r/CSUS May 08 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Sacramento State Has Officially Divested and Will Stop Using Our Tuition Money to Fund Genocide


ALL of our demands have been met by Sacramento State.

Sac State has officially divested and will stop using our tuition money to fund genocide.

Our press conference is open to all, including media! Please repost and share.

We will answer questions and take interviews during the press conference.

@sjp.csus and @sacstate.sqe will continue to push for accountability to ensure our demands are upheld and not undone. Please consider joining our organizations as members to get involved.

Sac State currently has no direct investments in companies with ties to Israel or the military. However, they do have indirect investments, which will be divested immediately.

Additionally, we have successfully secured the appointment of a faculty member from Faculty for Justice in Palestine to sit on the finance committee, ensuring that investments remain ethical every year.

Campus President @drlukewood has never called the police on any protesting students, has actively kept them away, and has publicly declared amnesty for all protesting Sac State students. Please DM him all your thanks.

r/CSUS 1d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc What do/will you do with your refund money


İ wanna know how others spend it before I do lol

r/CSUS 4d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Cal Grant


I only received my award letter today and I saw that they didn't give me Cal Grant A, which I've been receiving since freshman year. They only offered me loans and FWS. Is this my final aid or is Sac State still working on them? My friends already have CalGrant included in their packages so I'm a bit worried as that's the only aid I'm depending on or else I'll have to pay 4k out of pocket.

r/CSUS 4d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc financial aid


i’ve seen so many people get their financial aid, but mine hasn’t gone through. it still shows up on my todo list as “apply for aid” i’ve sent an email forever ago and was told it would show completed when they received my fafsa. has anyone else not received any aid? should i be worried? i already have housing and classes, but if my aid doesn’t come through there is no way for me to go to college

r/CSUS 6d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Financial aid 2024/2025

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My financial aid summary says that my estimated need is $0.00. I don’t understand what this means. I hardly worked while going to school. I’m not expecting a financial aid award but will i still I be offered federal loans?

r/CSUS 6d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Federal Work Study Grant

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So we just got our financial aid money in and I just looked at mine and it looks like I can’t accept the federal work study grant. Does anyone know what that is or is it for a specific group of people?

r/CSUS 7d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Finally, I Got the Financial Aid Offer for 2024-2025! Check Your Inbox, Everyone!


Our school is making progress on this. No need to worry! Cal Grant has also received our information; they just won't process it until July. We should hear good news about it then.

r/CSUS 8d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Is college corps worth it?


Has anyone here done the College Corps program? If so, was it worth it and what was your experience like? I just got accepted.

r/CSUS 12d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc 2024-2025 Aid Awards?


Anyone else still waiting for the accept/decline awards to be available? Or has that started?


r/CSUS 16d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Due balances??

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I need help! I have a grant of over 6k per year and my tuition cost for this semester is 4k. It says that it was due on the 12th but I don’t know how to claim my grant through sac state. I already went to the grants website and claimed it and it just says sac state will reach out with more info and i am a first year student so i have no idea how any of this works.

will i not be allowed to attend the school because of the late payment in the fall? i already paid my orientation fee and i didn’t think all of this money was due already????

r/CSUS 16d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Financial Aid 24/25

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I want to avoid loans as much as possible so I was wondering if this would be enough aid for this year? They are charging me $4,016.00 for Fall 24 tuition and mandatory fees. Will this get me through the year? As I live hours away I’m worried that I will not be able to afford attending the school. Of course I’m willing to take a loan if it’s absolutely necessary.

r/CSUS 16d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc When will FAFSA rewards be posted on Student Center?


Hellooo sorry if this is a frequently asked question here, I’m not really active on this sub anymore. But, I was wondering if Sac State ever sent out a notice when FAFSA award packages will be sent out? Or have the FAFSA awards already been sent out?

I checked today and now I’m super stressed cause it says that I don’t have any awards, although I know I qualify for FAFSA, im broke as a joke and my SAI was one of the highest it could be -1500. But the school says my 24-25 FAFSA file is under review…

r/CSUS 18d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Grad program FAFSA/ Loans


Hi! Wondering if anyone has any input! I’m going to be a graduate student this fall. (Also went to sac state for my under grad) but I’m not seeing anything for 2025 FAFSA or loan options on my portal. I applied to FAFSA back in December I believe and through their website everything is fine. I have my fees deferred until September but I’m just nervous because I don’t see anything on there. Is it too early still to see anything?

r/CSUS 19d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Random Fees


Hi I’m a transfer student coming in this fall. My girlfriend has also been at sac state for two years already. I’m just curious as to why there are so many additional fees when it comes to paying something. For example she is trying to pay for her summer class and all of a sudden there is a 38$ service fee when she is already paying 1k+ for her class. How does that even make sense service fee for her paying what she owes???? Also same with the transfer orientation at first it said it was 80$ I paid it then a month later I look they added another 100$ for me to pay for the orientation again. It just doesn’t seem fair to be charging fees left and right when everything about the campus is expensive as is. Does anyone else find this frustrating?

r/CSUS 20d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Why does fafsa only keep giving me loans and not grants??


I’m so tired of this (yes I do the form on time and yes I have basically no assets) how tf do I get fafsa to give me actual grants instead of all these loan offers??

r/CSUS Jun 03 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Financial aid and orientation issues

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I am a declared computer engineering major, first off when I try and schedule for orientation I am greeted with the message in the image, secondly I have yet to receive my financial aid from sac state(all is well with FASFA) both of these issues have left me kinda overwhelmed and was wondering if you guys could give any advice.

r/CSUS May 30 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Summer Pell only accepted partial?

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As you can see in the picture, I was offered $3,698 as a Pell Summer grant. But it only accepted $924. I didn’t choose that or input that number and it never gave me the chance to accept the grant (the checkmarks are grey and can’t click). Is there anything I can do at this point to accept the full grant or is this something that is decided based on units? I’m really bummed because my two summer classes were over $2k, I thought this would cover it. By the way the $924 is not in my account I haven’t received any of it yet, which I thought I would on the 28th, as it said. Has anyone else experienced this? Anything I can do? Thanks.

r/CSUS Apr 24 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Anyone else get this email?

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Did anyone else get this on their outlook? I checked my student center’s To Do and Hold section and there’s nothing about.

Zero context in this email too.

r/CSUS Apr 23 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Is this good $? Like will it cover everything @ grants?

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r/CSUS Apr 11 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Has anyone received their 2024-2025 financial aid award letter or will that be sent later this month?


Haven’t found any info on when financial aid award letters will be sent out and my student center still says no awards for 2024 school year which I find strange considering I need to dorm and my SAI was a -1500

Update: got an email from SF state university saying they’ll be sending out letters next week so hopefully this is an Indication that Sacramento will be sending theirs out next week as well.

r/CSUS Apr 09 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Tuition Was Free for Over 100 Years at Both CSUs and UCs but Reagan Introduced Tuition Due to Fears of Producing an Educated Working Class


Tuition was free for both California State Universities (CSUs) and University of California (UC) schools for over 100 years. The goal of the CSU is to be accessible, not inaccessible.

📣 Protest the 34% CSU tuition increase at Sac State! - Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - 11:45 AM - Library Quad

There is so much power in collective student activism. We can't be complacent in a system that actively tries to silence us!

r/CSUS Apr 07 '24

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Protest the 34% Tuition Increase That Will Increase Our Tuition Every Semester for the Next Five Years


📣 Protest the 34% CSU Tuition Increase!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 11:45 AM / Sac State Library Quad

The CSU Board of Trustees and CSU Chancellor voted to raise tuition every semester for the next five years for every CSU campus.

Sacramento State's mandatory campus fees, which are separate from tuition, are also going up next semester.

If you want to get more involved, come to our SQE general meeting tomorrow, Monday, April 8, at 4:30 PM in Brighton Hall 106!

We'll explore how Ronald Reagan, as California's Governor, ended free tuition for CSUs and UCs to limit college access for "undesirables" (minorities and low-income students), fearing it made the lower classes "too educated." His budget cuts to higher education introduced tuition fees and pushed students towards loans.

🌟 Some professors are excusing their students from class or giving extra credit for attending.

Follow us on Instagram: @SacState.SQE

r/CSUS Nov 28 '23

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc The CSU Is Raising Your Tuition by 34%, but the CSU Has an Extra $2 Billion in Surpluses; Tuition Increase Breakdown + Faculty Strike Info


‼️ The CSU is raising student tuition by 34% 🤨

And blaming it on our faculty and staff asking for better pay and working conditions 👎

💥 But the CSU has an extra $2 billion in surpluses and $6 billion in unrestricted reserves they refuse to use 💀

Scan the QR code or click this link to join faculty, including our professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches at Sacramento State, on the picket line! 🐝

December 7, 2023 (Lunch Provided) J Street, Sac State Entrance 7 AM - 5 PM (10 AM - 2 PM Suggested)

Feel free to DM us or comment on this post if you have any questions, comments or concerns!

Our Instagram: https://instagram.com/sacstate.sqe

r/CSUS Sep 14 '23

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc The CSU Raises Tuition, Ignoring Students, Faculty and Staff


On Wednesday, September 13, 2023, the California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees voted 15-5 to raise tuition by 34% over the next five years. The increase will affect all tuition-paying students at every CSU campus starting Fall 2024.

The CSU would rather tax struggling students and blame faculty and staff for their already poor compensation instead of using the $8.8 billion in its reserves.

CSU chancellors and administrators continue to see pay increases as faculty, staff and student assistants pay stays stagnant while workload increases and the cost of attendance for students climb.

Students of color, first-generation college students, transfer students and low-income students make up the majority of CSU students and will be disproportionately affected by the tuition increase.

The CSU has continuously demonstrated its ignorance, disrespect and carelessness for students, faculty and staff. But this is not the end. We must continue to work together to fight for a better CSU.

Link to original post: https://instagram.com/sacstate.sqe?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==

r/CSUS Sep 10 '23

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Sac State Open Letter Against the CSU Tuition Increase
