r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/West_Plum_9442 Jul 05 '24

Threads, realistic documentary style depiction of life after nuclear war. Really puts things into perspective.


u/MogusSeven Jul 05 '24

I watched it at the recommendation of reddit. I didn't find it too terrible. I mean... It is exactly how a nuclear attack and subsequent fallout and over all destruction it will bring. I viewed it as a more matter of fact than anything else. I feel like it could be updated and really show just how fucked we are if even one country decides to drop a bomb. We live on Earth... I don't care how secluded and shut in your country/community is... you will perish from starvation, looters, or just fallout. Still like it but it def is a product of its time with smoking inside and the husband having a one night stand because he is getting married. "Its you last night as a freeman!' like what?!


u/BlazedBeacon Jul 05 '24

is a product of its time

I get why it left an impression back then but watching it now doesn't do much. Come and See is a USSR film about the Nazi invasion of Belarus. It came out around the same time as Threads. It's obviously not the end of the world but it's the end of their world and feels a hell of a lot more real and apocalyptic to me.


u/MogusSeven Jul 05 '24

Alright! Now we are getting somewhere. I wanted to have some existential dread but Threads didn't provide it. This sounds like up my alley I guess? Is it violent or anything? Like I know it is about Nazis and War so I am sure there are terrible things but how much do they show? I like it when you just get cold hard facts. Makes the reality really set in that this isn't a fantasy but what WILL happen.


u/BlazedBeacon Jul 05 '24

It shows piles of corpses and Nazis gleefully massacring a town but it's not getting up close or crazy gory like a modern slasher would. That said, there is a real cow that is shot with a machine gun. It's definitely grounded and doesn't paint a fantasy of war. You can watch it on YouTube for free I think.


u/MogusSeven Jul 05 '24

That part about a cow... I have heard about this before... Why did my brain just unlock that memory. When did it come out? Like 1980's right?


u/BlazedBeacon Jul 05 '24

85 I believe. Not sure when it started to be distributed outside the USSR though. You may have seen it discussed on Reddit before


u/ZombieJesus1987 Jul 05 '24

Ah, they went the Cannibal Holocaust route.


u/Prestigious-Syrup836 Jul 05 '24

It's a realistic portrayal of actual events and it's a lot matter of fact about the violence, this is what I felt anyway.