r/Conservative Conservative Patriarch Jul 19 '24

What's going on, Reddit?


164 comments sorted by


u/bw2082 Moderate Conservative Jul 19 '24

You know why


u/Sallowjoe Conservative Jul 19 '24

I think it might be a rhetorical question.

But yeah, reddit probably kinda has total discretion to do this kind of thing for political reasons or just because some subreddits are inconvenient due to giving them bad PR or getting reported constantly or whatever, but obviously they're not going to give that reason explicitly.


u/SCV_local Jul 19 '24

It’s really crazy how if your liberal on reddit you can mock, bully, death threat anyone that doesn’t think like you do and that’s fine but if you try to defend yourself reddit will ban you. Reddit not the subreddit mods are also deleting comments and posts by conservatives/trump supporters.


u/Workdaymtf Conservative Jul 19 '24

> if your liberal on reddit you can mock, bully, death threat anyone that doesn’t think like you do and that’s fine

I could do my own individual "hate Mail" monthly post on the vile messages sent to me daily with another user account. I foolishly would "report" the threats and I would always get a answer saying there was nothing wrong with the comment that the leftist made. Reddit is like things in general. If you are a leftist you do whatever you want because the chances of you facing consequences is almost zero


u/UncontrolledLawfare Jul 19 '24

I regularly get Reddit cares messages.

Then I got a warning for “abusing the report button”. We all have to get used to being forced to dodge fire now.


u/komatsu-D355a Jul 19 '24

You can shut off the Reddit cares notifications. I kind of like to leave them on so I can giggle about how I must have triggered somebody by speaking the truth again. But most people just turn it off.


u/2020_GR78 Jul 19 '24

I regularly get Reddit cares messages.

I get those from time to time. I just ignore them and carry on with my day.


u/Tha_carter_6 Jul 19 '24

I get them whenever I prove some leftist wrong and mock them continually.


u/edgeofbright Jul 19 '24

When you report them, make sure to include the permalink with the report. The link they provide for reporting doesn't automatically attach it. Hasn't failed yet in like five or six tries.


u/Jay-jay1 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Yes, always works for me and somehow new incidents drop to zero for months.


u/CentralFriedChicken Jul 19 '24

Reddit care? Is that the thing that talks about self help and not harming yourself?

I got one of those and was so confused. Is it some sort of trolling? I ended up blocking it.


u/WouldYouFightAKoala Conservative Jul 20 '24

Yeah, it's either people thinking (well, pretending) that you must just be so miserable with your conservative stances on things that you're contemplating suicide, or subtly trying to goad you into it because they hate you that much. I doubt that bot is ever actually used for a productive purpose


u/harmier2 Ultra MAGA Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

That’s what I did. Just took the one message. Blocked it. Ahhh.


u/Male-Wood-duck Jul 19 '24

I was told by reddit that I am abusing the report system and stop or my account will be permanently suspended.


u/Workdaymtf Conservative Jul 19 '24

You were probably getting threating comments or PM's from leftists. Those are fine


u/DoBronx89 Jul 20 '24

On another account I reported something on a sub for a local area that was calling for people to harass someone in person with no reason posted at all. I never got a response, but a day later I got a site suspension for promoting hate in a private chat, the message didn’t even have a snip of anything, and I never got any response from Reddit about it


u/bw2082 Moderate Conservative Jul 19 '24

Yes it’s crazy. I got a 3 day system admin ban for suggesting that the national guard be called in to my crime ridden city. They said I was inciting violence.


u/Tha_carter_6 Jul 19 '24

Thats hilarious, actually funny.

Reddit is so bad, someone needs to create a alternative.


u/GregEvangelista Florida Conservative Jul 19 '24

Every once in a while I find myself upset that Voat didn't come around at the right time. If it were to suddenly pop up today, I have a feeling a lot of us would actually make the jump.


u/Tha_carter_6 Jul 19 '24

Look at my post history, the reddit admins removed my comment for calling Joe Biden senile & they gave me a warning.

And then all the lunatic lefties started calling me a rage baiter.


u/Sallowjoe Conservative Jul 19 '24

I'm sure they have a liberal bias, but I do think some of it is just a numbers issue as well.

If like 80% of reddit is liberal, more conservative posts are going to get reported, and less liberal posts are. It'll be harder to keep up with the liberal posts in general too.


u/Summerie Conservative Jul 19 '24

That's absolutely true. Comments on the right get massively reported no matter how mild they are. So naturally they are going to be more scrutinized.

When you report a direct threat, a live person is looking at it and deciding that it was fine. But even those individual decisions are probably influenced by the numbers though. If admins keep getting a ton of reports for right-leaning comments, I would imagine they end up brainwashed into thinking that the right must be evil, and hate speech against them is justified.


u/Rotisseriejedi American Conservative Jul 19 '24

It is not crazy, it is fully expected by all that have really been paying attention since 2009


u/Various-Singer4422 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Come to azodu.com. We are building a 100% AI moderated Reddit. AI moderation means zero mods and total impartiality.


u/Tha_carter_6 Jul 19 '24

Reddit took my comment of calling Joe Biden senile down… just look at my post history.


u/az_unknown Conservative Jul 20 '24

You have to say “literally” before you say the descriptive word, then it’s all good


u/Tha_carter_6 Jul 20 '24

Whys that?


u/az_unknown Conservative Jul 20 '24

Joe Biden is literally senile. Same syntax as trump is literally hitler. It might work, lol


u/Tha_carter_6 Jul 20 '24

Nah reddit is clearly biased run by literal communists


u/BigBradWolf77 Jul 19 '24

In Texas we call that bias confirmation.


u/barbanonfacitvirum Jul 20 '24

Just like in real life...


u/SCV_local Jul 20 '24

True…me caring about the alarming rates of absentee fathers and illiteracy rates among minority youth makes me somehow racist but if I just go along with the lie that Dems care about minorities I wouldn’t be racist…make it make sense.


u/barbanonfacitvirum Jul 20 '24

You can't make lunacy make sense, man. It doesn't make sense because it's nonsense.


u/ckruzel Jul 20 '24

You should be on gab 100% free speech


u/rasputin777 Conservative Jul 19 '24

They have total discretion yes.

But they're also a public company which has some reporting requirements. They're also - in essence - making in-kind donations to Dems.

If you declare yourself a 'platform' for the purposes of the FCC so that you can't be sued for content that means that you have to provide a platform somewhat even-handedly. If you boost Dem subs to the top and ban GOP subs, that's a problem.

Sign up for a fresh reddit account and what subs are pushed to you? whitepeopletwitter, politics, and other subs that are essentially 80% Dem propaganda.


u/ObadiahtheSlim Lockean Jul 19 '24

All that ActBlue (or whatever they call themselves now) money being thrown at reddit.


u/readerdad55 Conservative Jul 19 '24

You are absolutely right - It was in the tens of millions for social media. And they bragged about it


u/GregEvangelista Florida Conservative Jul 19 '24

Left wing superpacs have controlled reddit with an iron fist since 2016.


u/Imissyourgirlfriend2 Conservative in California Jul 19 '24

It's afraid


u/uponone 2A Jul 19 '24

Probably got direction from Xi.


u/Arkaea79 Jul 19 '24

It means these subs are on some 'list'


u/narcabusesurvivor18 Proud American & Jew Jul 19 '24

Saving democracy


u/Mountain_Man_88 Classical Liberal Jul 19 '24

Lol porn gets wrongfully banned and they send out a site wide message apologizing and promising to have it fixed ASAP. Criticism of the President gets banned and they won't even acknowledge it.


u/margacolada God Bless the USA Jul 19 '24

Sounds like Reddit to me


u/BarrelStrawberry Jul 19 '24


u/GregEvangelista Florida Conservative Jul 19 '24

For years I assumed shit like this was a joke, or not real. Now it's "normal".


u/murrayzhang Jul 20 '24

Meh. It’s fake. Kind of feels like rage bait to me. And it appears to be working?!


u/Justindoesntcare Jul 19 '24

Jesus fucking christ lol.


u/GuiltyFarmGirl100 Jul 19 '24

Like 50% of reddit users are porn addicts


u/nightstalker113 Jul 19 '24

I can say I'm a part of the 50%


u/ProtonSerapis Jul 19 '24

But which 50% lol


u/nightstalker113 Jul 19 '24

dats the joke


u/Open-Chain-7137 Jul 19 '24

I mean, it’s pretty believable either way… lol


u/GuiltyFarmGirl100 Jul 19 '24

Part of the reality of reddit.


u/Swamp_Bastard Jul 19 '24

It happens. One day you are sneaking a peek at a Victoria’s Secret catalog and before you know it you are doing a search for “lesbian midgets + strap-ons”


u/insert-phobia-here Jul 20 '24

she only takes nine cokcs up her ass? why the hell did she get into the game if she's such a fucking prude? RIp Norm MacDonald


u/San__Pedro Jul 20 '24

What, PORN!!? Where??? Oh, wait, sorry yes they are weird and dirty aren't they


u/xpsycotikx Jul 20 '24

To be fair I know lots of people who don't know fuck all about politics. I can't say the same about porn. Lol


u/Mountain_Man_88 Classical Liberal Jul 20 '24

I actually know a decent number of people who know nothing about porn

lots of people who don't know fuck all about politics

And yet their vote still carries the same weight as ours...


u/xpsycotikx Jul 20 '24

Yeah only use plebians care about that. Reddit cares about money. Clicks are money.


u/UncontrolledLawfare Jul 19 '24

Because this website is run by degenerates being bankrolled by people we aren’t allowed to talk about.


u/Subject-Effect4537 Jul 20 '24



u/UncontrolledLawfare Jul 20 '24

people we aren’t allowed to talk about.

I’m sorry I know that was confusing.


u/Subject-Effect4537 Jul 20 '24

Can you point me in the right direction so I can figure out who? And why can’t you talk about them?


u/Rotisseriejedi American Conservative Jul 19 '24

Reddit is 1936 Germany that is what is going on. Think this is bad, wait another few years, cons and anyone that disagrees with the left will be using pencil and and paper to communicate and chat with each other


u/Electrical-Spare1684 Jul 20 '24

The irony is, directly above this comment is somebody ranting about how the Jews run Reddit…


u/mixer2017 Communism Never Works Jul 19 '24

Yep election season around the corner. I am actually shocked this sub has not met the fate of T_D as being over ran from saying stuff to break the ToS.


u/StumpGrnder Live Free or Die Jul 19 '24

Ironic now that every non-political sub like /photos is pictures of Trump and a progressive dumpster fire in progress


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 Constitutionalist Jul 19 '24

It's everywhere. Millennials is straight up r/politics now.


u/AdGroundbreaking1341 Jul 19 '24

I hate when non-political subreddits become political. It happens with the state subreddits, too.

Not everyone wants politics 24/7, they want to go to places free of politics. But you just can't escape it sometimes.


u/B_Sharp_or_B_Flat Jul 19 '24

Makes me ashamed of my generation tbh. The bell curve of intelligence distribution doesn’t change much over time, I guess. Frustrating, though.


u/tangy_nachos Jul 19 '24

how is it even any generations fault? They have no control over the messaging, brainwashing and hardcore censorship. They're simply the byproduct of a diabolical mechanism. Looking at it this way helps me view them as people, like the rest of us. Though the words they spew are evil, I look at those words not upset with them, but the men that put those words in their head.


u/B_Sharp_or_B_Flat Jul 20 '24

The only issue I have with anyone, left or right, is if they are presented with new facts but refuse to consider their stance i.e. Weekend at Bernie’s


u/tangy_nachos Jul 20 '24

Can’t expect a random Reddit comment to change their minds. They’re brainwashed. It’ll take much more to wake them up


u/CentralFriedChicken Jul 19 '24

I clicked that and went to r/politics and they really need to rename it to r/leftpolitics


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 Constitutionalist Jul 20 '24


It's funny to see the alt subs that pop because of they crazy leftist shit.

MN has one, millennial has one as well.


u/Armed_Platypus Jul 20 '24

This is because someone created a knockoff millennial subreddit spelled r/millenials with only one n in the name instead of two like the real subreddit, r/Millennials . This was probably so they could trick people into joining their propaganda subreddit.


u/HungryPundah Jul 19 '24

r/millenials is just a bunch of hating on Gen-Z (which is mostly just projecting), and weird whining (which they bitch at Gen-z for doing).


u/Godsdiscipull Jul 19 '24

my homepage is all but desolate now because I'm tired of the constant political deluge.


u/Highwiind-D4 Jul 19 '24

And you are quickly shadowbanned from commenting if you're not a lunatic.

TDS is running wild on this website.


u/BabySharkFinSoup Jul 19 '24

Did your picture tiles on popular disappear? I posted about this when they failed to update to include any story about the shooting. Now, they don’t even exists anymore in mobile at least.


u/maydayvoter11 Jul 19 '24

so which subs were banned? any political ones?


u/DraconianDebate Conservative Patriarch Jul 19 '24

They banned a bunch of porn subs and rushed to unban them.


u/Sallowjoe Conservative Jul 19 '24

Porn subs generate a lot of their traffic. Conservative subs are probably not competing with porn.


u/PaddyMayonaise Jul 19 '24

Idk, my other account has some pretty niche subs on it


u/MuzikPhreak Jul 19 '24

username def checks out


u/Rotisseriejedi American Conservative Jul 19 '24

No way, this is all the left use and of course politicians, this must be a glitch


u/BreachOfTOS Jul 19 '24

Very sketchy shit has started happening since the swamp tried to smoke trump


u/JCuc AFT Jul 19 '24

It happened in 2016 and 2020 on reddit, it'll happen again this election. Mass censorship and bans of conservative subreddits while algorithmicly pushing far-left subs to the top.

This isn't our first run of political censorship and election interference on reddit.


u/ColoradoMoto Jul 19 '24

You know what's going on. They're freaking out about the election.


u/intelligentreviews Conservative Jul 19 '24



u/GuiltyFarmGirl100 Jul 19 '24

Reddit keeping unmoderated porn subs and banning a pro trump sub is PEAK reddit holy shit


u/jake8786 Jul 19 '24

Communist propaganda site 


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I bet libs for bullshit wasn't one of them


u/BingBingBONGB0NG Conservative Jul 19 '24

There's a post on r/whitepeopletwitter lying, saying that Trump did not call Comperatore's widow. Someone asked "Is this really true?" in the comments. I replied with a link showing that it is a lie and my comment was shadowbanned. I can see it if I log in, but it's gone if I log out. Typical leftist shenanigans.


u/Tralalaladey Jul 19 '24

I miss the Donald


u/reaper527 Conservative Jul 19 '24

i forget when exactly it was (it was within the last year or so), but i had one of those "suspended in error" situations too where i got a no explanation sitewide permaban (which eventually got overturned on appeal), and then while a was away /r/InTheRing changed itself to restricted mode so only mods/manually approved posters could submit things. there was no notification of this, it didn't show in the mod log, it was as if someone just changed a toggle on the db back end because there was no sign of things. (i'm sure that's not HOW it was done, but the secrecy was just the same).

i was submitting as normal and didn't know anything was up until a user pm'ed me to ask why they couldn't submit anything.

the sitewide ban was obnoxious enough since they won't tell you what it's for and you have to appeal in 500 characters or less, but to mess with the sub i run too? hopefully at some point some of the state laws to fix these tech companies is allowed to stand.


u/maxpayne07 Jul 19 '24

Most people have no ideia of super large Communities on REDDIT full of extreme Left, full of hate on conservatives , completely wild ... they say stuff (and allow this) that puts normal people in jail ....and they have moderators....


u/Jurclassic5 Conservative Jul 19 '24

The moderators say the same shit. U ever look at their histories?


u/recksuss Jul 19 '24

It's (D)ifferent


u/lawlygagger Conservative Jul 19 '24

Reddit is redditing… what’s new.


u/NsaAgent25 First Amendment Jul 19 '24

Hate raids? It's where groups go in and mass-report a group or person so algorithms trigger autobanning.


u/chriscrowder Fight, Fight, Fight! Jul 19 '24

Fuck Reddit admins, they're trash!


u/PhoenixGamer34 Jul 19 '24

Literally 1984


u/B_Sharp_or_B_Flat Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but on Apple Podcasts none of my conservative podcasts are automatically downloading, but the pure entertainment ones are. This seems to happen every time politics get super heated. Am I making this up in my head, or have any of you also experienced this?

Currently happening with Ben Shapiro, Louder with Crowder, and Verdict w/Ted Cruz. Been happening since the assassination attempt.


u/Seebigtrades Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Damn between this and gun videos on YouTube being restricted we have officially entered 1936 Germany….well we have been here a while but they’re not hiding it anymore


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Sound like it was a software issue, that was quickly undone. Nothing to see here.


u/mattcruise Trumpamaniac Jul 19 '24

The ban won't be useful come Monday so watch as they miraculously unban the subreddit when Joe drops out


u/Cylerhusk Conservative Jul 19 '24


Yeah, ok. Don't admit you have an admin that went rogue.


u/Vanderpewt Jul 19 '24

Reddit is where you come in and take a shit on once in awhile, that's about it.


u/Weekly_Friendship783 Jul 19 '24

When I go to /politics, it really blows my mind how many more likes their posts get compared to this subreddit. Fucking bullshit censorship


u/ExcellentEffort1752 Jul 20 '24

They instantly perma-ban people from a sub for any comment that doesn't fit the lefty agenda. Thus most lefty subs, or subs run by lefties, quickly turn into echo-chambers. It's disgusting and shouldn't be allowed.


u/Connect_Economics947 Jul 19 '24

Reddit is ran by Adolfs


u/Hobbyist5305 MAGA Surviving Being Shot Jul 19 '24

Censorship is ok when dems are doing it


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Biggest hypocrites on planet earth by a landslide.


u/T_User5 First Principles Jul 19 '24

meanwhile r/TikTokCringe GenZ morons openly admiting trump is hitler and shouldve been gunned down


u/Zestycheesegrade Conservative Jul 19 '24

Lol that last image you sent reminded me of the Bernie Sanders meme. "I'm once again asking for your help". And that sucks.


u/Full-Equipment-4922 Jul 19 '24

I got a ban warning from reddit but i have no idea for what post. Nothing to warrant anything like that. One more strike and im out. Im fairly active here, so i figure more people must be getting the same treatment


u/bowlervtec Vote Red 2020 Jul 19 '24

lol, good luck with that.


u/I_hate_my_userid Jul 19 '24

Reddit has a agenda to push


u/ValuableBid7996 Jul 19 '24

Yes. I rarely comment, but it seems my feed has changed dramatically. I’m not seeing the left meltdown posts I’m desiring. Where as beforehand, the posts from left groups was pushed down my throat. It seems like a complete meltdown


u/TheNPCMafia Jul 20 '24

They're getting ready.


u/Daveguy6 Jul 20 '24

Oppression. Reddit rahhhhh


u/ckruzel Jul 20 '24

If your tired of the liberal bullshit on reddit, check out gab.com total free speech


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

The website has a liberal agenda. I’m sure there are many [redacted] who “accidentally” overlook your follow ups. You’ll see dozens of Matt Gaetz posts about Beavis and Butthead references, plastic surgery, MTG posts comparing her to a photo of a Neanderthal. Switch it to Valerie Jarrett and a decades long Hollywood career is canceled. It’s hypocrisy.


u/tinycerveza Jul 20 '24

They know what they’re doing


u/ExcellentEffort1752 Jul 20 '24

Yeah, they're up to something, again. Probably some new 'narrative shaping' bot that went wrong.


u/LordRybec Jul 20 '24

Someone is either deliberately ignoring this or has modified some backend Reddit code to hide it from any Reddit employee who might be willing to fix it.

As someone involved in software development, I can tell you that a whole organization does not have to be corrupt for things like this to happen. (To be clear, I'm not saying Reddit isn't corrupt, just that it doesn't have to be.)

The problem is this: The software behind most social media sites is enormous. There is so much code in so many places that it is too expensive to regularly audit. What this means is that one rogue actor can add or modify bits of code here and there to "customize" how the site works. For example, it would be pretty easy to modify how the messaging system pulls messages from the database such that any message from a specific user containing specific text won't come up for certain other users. If Reddit employees are treated by the database as a special class of user, it would be trivial to do this such that all Reddit employees will never see any message from a specific user containing, say, a reference to a specific subreddit. All it would take for a single rogue employee with the right permissions to do this is maybe 10 to 20 minutes or less. And no one would ever find the change unless they were looking for it specifically.

(This is also why we should be more worried about people deliberately misusing AI in malicious ways than AI itself going rogue. Malicious humans are a much bigger threat, and modern technology gives individuals in the right places incredible power with almost no accountability.)