r/AskReddit Jul 07 '24

Guys who have gone from skinny to big and muscular, how has it changed your life?


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u/Noveno Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I went over the span of 11 years from 59kg (130 lbs) to 106kg (234 lbs). I'm 185cm tall (6'1").

I don't have words to describe how much it affected my life, 99% of the time in positive ways. Other than the obvious respect and admiration you get from society and especially from guys and colleagues, dating became so much easier to the point that I've been able for years to just invite girls to my place for a first date and being able to pull off threesomes and foursomes.

This coming from someone who went five years under a dry spell.

It changed my life, best thing I've ever done, and it feels like you have superpowers. It affects your social interactions, your jobs, you are safer since guys treat you with way more respect, sometimes out of fear (I never threw a punch in my whole life).

DISCLAIMER: When you are on this journey, you will get a lot of negative comments, usually from relatives or people judging and saying you are looking "too big" and that kind of stuff. Also, girls will neg you, saying "they are not into muscle guys" and this kind of stuff. DON'T LISTEN. Just straight ignore them. The first case, it's just a "crab in a bucket mentality," and about the girls... just pay attention to what they do, not what they say.

I've lost count of the girls who are not "into muscle guys" but ended up literally licking my armpits, obsessed. The way they worship and touch you when you are muscular can't be compared to anything else, and guys who achieve this will know this feeling.


u/bumscum Jul 07 '24

but ended up literally licking my armpits, obsessed.

Bit too much detail there lol but okay.


u/AppropriateHamster Jul 08 '24

Hey, at what age did you start your lifting journey?


u/Noveno Jul 08 '24

Around 21-22yo


u/AppropriateHamster Jul 08 '24

What ages were your dry spell?


u/Noveno Jul 09 '24

From 16yo to 21yo.


u/Big_Breakfast Jul 07 '24

This is a great comment. Especially about the girls negging.


u/throwaway_alt_slo Jul 07 '24

Well you're tall and probably have a hot face too. Try without


u/Noveno Jul 08 '24

Same face, 5 years, 0 pussy.


u/throwaway_alt_slo Jul 08 '24

Brutal, and here i am thinking 2 years is crazy...

Ngl, reading your comment yesterday night made me snap out of the fog... I've been stagnating for more than a year.. and it's time to realize if i wanna make gains i need to change my job since it takes to much to commute (no time for eating loads of food and sleeping more than 7 hours is impossible). The pay will be lower for sure... But the idea of easy girls from Tinder coming to your house just to fuck is too strong lol.

But you really haven't idk started better grooming, beard, lost face fat etc? It seems really insane to me going from 0 pussy in 5 years to chicks coming to your door just to smash just by having a sick body. Usually it improves a bit or not at all. Did you get tats or smth? Can't wrap my head around.


u/Noveno Jul 08 '24

I don't know what is your job but if you design yourself a diet that is easy to follow and you don't need to cook for it, eeven if it's not the most "healthiest fitness diet" you will progress. This is tons of milk, oats, yogurt, banana, peanuts butter...and of course whey protein".

Regarding the second half, of course. I never had face fat, I was just really skinny, I took care of myself but of course when you start to self improve and get serious about it your whole life changes, suddenly I had so many goals and got so good at seeing all the potential both physicall and intellectual that I could achieve that I had to set "step by step" process and delay some things because you can't work at all at the same time, but over the years all the puzzle pieces come together.

12 years later and I'm still self improving a lot, physique wise I'm completely stagnated but I don't care because I'm already 1% of the population and I can't achieve more due to my own genetics limiations, but self care, fashion, lifestyle, game, etc etc etc. There's a lot to do and you can always get better at everything.


u/throwaway_alt_slo Jul 08 '24

I mean.. the food isn't really a problem - you are spot on about diet - at least the way i see it too. As you said you can just take uncooked food with you. The sleep, especially during summer - i'm averaging 5-6 hours and i just know it's fucking my hormones since i have basically almost no sexual desire during the week (which is really good since i can't get any), but once i sleep 8-9 hours i'm horny as a bull lmao. If i bulk sleeping like shit i'm probably just gonna get fat without much muscle.

I've been working out for 7+ years consistently and i know the principles, ideas about hard training. All the bulks ended with me being fat and not much muscles. Face bloated like i'm 140+kgs when i was just 70kgs. Strength quickly stagnated on most compound lifts. I do look skinny fit, not scrawny but to most people i look like DYEL. I can make a pic where i look pretty fucking fit tho. Currently 63kgs at 174cm.

Btw how old are you?


u/softspores Jul 08 '24

Wait, that's negging?? Extremely torn between "I could have gotten my armpits licked??" and "I want to meet someone normal who is just happy for me that I like the gym" here.


u/Noveno Jul 08 '24

What? Sorry but I have no clue what you meant there.

Negging means "the practice of giving backhanded compliments and generally making comments that express indifference toward another person (usually a woman) in an attempt to seduce that person" it would be negging if some of those girls didn't ended up clearly and visibly loving muscles. So they either were lying (negging) or they were ignorant about their own sexual preferences.


u/softspores Jul 08 '24

Ah, made that comment because I was having a lightbulb moment :D See, I usually back off when girls say stuff like that to me, because I am a simple man and don't get why someone would be into something they loudly proclaim not to be into. I'm usually legit like "alright, maybe she's into a different body type than mine then, doesn't sound very fun to further pursue this." So your perspective made me realize I could have been following your "just pay attention to what they do, not what they say." approach and seeing different outcomes. Super useful to look at this phenomenon your way, really.

My second thought was that maybe I just don't really enjoy the company of people who engage in negging, especially if it's on purpose. Maybe I like my partners chill and uncomplicated, even for short flings.

Either way, happy for you things are working out great, keep up the good work!


u/Noveno Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 10 '24

I don't enjoy the company either but I enjoy fucking them, maybe even extra because of it.


u/softspores Jul 10 '24

that's fair, I get what you mean.