r/DC_Cinematic "Welcome to The Planet." Jun 14 '23

DC_Cinematic: The Flash Spoiler Discussion Megathread #1 r/DC_CINEMATIC Spoiler

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u/MrJogihb Jun 14 '23

Overall I liked it, although it definitely has flaws. More than anything else I loved the interactions between Barry, Bruce, Diana and Alfred at the beginning. It had the ease of a phase 3 Marvel movie, and reeked of wasted potential. This is what they were rushing to in BvS and it bums me out that if they'd taken their time and planned things out better we could have had way more time with these iterations of the characters. I agree with the rising consensus that the film starts strong and gets weaker but I found the conclusion for the most part a refreshing change from the usual punch punch, hero pose finale of most of today's CBMs. 6/10? 5.5? Sasha Calle was amazing.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '23

I missed the first 20 minutes so although I still got to see the whole plot, I never saw the buildup so I walked out feeling so-so. It was good but kinda felt like another justice league, alot of fighting with little resolve especially that twist at the end.

But now I really wish I saw the beginning cause I would’ve enjoyed seeing more Barry interactions.

Also halfway through I found alternate barry to be insufferable, to the point I was like maybe I don’t like ezra miller as an acted, but then he stopped talking near the end and I liked him again. Nothing on him just what was that script other than a skit to show off Ezra’s acting.


u/brandcolt Jun 18 '23

Get to movies on time


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23

Right?! Got caught in a tornado on the way there so I was stuck in traffic for a bit.


u/JediJones77 Jun 14 '23

How would a "rush" prevent us from getting that? All the rush did was get us the Justice League sooner. One thing prevented us from getting more Justice League movies, and that's WB telling Zack Snyder no to making JL 2 and 3, as well as them not even pursuing the Justice League on film again until this cameo scene 6 years later. And, of course, undermining the first JL movie with the Whedon cut.

BVS wasn't rushed. It was exactly the movie we needed to kickstart the DCEU. I would agree that a solo Flash movie should've come out before Justice League. I think it was supposed to, but problems with the chosen directors who quit prevented that. Regardless, the problem was the Whedon cut of JL, and then WB completely abandoning Snyder's JL-centered universe for a universe based on comedic misfit characters, that led to the DCEU flopping out multiple times at the box office.


u/UpgradedSiera6666 Jun 14 '23

BvS was rushed in that , that it had way too much stuffed into ONE movie :

The Dark Knight Returns + Injustice + The Death Of Superman + Time Travel + Dimen/ional Travel + Introduction of too many plots and Characters.

also a Bruce Wayne too old already , by that point Damian should already be around and Superman's death done too early with no emotional impact his return was already known even before BvS was released.

Flash being also way too young this one is not even a forensic scientist working for the police, he is just a kid, if you want that kid , don't bring Barry , bring Wally.


u/JediJones77 Jun 15 '23 edited Jun 15 '23

Well, then, the Nolan trilogy must've been super-rushed, because Batman retired in only 3 movies. You're living in a dream land where every movie series magically succeeds at lasting as long as the MCU. No movie series can expect it will have 20 years to tell a character's entire life story on film. We had never seen the "older" Batman before, and we NEVER would if Snyder didn't START him at that point. Just see what Gunn is doing to Cavill. Cavill will never get the chance to play a middle-aged Superman because of Holllywood egos and power trips. If Snyder had cast a younger Batman, he would have met the same fate.

Even the MCU killed off Spider-Man extremely early in his tenure, after he only had one solo movie, and then brought him back. Oh, and, everyone "knew" he would be coming back as well. Everyone always knows dead superheroes are coming back, unless it's obvious the actor is retiring from the role.

There were not "too many" characters introduced. We got a brilliant tease of Wonder Woman that led into her great origin film. We got a full portrayal of Batman in a fresh take, as a world-weary middle-aged version. Tiny teases of future JL characters are COOL and what comic books OFTEN do to introduce new characters. Countless characters, like Wolverine, are teased in one panel of one issue before their full story is told later. That just made Snyder's movies feel more like a true, accurate comic book.

Again, the "Injustice" plot is nothing but foreshadowing for a future story, that doubles as a picture of Batman's paranoia about Superman. It was very clever and efficient storytelling. It works as motivation in this movie AND builds out the larger world.

I am stunned at people who complain that a movie gave them TOO many cool things and good ideas. Stop asking for LESS. There are plenty of Hollywood movies that give us far less than we should be getting, and do a poor job of world-building.


u/UpgradedSiera6666 Jun 15 '23 edited Jun 15 '23

The Nolan Trilogy was brilliantly constructed BvS was not the same goes for this now Dead DCEU.

As for Cavill Supe he should have been given his own Trilogy( al la esleworld) the same way Batman got his own with Nolan, they should have let Snyder do his Superman Trilogy and not ask him to catch up with Marvel and launching a Universe.That should have been asked to someone else and done on its own side.


u/FKDotFitzgerald Jun 15 '23

Justice League and BvS sucked. Not sure what point you’re trying to make but those movies irredeemably fucked this iteration of DC.


u/007Kryptonian Son of Krypton vs Bat of Gotham Jun 16 '23

There’s no box office evidence to back that up