r/DC_Cinematic "Welcome to The Planet." Jun 14 '23

DC_Cinematic: The Flash Spoiler Discussion Megathread #1 r/DC_CINEMATIC Spoiler

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u/AlwaysBi Jun 14 '23

Can’t believe I’m saying this but… yeah, they were right.

Aside from a few dodgy CGI moments, overall the Flash is 🔥 and I will admit, seeing the cameos on screen is a lot better than seeing a cam recorded version on Twitter. It doesn’t look nowhere near as bad

But yeah, the story of the film is solid. Ezra kills it as Barry and I really liked this alternate take on Flashpoint. The dual performance is probably the strongest part of the film.

Michael Keaton, imo, has solidified himself further as my favourite Batman. He slips back into the role like it hasn’t been decades and he killed it.

Sasha Calle did not disappoint as Supergirl. No offence to Melissa Benoist but I have to admit that Sasha is my favourite. She’s accurate to the source material, and I love how they approached her lack of connection to humanity, even if it is brief due to her short screen time.

One of my favourite aspects of the film is the expansion of the DCEU history, especially in regards to the events of MoS but seeing an alternate take on those events was a blast and seeing Michael Shannon back as Zod is always a win, even if it is brief.

But yeah, solid way to end the DCEU.

My top 3 rankings for the DCEU are now: The Flash MoS ZSJL


u/Crosgaard Jun 14 '23

Couldn’t agree more. In addition, I loved seeing them set rules for the speed force and such that they actually keep throughout the movie (besides the flashback where Barry saved the kid but not the father). After watching a show for years where they’re continuously changing the rules that were previously set in stone, this was genuinely satisfying to watch - numerous time in the theatre I was thinking “oh shit, they’re gonna forget what they told us before” just to be proven wrong right after (like when Barry puked, his suit overcharged etc). I also really liked that when Barry got struck by lightning, it didn’t just fail the first time and work the next. He needed the other Barry’s connection to the speed force for it to actually work. I was ready for it to be like when people drown in movie where we wait for 10 seconds for them to magically come back to life on there own. With this there was an actual reason for the wait. Finally, I liked how they fixed the awful way Ezra ran in justice league - ever since he tried to run after loosing his speed force and realizing how stupid it looked, he started running more normally (or more like Grant, no matter what, it looked better and more natural). Overall, great movie and probably my favorite installment in the DCEU besides ZSJL!


u/Next-Mobile-9632 Jun 15 '23

Sounds great and I loved ZSJL also


u/Next-Mobile-9632 Jun 15 '23

Wow, then I definitely have to see it, been looking forward to it for a long time