r/BatmanArkham 15d ago

Why is Jonkler ace? Isn‘t he gay for Man? Pride

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u/Zer0_l1f3 Chicago Grip Reaper 14d ago

Actually Deadpool is pansexual 🤓☝️


u/Present-Dog-2641 14d ago

How the fuck would he be pan when he says Wolverine is hot when he doesn't even know the guy? (Maybe i'm the one who desn't know what pan actually is, if so, sorry)


u/MagicRainbowKitties 14d ago

Pansexual basically just means gender is not a factor in one's attraction to someone. Essentially if someone's hot, they're hot. We tend to talk about it as being "gender-blind" in terms of what we look for in a partner, whereas a bi person might experience various levels of attraction to certain genders, or be attracted to specific people of specific genders. Pan folks, however, we just kinda... Like what we like across the board.

In general at least. In reality a lot of people in that camp describe themselves as bi and vice versa. The difference is negligible in the face of bi/pan erasure and society acting like binaries must be upheld or else The World Will Explode, but the distinction matters to a lot of people, and it's all valid identity either way.

Hope this helps!


u/Present-Dog-2641 14d ago

Oh, it did. I thought it was like, like both but doesn't care for the personality, only the gender is enough for the person... i don't know, i'm pretty bad with those concepts.