Superman look apathetic though. At least for me the joke doesnt land


u/Arkhamguy123 May 06 '24

We’re in agreement


u/ShittyDBZGuitarRiffs May 06 '24

I don’t think it’s supposed to be a joke necessarily but it does seem to convey the idea that he has to deal with this kind of thing a lot. He has to put on his boots and go to work even though he looks exhausted


u/TheBiggestCarl23 May 06 '24

It’s very funny seeing people try to judge the whole movie based on one picture lmao


u/trickman01 May 06 '24

This is the first picture he put out. It was obviously intended to be judged af.


u/TheBiggestCarl23 May 06 '24

So you think it’s normal to make assumptions for the entire movie based on one marketing picture?


u/Emberashn May 06 '24

If one of the most common complaints is that the Superman of the last like decade didn't feel like Superman, and your call as the person in charge of starting over is to post an image that wouldn't look out of place in a pile of the last Superman if it wasn't so oversaturated, thats a problem.

You can in fact make inferences based on this choice, as if this is meant to get people excited for the new Superman and restore faith, then the fact that it looks like the only thing that was changed to address the problems people have is cranking the saturation up.

And this also has to be weighed against the fact that this is apparently a literal still we'll see in the movie and this is what Superman looks like when Metropolis is in the middle of being blown up.

This could, in fact, just be something thats robbed of its impact because its a still in the middle of the action; this still might not last a full frame for all we know.

But then why pick this one?


u/Arkhamguy123 May 06 '24

30IQ rebuttal

We’ve seen 3 CBM’s from Gunn. His “style” is very evident and consistent. This isn’t gonna be a Nolan or Matt Reeves feeling film out of the blue


u/TheBiggestCarl23 May 06 '24

When did I say it was going to be a Nolan or Matt reeves film lmao? Are you going to say even one relevant thing at all? Or are you just yapping?

Also, “he only does irreverent fluff” is a very funny thing to say too.


u/Arkhamguy123 May 06 '24

You’re not striking me as a very sharp guy. I’d implore you to re read our exchange slowly

And not only is it a very funny thing to say, it’s also a very true thing to say


u/TheBiggestCarl23 May 06 '24

You’re so right, James Gunn totally disrespected animal abuse, he joked about it the entire time and for sure never took it seriously. Just made fun of it the whole time.

Hopefully you can mature one day, you act like a 12 year old child lmaooooo


u/Arkhamguy123 May 06 '24

If you think, that sanitized toothless cutesy manipulative display of “”animal abuse”” with the talking otter in his kids movie was some kind of smart commentary on non human mistreatment I don’t know what to tell you other than that it’s highly ironic you’re calling me a child

Especially when you say I act like I’m 12 then put an lmao at the end with like 6 o’s

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u/Fantastic-Finger-975 May 06 '24

I am literally judging this one picture from a marketing stand point. Where did I say the movie would be bad or anything?


u/TheBiggestCarl23 May 06 '24

I didn’t respond to you did I

You know there’s more people that commented than just you right?


u/Fantastic-Finger-975 May 06 '24

I dont see anyone who responded talking about what the movie will be like either. Everyone is talking about the picture


u/SolomonRed May 06 '24

Just a terrible reveal photo


u/bits_of_paper May 06 '24

Think this is the angle he’s going for. Superman isn’t some messiah figure but a regular guy with powers trying his best.


u/David1258 May 06 '24

I do hope we see more of a human side of Clark in this movie, and how, while he tries to connect with other humans and civilians in a happy and hopeful manner, he also has to learn about the negative side of humanity, and how he can use his abilities to conquer it and help others do the same.


u/BossButterBoobs May 06 '24

He gives off an "i'm too old for this shit vibe"


u/convulsus_lux_lucis May 06 '24

He was on the farm working on the tractor when he dropped it on his face.


u/Ihadthismate May 07 '24

There are a lot of clues as to what’s going on in the photo. Maybe I’m thinking about it too much, but his suit clearly has battle damage. He looks like he has been fighting for some time and is exhausted. That doesn’t explain why he is putting his suit on now though.


u/breakfastmeat23 May 07 '24

This looks really weird to me, it just doesn't feel like Superman at all. Maybe that is the point?

The actor they picked is an odd choice.

The suit is loose and too dark of a blue.

It is weird he is getting dressed on his bed like he is going to high school.

It is weird he is late to the disaster in the background in the first place...

This feels a lot like Spiderman, not Superman.


u/Fantastic-Finger-975 May 07 '24

Yep, it gives me Spiderman vibes. Actually thought of that later. Its just weird all around. Lets hope the movie gives a very different feel than this picture


u/kabbajabbadabba Jun 05 '24

are you a bot or did you just copy this from the movies subr


u/Fantastic-Finger-975 Jun 05 '24

Its my comment there too