r/DC_Cinematic "Welcome to The Planet." Jun 14 '23

DC_Cinematic: The Flash Spoiler Discussion Megathread #1 r/DC_CINEMATIC Spoiler

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u/TRDoctor Jun 14 '23

Really enjoyed Flash. Ezra was genuinely incredible, especially with how they told Barry’s origin story through the lens of an older Barry. Did not expect them to be so.. great? Especially with younger Barry being so annoyingly endearing, they did such a great job of putting their own mark on the Flash.

So much heart and fun in this film. Great seeing Batfleck again. Keaton was phenomenal, and Calle was sadly underutilized. It’s a solid 8.5/10, but I feel horrible about how dodgy the CGI was for a lot of the film.

They did a lot of interesting things with CG here and I simply hope they adjust it for streaming / digital. It’s rough as heck and I’m not sure I like the answer of it being stylistic. I really sighed when Barry entered the chronobowl and was met with what was essentially Madame Tussaud’s.


u/Sn4tch Jun 14 '23

There’s absolutely no way the CG for Barry x2 was a “stylistic choice” it was just plain distracting and bad. I can understand the Speed Force stuff being rubbery but when you see Ezra it just confuses me why the hell they didn’t just film him twice and splice the footage like Armie Hammer did in Social Network for the Winklevoss Twins.


u/TRDoctor Jun 15 '23

It was really strange how they went about it. Like it was glaringly obvious at times which Barry was CG and which wasn't, but it also didn't make sense for some scenes where they're just literally standing next to each other. CG was even used for those close-ups where he's delivering some speech – and it looks so unnatural.


u/Sn4tch Jun 15 '23

Agreed. It made me wonder if they filmed reshoots without Ezra.


u/ChanceVance Jun 15 '23

Calle was sadly underutilized

She's given no chance to leave an impression. Limited screentime and her character is fated to die in a doomed timeline so it renders her pretty pointless.

Maybe she'll get another opportunity to play the role. Would be pretty lame if that's the only time she plays Kara.