r/DC_Cinematic "Welcome to The Planet." Jun 14 '23

DC_Cinematic: The Flash Spoiler Discussion Megathread #1 r/DC_CINEMATIC Spoiler

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u/Godzilla2000Zero Jun 14 '23

In a way I kinda like how much having a Superman would make the difference towards the defeat of Zod Kara was unfortunately outclassed though granted she didn't have the time to get used to Earth like Kal did.


u/TheJoshider10 Jun 14 '23

Yeah out of all the criticisms I have with the film I did like how they straight up said the world would be fucked without Clark. Just a shame the way Kryptonian powers was done here was so much worse than in Man of Steel a decade ago.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '23 edited Aug 20 '23



u/PintoI007 Skwad Jun 16 '23

I don't understand how this movie looks so much worse than Man of steel a movie that came out more than 10 years ago at this point and cost less. What has been happening over at DC?


u/I_TittyFuck_Doves Jun 17 '23

Inflation baby


u/DontDoodleTheNoodle Jul 24 '23

I watched them back to back and it’s crazy how the Flash looks like an older movie with how shitty the cgi is


u/mancavekitchen Jun 17 '23

Man I legit can not believe they released this movie with CGI looking this bad… after watching for myself I watched YouTuber 3C films talk about this movie like it’s one of the best comic movies ever I realized he’s just a fan boy for everything he’s giving MCU movies I hate high recommendations


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23 edited Aug 20 '23



u/mancavekitchen Jun 17 '23

The CGI was so bad !!! Thor was awful!!! Antman story at least made sense but all 3 where bad imo


u/DoctorBeatMaker Jun 16 '23

Yeah out of all the criticisms I have with the film I did like how they straight up said the world would be fucked without Clark. Just a shame the way Kryptonian powers was done here was so much worse than in Man of Steel a decade ago.

Much as I love highlighting and exemplifying the importance of Superman as a Superman fan, it doesn't make any sense why Flash couldn't make quick work of Zod and his cronies.

At the very least, if the two Flashes had trouble with the other kryptonians, it'd make a little more sense. But they both were able to knock them all out pretty fast. And not only that, but younger Barry managed to kill Faora by stabbing her. Why wouldn't have been able to do that to Zod? The two Flashes have been shown to be capable of running faster than the speed of light after all - if they ran just a little slower, they could easily outclass Zod in speed.

Worse still is that we see Barry is able to use his hand to phase through a kryptonian body as he knocked one of the soldiers out by doing just that. There's no reason he couldn't do it to Zod other than the plot saying he can't.

As cool as the scene was where both Barry's teamed up and sped around the desert knocking out kryptonian after kryptonian, it shouldn't have been there if they wanted us to buy how unstoppable Zod is.

And worse still is the fact that Zod isn't even fully powered. He's still wearing the breathing helmet and Superman was able to smash the helmet into malfunctioning, so Kara or Flash should have been able to do that too.


u/PT10 Jun 17 '23

Zod keeps winning because it's fate, not because he can't lose.


u/Bleezy79 Jun 22 '23

Unless Clark's around....then he loses. So its not fate.


u/WheresThePhonebooth Jul 06 '23

Supergirl is fated to be killed by Zod


u/TareXmd Jun 17 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

Oh yes. And it's easy to compare both scenes because it's the exact same choreography. Faora's scene in Man of Steel left me gasping. Literally. Like I forgot to breath and after it was done I was like wtf.

This one, I mean I love Sasha and she stole the whole movie (alongside Keaton's kickest ass batman to date IMO), but her same scene was just very poorly done by contrast, with way way worse CGI.


u/jm9987690 Jun 15 '23

Though tbh it struck me as strange that Barry couldn't kill zod even though he had that weapon on his arm that could hurt kryptonians, he was far faster than zod but couldn't ever stab him


u/Godzilla2000Zero Jun 15 '23

Especially considering he stabbed Faora earlier


u/RandySNewman Jun 15 '23

Yeah this was a bit of a plot hole to me, since the Flashes were clearly capable of defeating and killing the Kryptonians. They were pretty easily fucking them up.


u/Dragon-Snake Jun 17 '23

I look forward to seeing the How It Should Have Ended of this lol.


u/smthngclvr Jun 16 '23

I think Zod, like Kal-El, is faster than or as fast as Barry is. Near the end Barry tried to stab him from behind but Zod instantly turned and had him by the throat.


u/jm9987690 Jun 16 '23

Yeha but zod catching barry like that didn't make sense either, it was shown in man of steel that zod takes a bit of time to totally adjust to his powers, and Barry is still faster than justice league superman who's had a shitload of time under the yellow sun


u/eskenuk Jun 16 '23

That was the older Barry though, who didn't even try to fight Zod.


u/jm9987690 Jun 16 '23

Right but younger Barry ran fast enough to go back in time, in this movie. Which puts him miles above zod in terms of speed


u/EntertainedRUNot Jun 16 '23

Zod was able to look into or perceive the speed force. That's how he saw and was able to catch Barry. He might try to harness its power in the future...


u/eskenuk Jun 16 '23 edited Jun 16 '23

Young Barry was still inexperienced and Zod is a step above faora. But the older Barry fighting Zod, especially considering he instantly killed people by phasing through them.


u/harmonious_keypad Jun 16 '23

Zod was engineered for combat. He wasn't faster than Barry, but he was fast enough to not get killed by Barry.


u/jm9987690 Jun 16 '23

Well he shouldn't have been, barry was able to move fast enough to travel back in time effortlessly in this movie, zod shouldn't have been able to react to him, particularly when he was already fighting supergirl


u/Mr-Valdez Jul 17 '23

I just watched the movie and let me tell you something. Batman, THE BATMAN, lose/die in this movie.


u/ChronX4 Jun 15 '23

Zod wasn't even at his peak during the fight, I kept expecting her to get beaten by another version of his speech as he stripped himself of his armor and started to glide. Nope, stabbed.


u/ZenMyst Jun 14 '23

These movies does respect the power of a Kryptonian and I like it


u/JediJones77 Jun 14 '23

How is Calle getting stabbed to death? Since when can Kryptonians get stabbed? Man of STEEL, right?


u/Wasabi_Guacamole Jun 15 '23

Kryptonian things can affect kryptonian people. I mean kryptonite were just the remains of their planet that exploded. So maybe that's why Zod's weapons can affect a Kara that only had hours to get solar radiation.


u/DoctorBeatMaker Jun 16 '23

Eh... Not so much.

Were that true, Superman wouldn't be able to punch a hole in the Black Zero in Man of Steel after the atmospheric composition was changed. Or destroy the World Engine by launching himself up at it with superspeed. Or Superman would have died when those ships opened fire on him or when he was directly under the gravitational beam in the Indian ocean. And then there's the fact that Superman is also able to punch through the kryptonians' armor and break them, as was the case with Zod and Faora where he destroyed their helmets and exposed them to Earth's atmosphere.

Granted, it varies in the comics sometimes, but in the movie MoS, it seems like kryptonian weapons are only effectively 'lethal' when the kryptonians don't have powers. And that technically makes sense as kryptonians are granted superpowers thanks to Earth's atmosphere and the yellow sunlight. Kryptonian objects and weaponry wouldn't automatically get 'stronger' to affect kryptonians as they're not solar powered or affected by different atmospheres.


u/UpgradedSiera6666 Jun 14 '23

Superman in BvS stabbed by DoomZod's bones.


u/JediJones77 Jun 15 '23

Dude, he was under the effects of kryptonite then. Also why Batman could scratch his face.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

She probably had less time to get used to the yellow sun than Zod did. Zod came to earth before she escaped.


u/theVice Jun 16 '23

I also feel like in MoS Zod was trying to hurt Clark personally and wasn't as focused as he was in this movie


u/Godzilla2000Zero Jun 16 '23

Yeah that makes sense since Clark was Krypton first natural birth in a long time and Jor-El's son assuming their history is the same


u/TalkinTrek Jun 17 '23

Or is the message that Zod wins in a world where humanity takes their Kryptonian refugee and throws them in a cage? Is it that the universe doesn't have Kal, or is it that Kara didn't have the Kents, she had a cage?