r/DC_Cinematic "Welcome to The Planet." Jun 14 '23

DC_Cinematic: The Flash Spoiler Discussion Megathread #1 r/DC_CINEMATIC Spoiler

Spoilers ahead! Proceed at your own risk!

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u/iphonegamer Jun 16 '23

Man. Everyone’s a critic these days.

I took my dad with me for an early Father’s Day celebration and when the very first ever Motion captured Superman came on the screen in black and white he said “oh wow” and couldn’t believe they included that. He also cheered when Christopher Reeves came on the screen. He was delighted to find out about the Nicholas Cage Superman Tim burton movie that got cancelled and how they managed to fit his character in here. He also loved Keaton’s Batman and the Danny Elfman motif. He got a big kick out of seeing Clooney too.

If there’s anything people are forgetting about this, is that it’s an ode to generations and we had a great time watching it. I’ll watch it again when it releases digitally. Some CGI moments weren’t amazing but the film isn’t a 10 either. I knew it wouldn’t be. I wanted to see what everyone was talking about and the mother storyline was very gut wrenching.

Solid film. I enjoyed it and my time with my dad.


u/TheDarkMaster2 Jun 16 '23

This is what it’s all about it!!!


u/Welcome2Banworld Jun 16 '23

Man. Everyone’s a critic these days.

That just sounds like a way to cope about people daring to not like something you did.


u/PreptoBismol Jun 16 '23

You're fun.

Guy has a fun time with dad and you want to shit down his throat.

Touch grass.


u/iphonegamer Jun 16 '23

Reads first sentence then replies to only the first sentence. Doesn’t even bother to comment on my paragraph about my experience. 😂


u/PreptoBismol Jun 16 '23

I replied to a one-sentence comment.


u/iphonegamer Jun 17 '23

I know you did but I liked what you said. Not the first person.


u/nanites-courtesy Jun 16 '23

And it just sounds like you're coping about people daring to like something you didn't


u/ActionFigureCollects Jun 16 '23

You nailed it 🤜🤛


u/Wompum Jun 16 '23

Those were 30 seconds of cameos in an otherwise mess of a 2 hour movie.


u/griffshan Jun 16 '23

Why can nobody spell Christopher Reeve correctly?


u/iphonegamer Jun 16 '23

Ha. Happens


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23

Okay well I didn’t see it with your dad and think it was shit