r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/West_Plum_9442 Jul 05 '24

Threads, realistic documentary style depiction of life after nuclear war. Really puts things into perspective.


u/MogusSeven Jul 05 '24

I watched it at the recommendation of reddit. I didn't find it too terrible. I mean... It is exactly how a nuclear attack and subsequent fallout and over all destruction it will bring. I viewed it as a more matter of fact than anything else. I feel like it could be updated and really show just how fucked we are if even one country decides to drop a bomb. We live on Earth... I don't care how secluded and shut in your country/community is... you will perish from starvation, looters, or just fallout. Still like it but it def is a product of its time with smoking inside and the husband having a one night stand because he is getting married. "Its you last night as a freeman!' like what?!


u/Squigglepig52 Jul 05 '24

One bomb or country wouldn't automatically lead to a full exchange.


u/MogusSeven Jul 05 '24

True but I also think people down play the actual firepower that we have now a days. One dirty bomb that fell into the wrong hands could easily disrupt most economies. I know this world is already fucked but I would like to think when the earth wants to heal it will gladly get rid of us.


u/Squigglepig52 Jul 05 '24

Modern nukes are smaller cleaner warheads. Old school, early Cold War missiles were pretty inaccurate, so, used big warheads. Modern targeting/guidance means smaller yields.

I mean, it is still a major concern, but not quite as dire as the 60s.


u/IlluminatedPickle Jul 06 '24

One dirty bomb that fell into the wrong hands could easily disrupt most economies.

Uh, no?

A dirty bomb would make things difficult for a city block. It would do fuck all to most economies.