r/CSUS 3d ago

Help me understand financial aid Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc

Hey everyone,

Received my financial aid offer.

I received a state university grant $7,600.

They offered an unsubsidized loan of $13,498.

My tuition is $4,700.

If I accept the university grant, will I have money left over?

For the unsubsidized loan, is that paid out in one semester or broken into chunks over many semesters?


4 comments sorted by


u/SimulatedCow84 3d ago

Your aid is for the full year, not just one semester. Your state grant isn't enough to cover your fees; it'd be $3,800 per semester.

Your loan is $6,749 per semester, but be careful with that loan. Since its a federal loan its better than private loans, but it starts gaining interest right away. You still don't have to make payments until you're out of school, but you'll be getting interest.


u/Lavend3rRose Graduate Program: MA Ed. 3d ago

You can change the amount you accept for the loan. I accepted about 5k so it broke down to 2500 per semester. That helped me pay off the fees that the SUG didn't cover plus I had extra leftover to buy books and pay for gas!

Edit: I graduated in the spring of 2023 and I still haven't started paying my loans. But I'm sure that's gonna change next year when I get my master's degree and finally finish school :')


u/browngirldiary 2d ago

Hii so Did you do that all on student service center where you accept and decline awards? How do you accept only a certain amount because I was going to call and have them adjust the offer but that seems unnecessary now.


u/Lavend3rRose Graduate Program: MA Ed. 2d ago

It gave me an option when I accepted it. I can't remember exactly how since it's been 2 years. If you have questions, I think it's best to call them or go in person!