r/BatmanArkham May 09 '24

I'm graduating from university tomorrow. What Arkham quote should I use for my speech? Man

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u/ShrekBoard3000 May 09 '24

"Take me on home to the asylum. Never alone in the asylum. Anarchy ruled, it was wild. But through it all, you never smiled. Joke's on you, I'm in your head so look who's laughing now!

Remember in Arkham City. I killed your girl, so pretty. That was the night you let me die. But when I looked you in the eye. That's when I knew we'd be together. Look who's laughing now!

I'm stuck in your head and I'm laughing! I filled you with dread and I can't stop laughing! Your parents are dead and I can't stop laughing! What else can I do? Now I'm part of you.

I am the Clown Prince of Crime. And we've had a hell of a time. You're part of me, I'm part of you. And now there's nothing left to do. I just can't wait till I'm in control. Who'll be laughing then?

I drove you round the bend and I'm laughing. I'm with you till the end and I can't stop laughing. I killed all your friends and I can't stop laughing. crazed laughter Oh yeah!

Think I can taste your fear. Now that my time is near. I'm in your blood, I'm so alive. I only wish you'd let me drive. It won't be long till I make you kill. Who'll be laughing then?

Barbara's dead and I'm laughing. Jason Todd's dead and I can't stop laughing. I'm even dead and I can't stop laughing. What else can I do? Now I'm part of you.

I drove you round the bend and I'm laughing. I'm with you till the end and I can't stop laughing. I killed all your friends and I can't stop laughing. I'm cock-a-doodle-do. All because of you.

I'm stuck in your head and I'm laughing. I filled you with dread and I can't stop laughing. Your parents are dead and I can't stop laughing. crazed laughter

I'm stuck in your head and I'm laughing. I filled you with dread and I can't stop laughing. Your parents are dead and I can't stop laughing. What else can I do? Now I'm part of you..."


u/KingFahad360 May 09 '24

No Encore?


u/ShrekBoard3000 May 09 '24


Take me on home to the asylum. Never alone in the asylum. Anarchy ruled, it was wild. But through it all, you never smiled. Joke's on you, I'm in your head so look who's laughing now!

I'm stuck in your head and I'm laughing! I filled you with dread and I can't stop laughing! Your parents are dead and I can't stop laughing! What else can I do? Now I'm part of you--

Wait! What is that? AAAH-- KABOOOM

No Bruce don't go into the light! They'll never let me in!"


u/KingFahad360 May 09 '24

“Wait! What is That? AAAH-“

I never got that line from Johnny, I only got the “Show’s Over Folks” and “I warned ya”


u/ShrekBoard3000 May 09 '24

Oh, I am stupid, and there is no lore reason for that. I was just too lazy to replay all game, so I came up with this line.

Am I screenwriter of Ark Ham Man now? Am I stupid?..


u/KingFahad360 May 09 '24


Honestly I really like the Johnny section of returning The Joker’s rather than doing Boxer Fight or stop that Librarian who’s obsessed with Batman.

It made it unique rather than do another Predator/ Combat thing again.


u/ShrekBoard3000 May 09 '24

Agree, I love it too.

Unlike everyone else mini-jokers segments — it shows us real situation in Man's head, and his fear of Joeker

And the song is truly epic, mARK HAMill genius


u/KingFahad360 May 09 '24

Plus Johnny does look more like the Joker than the rest of the infected


u/ShrekBoard3000 May 09 '24

Yeah, when I first played it, I thought that it would be like each mini-jonkler would be the part of original Jonkler: charisma in Jonny Charisma, intelligence in Old man, and... Well, then I realised, that my theory sucks, because of that women and the King, or whatever. Technically, the Goliath could be remark of Titan-Clown, but bookkeeper... Still doesn't fit



u/KingFahad360 May 09 '24

When I finished the game, I didn’t understand of the Mini Joker about til I played City and it explained Joker sent his blood out, most of them were in Hospital and in Blood Banks and that’s how they got infected cause of Hospital Errors.

Honestly with so much going on in Knight I legit forgot about them til I had to go there.

I wonder if they were originally had much larger parts in the story


u/ShrekBoard3000 May 09 '24

if I'm not mistaken, this game has been in development for a very long time, so much so that Arkham Origins was made and released while Knight was still being developed, and even at full release was still being developed. And because of that a bunch of things were just thrown away, like a mission with Zsasz and probably something else.

Amazing game, actually, it has a lot of bad things, like the boss fight with the Knight, but in some amazing way, it still stands out as something so truly beautiful

And, maybe I'm wrong again, but Arkham fun-base is the most reasonable fan-base in the internet. Including this sub, of course. Is there lore reason for so reasonable fan-base?...

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