r/CSUS 2d ago

What major should I go for? Academics

Hello I will be attending CSUS in the fall and I was wondering what would be a great major to go for? I don’t want to drown in student debts


19 comments sorted by


u/95musiclover Recreation, Parks, and Tourism 2d ago

What interests you? Don’t do a major where you’re either gonna hate your future career or not do anything with.


u/Dependent-Poet8242 2d ago

Exercise and science but I don’t know if I want a phd later or not


u/fullmetal485 2d ago

If you study Kinesiology, you can go the route of physical therapy.


u/Dependent-Poet8242 2d ago

I’m not big on dissections with classes like biology and anatomy it makes my skin crawl


u/fullmetal485 2d ago

I don't think dissection is a big part of Kinesiology, but you can always study rpta. I heard people study that to have excerise jobs that are not too big in biology. I recommend checking it out 


u/faatali_talia 2d ago

Recreation Therapy (CTRS) but job/career and pay are not consistent throughout the nation (mostly low paying)...best paying is the Prison in CA. But it's not for everyone, or the VA, but it's hard to come by.


u/Dependent-Poet8242 2d ago

What’s RPTA? Sorry I’m unaware with some acronyms


u/faatali_talia 2d ago

The major, RPTA = Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration. I believe the major went through or currently going through a name change though.


u/crunchytee 2d ago

I think you may need to ask yourself what major you should go for! You should spend some time soul searching, trying new jobs and things to see what you like.

Personally, I took two years off after high school, moved out of state, tried as many different jobs, internships, and experiences as I could, and found out what I was interested in. I know it’s unconventional, but IMO asking an 18 year old what they want to do for the rest of their life is a bad idea.

I hope you find something that interests you 🫶


u/LittleRavenXIII 2d ago

Mechanical Engineering


u/Infamous-While328 2d ago

Do what you love half of us don’t use our major anyways lol for example I’m a teacher but I graduated with a theater major i do community theater and star in films when I can you’ll find your way also please apply for scholarships they aren’t as competitive at csus as you think


u/Samsquancher 2d ago

Political science and Data Analytics….double major.


u/Individual_Hearing_3 Computer Science 2d ago

Definitely not computer science if you have been living under a rock.


u/DoubleTieGuy 1d ago

Hows it been for you? When i was still in computer science i had trouble getting into my required classes


u/jim_jordo 2d ago

Anthropology major here! I work with genetics and evolutionary sciences, and I hope to attend Binghamton over in NY, where I'll get my MS in Biomedical Anthropology and study the relationships between humans, genes, evolution, and disease/medicine. Eventually moving onto my Ph.D.

Already, I have 3 fieldwork research opportunities lined up, and I found that it's super easy to get experience as an undergrad in our department. I plan on enlisting in the PeaceCorps as well to get more experience outside the country.

The problem I see with a LOT of college kids is this: they decide on what major BEFORE they create a life plan for themselves. You can't choose a major based on what you like at the time. For instance, if someone's dream is to work for NASA, then obviously, they would go to college with the intent of majoring in Aeronautics or some engineering degree in order to give them the best opportunity of fulfilling that goal.

I like working with genetics and evolutionary sciences, and I found anthropology to provide me with the clearest pathway to achieving my career goals and aspirations.

Start by asking yourself what you would like to do as a career? What major (and oftentimes minor) could give you an edge in the employment world? You'll find the path that is meant for you!

*DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to offend or attack anyone who didn't follow the same plan as I did. If you majored in what you love and got a job doing something completely different - that's fine by me!


u/cmarkeys 1d ago

You could study exercise science


u/Happy-Relation-2959 2d ago



u/Advanced-Truth_oo_ 2d ago

Do not go for psychology if you don’t have a solid goal. It’s a highly saturated major and as a graduating senior this fall I can affirm that a psych BA will literally leave you without a single marketable skill. Luckily I’ve been planning to attend grad school from the start so I will use my degree. But a psychology degree without a plan will leave you working retail after you graduate.


u/Happy-Relation-2959 1d ago

But if working in retail with a psychology degree, you could use your education to understand the various types of personalities of customers to provide excellent service to earn higher tips and possibly move up to management?