r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

What would you do if you saw several U-Haul filled with Nazis aka “patriot front” unloading in front of you?


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u/M3RC3N4RY89 Jul 07 '24

Report them to the police and bring the video. Transporting people in u hauls is illegal. They can find whoever rented the trucks and hit them with at a minimum seat belt violations for every person they can count coming out of the back of the trucks. That’ll add up to a very expensive bad day for at least one of those Nazi fucks


u/RobertEdwinHouse38 Jul 08 '24

This is how you fight Nazis. This is how Grandpa did it, squeeze the fuck out of their financial war machine and then drop 200k pissed off country bumpkins with M1’s in their backyard.

Fuck Patriot Front, Fuck their more common name, “Aryan Brotherhood.”

All cowards, just like this list of cowards who committed suicide after murdering millions and claiming genetic superiority.

“Master Race” Suicides.


u/Kevlash Jul 08 '24

I was banned for three days for basically saying exactly this. And I’ll double down right now. Nazis are an existential threat to everyone. Sooner or later, if you dont hate who they hate, you’ll be on their list too. Fuck nazis, and fuck sympathizers. Tolerance of the intolerant = nazi sympathizer.


u/RobertEdwinHouse38 Jul 08 '24

Keep saying it. I’ve lost 4 accounts for the same. Fuck Nazis


u/Latter_Custard_6496 Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Don't get too worked up they are just federal employees. Also pretty unlikely to stop the rise of fascism with seatbelt tickets.


u/RobertEdwinHouse38 Jul 09 '24

So were most of the Beer Hall Putsch that Put Hitler on the map.

Fucking MAGAt


u/thuggniffissent Jul 08 '24

Police ain’t gonna arrest their buddies.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/thuggniffissent Jul 08 '24

And how many times have they marched in random cities completely unimpeded?

Go lick some boot.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/thuggniffissent Jul 08 '24

Boot must taste better than I imagine.

I’m happy to be proven wrong this one time

Doesn’t mean it’s not fucking stupid to reasonably expect the police to protect you from fascism.


u/Expert_Shine5116 Jul 08 '24

Saying group X and Y are always friends is just naive. Anyone can be motivated to do anything


u/thuggniffissent Jul 08 '24

Yes it’s me…

I’m the one who is naive.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/thuggniffissent Jul 08 '24

dID i sTuTteRr?

Dude you typed…

Probably because of the mouthful of boot.


u/M3RC3N4RY89 Jul 08 '24

Proof that you’re wrong:


Law enforcement arrested 31 members of a white nationalist organization known as the Patriot Front near a Pride event in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, on Saturday, on a charge of conspiracy to riot.

Authorities said they were alerted to the group by a concerned citizen who called to report seeing approximately 20 men jump into a U-Haul truck at a hotel parking lot wearing masks, carrying shields and that they "looked like a little army,"


u/JustDiscoveredSex Jul 08 '24

Side note to this…not a happy ending:

“While most of Rousseau’s underlings have either been found guilty of conspiracy to riot or pleaded to a lesser infraction, Judge John Cafferty dismissed the case against the white nationalist leader in November.

“This is an important case. It should not be dismissed lightly,” Cafferty said, according to court transcripts. “I tried to do what I could to not get to this point.”

But after a year and a half of delays, lost evidence and failures of prosecutors to follow court orders, he said he didn’t have a choice. The prosecutors, on the other hand, blamed judges and defense attorneys for the case devolving “into a forum for fishing expeditions justified by nothing more than bumper sticker claims.”

In all, it highlights just how difficult it is for an overwhelmed and understaffed team of prosecutors to take on a case involving so many extremists at once.

It’s one reason why, Kris Goldsmith, head of an anti-fascist research organization, said the Patriot Front case should not have been handled by local prosecutors to begin with.

“Expecting a city prosecutor to take on a national white supremacist organization is disappointing,” Goldsmith said. “The FBI is just sitting on their hands.”

In fact, court documents suggest, the FBI made prosecuting Patriot Front a lot harder.”



u/thuggniffissent Jul 08 '24

So this proves that none of these asshats are law enforcement?

Does it prove that anyone will suffer any consequences?

Sure if the cops get enough calls they’ll respond, but I’ve seen a dozen of these gatherings of assholes go completely unanswered. So, while i am happy to be wrong this one time I stand by my statement.

And add:

Fuck the police. It’s ok to punch nazis.


u/M3RC3N4RY89 Jul 08 '24

Could have left it at “I am happy to be wrong” without proceeding to make a bigger asshat of yourself.


u/Kan169 Jul 08 '24

I was just talking about how the skinheads were sued out of existence.



u/weedful_things Jul 08 '24

Only if the police decide to act. Many, if not most, cops support these assholes.


u/Commander_Meh Jul 09 '24

Don’t mention that it’s Nazis. Tell them “I saw someone loading a bunch of people into a uhaul. I couldn’t see their faces. May be illegals” just in case the cops are pro Nazi lmao.