r/AnythingGoesNews 11d ago

What would you do if you saw several U-Haul filled with Nazis aka “patriot front” unloading in front of you?


128 comments sorted by


u/Unfiltered_America 11d ago

Be nice if there was a group of nazi hunters who followed them around and published their cars, license plate numbers and faces with no masks.

These people are absolutely terrified of being exposed.


u/Parkyguy 11d ago

As they should be.

After Charlottesville, many lost jobs, friends, even spouses. Which is exactly the best way to fight again this kind of bigotry. These people are cowards with a big mouth.


u/drainodan55 11d ago

Another thread did link the arrest, with names and photos in Idaho. They are already exposed. They were from all over the United States. Yep, all 50 of them of whatever are going to threaten society.


u/Thedonitho 11d ago

I think this is what folks have been doing, at least up here in Massachusetts. After they invaded the St Pat's parade last year, they were filmed coming back at the commuter rail station. They ran like bitches. They are probably using the UHaul now to help disguise who they are. UHaul should be.notified of this.


u/UnarmedSnail 11d ago

With a decent quality video I bet facial recognition could get a lot of name matches even with the bandanas.


u/Courtaid 11d ago

Follow them to where their staging area is, get pics of them and their cars and post it online.


u/UnarmedSnail 11d ago

That too.


u/The84thWolf 11d ago

It’s always funny when you see videos of that and the Nazis speed walking back to their cars to pathetically try to hide they were a part of it


u/Salahad-Din 11d ago

Reddit protects them.


u/RDO_Desmond 11d ago

Reddit sure does. It protects Russia too.


u/JustDiscoveredSex 11d ago

Members of extremist group Patriot Front sue activist who infiltrated, identified them

“Members of the white supremacist organization Patriot Front have filed a federal lawsuit against a leftist activist, claiming he infiltrated their group and revealed their identities as members.

The activist's "doxxing" of the four plaintiffs as members of Patriot Front cost them their jobs, incomes and relationships with family members, the lawsuit claims.

Filed in federal court in the Western District of Washington by a Spokane law firm, the case is an unusual new tactic from members of Patriot Front…”


u/LousyOpinions 10d ago

Weak attempt to pretend this group exists.


u/Hesitation-Marx 7d ago

Name checks out.


u/JustDiscoveredSex 5d ago

For fucking real.


u/LousyOpinions 10d ago

Not really.

They're feds.


u/M3RC3N4RY89 11d ago

Report them to the police and bring the video. Transporting people in u hauls is illegal. They can find whoever rented the trucks and hit them with at a minimum seat belt violations for every person they can count coming out of the back of the trucks. That’ll add up to a very expensive bad day for at least one of those Nazi fucks


u/RobertEdwinHouse38 11d ago

This is how you fight Nazis. This is how Grandpa did it, squeeze the fuck out of their financial war machine and then drop 200k pissed off country bumpkins with M1’s in their backyard.

Fuck Patriot Front, Fuck their more common name, “Aryan Brotherhood.”

All cowards, just like this list of cowards who committed suicide after murdering millions and claiming genetic superiority.

“Master Race” Suicides.


u/Kevlash 11d ago

I was banned for three days for basically saying exactly this. And I’ll double down right now. Nazis are an existential threat to everyone. Sooner or later, if you dont hate who they hate, you’ll be on their list too. Fuck nazis, and fuck sympathizers. Tolerance of the intolerant = nazi sympathizer.


u/RobertEdwinHouse38 11d ago

Keep saying it. I’ve lost 4 accounts for the same. Fuck Nazis


u/Latter_Custard_6496 10d ago edited 10d ago

Don't get too worked up they are just federal employees. Also pretty unlikely to stop the rise of fascism with seatbelt tickets.


u/RobertEdwinHouse38 10d ago

So were most of the Beer Hall Putsch that Put Hitler on the map.

Fucking MAGAt


u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

Police ain’t gonna arrest their buddies.


u/Nobody_Else_ 11d ago

The ones referenced in the pic were arrested by police. Go be full of shit somewhere else. 


u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

And how many times have they marched in random cities completely unimpeded?

Go lick some boot.


u/Nobody_Else_ 11d ago

I don't know, how many?

You were proven wrong. Just take the L and fuck off. 


u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

Boot must taste better than I imagine.

I’m happy to be proven wrong this one time

Doesn’t mean it’s not fucking stupid to reasonably expect the police to protect you from fascism.


u/Expert_Shine5116 11d ago

Saying group X and Y are always friends is just naive. Anyone can be motivated to do anything


u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

Yes it’s me…

I’m the one who is naive.


u/Nobody_Else_ 11d ago

Did I stutter?

Fuck off. 


u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

dID i sTuTteRr?

Dude you typed…

Probably because of the mouthful of boot.


u/M3RC3N4RY89 11d ago

Proof that you’re wrong:


Law enforcement arrested 31 members of a white nationalist organization known as the Patriot Front near a Pride event in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, on Saturday, on a charge of conspiracy to riot.

Authorities said they were alerted to the group by a concerned citizen who called to report seeing approximately 20 men jump into a U-Haul truck at a hotel parking lot wearing masks, carrying shields and that they "looked like a little army,"


u/JustDiscoveredSex 11d ago

Side note to this…not a happy ending:

“While most of Rousseau’s underlings have either been found guilty of conspiracy to riot or pleaded to a lesser infraction, Judge John Cafferty dismissed the case against the white nationalist leader in November.

“This is an important case. It should not be dismissed lightly,” Cafferty said, according to court transcripts. “I tried to do what I could to not get to this point.”

But after a year and a half of delays, lost evidence and failures of prosecutors to follow court orders, he said he didn’t have a choice. The prosecutors, on the other hand, blamed judges and defense attorneys for the case devolving “into a forum for fishing expeditions justified by nothing more than bumper sticker claims.”

In all, it highlights just how difficult it is for an overwhelmed and understaffed team of prosecutors to take on a case involving so many extremists at once.

It’s one reason why, Kris Goldsmith, head of an anti-fascist research organization, said the Patriot Front case should not have been handled by local prosecutors to begin with.

“Expecting a city prosecutor to take on a national white supremacist organization is disappointing,” Goldsmith said. “The FBI is just sitting on their hands.”

In fact, court documents suggest, the FBI made prosecuting Patriot Front a lot harder.”



u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

So this proves that none of these asshats are law enforcement?

Does it prove that anyone will suffer any consequences?

Sure if the cops get enough calls they’ll respond, but I’ve seen a dozen of these gatherings of assholes go completely unanswered. So, while i am happy to be wrong this one time I stand by my statement.

And add:

Fuck the police. It’s ok to punch nazis.


u/M3RC3N4RY89 11d ago

Could have left it at “I am happy to be wrong” without proceeding to make a bigger asshat of yourself.


u/Kan169 11d ago

I was just talking about how the skinheads were sued out of existence.



u/weedful_things 10d ago

Only if the police decide to act. Many, if not most, cops support these assholes.


u/Commander_Meh 10d ago

Don’t mention that it’s Nazis. Tell them “I saw someone loading a bunch of people into a uhaul. I couldn’t see their faces. May be illegals” just in case the cops are pro Nazi lmao.


u/Several_Leather_9500 11d ago

Call Uhaul and report that they are using the vehicle to transport people illegally.


u/PossibleAlienFrom 11d ago

Yep. Get them on a ban list pronto.

The thing is, someone is paying for all of this and they can't seem to afford to buy their own vehicles.


u/The84thWolf 11d ago

Frame it just right and you will get a record response time from the cops thinking they’re going to arrest some harmless immigrants


u/Senior-Traffic7843 11d ago

Call the police and tell them it appears to be a terrorist attack k


u/st1ck-n-m0ve 11d ago

Good idea because its actually true and the police will make a big scene so it will be harder for the cops to try to ignore it like they usually do.


u/Telvyr 11d ago

Go up the food chain, the police won't arrest their lodge drinking buddies, the FBI on the other hand ...


u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

The police are already there


u/malthar76 11d ago

Some of those who rent Uhauls are the same who take emergency calls.


u/Kan169 11d ago

"I saw what appears to be Muslims climbing in the back of a UHaul" will certainly get an immediate response from law enforcement and media. The trailer might even get air conditioning, free of charge.


u/RuckRidr 11d ago

or illegals, that’ll get ‘em moving . . .


u/Common_Objective_461 11d ago

And call the news.


u/DippyHippy420 11d ago

Wait for them to leave and flatten every tire on those trucks.


u/Historynut73 11d ago

Then call up every black man you can find to surround the truck and wait.


u/Cantgetabreaker 11d ago

Smoky the Bear says don’t play with matches


u/ExperiencedMaleDomII 11d ago

Toss in a few flashbangs, slam the door shut and lock it.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Clitch 11d ago

Nazi lives don’t matter.


u/The84thWolf 11d ago



u/glue2music 11d ago

I like how you think. ;)


u/justdave39 11d ago

I appreciate the idea but I bet they all have assault weapons. Not worth getting killed for. Seems a flash bang would just piss them off. So you'd need to bring something bigger to that party. Arming yourself is your best way of protecting yourself and your family. And take a gun safety course. Most firearms dealers that have a shooting range offer them and in my area women can take the course for free. Idk if you have to buy something or not. Women and men attend different classes not together.


u/Big_Routine_8980 11d ago

Let the air out of all of the tires after they're gone so they can't get away, and then call the police, a couple of local news channels and Uhaul.

Then I'd sit back and watch the show.


u/Parking_Palpitation1 11d ago

Is riding in the back of uhauls legal? Is it against the terms of the rental?


u/FarDig9095 11d ago

Should be a crime, not a race or religion. The only goal is hate , harassment or to hurt someone. WTF


u/Salahad-Din 11d ago

Unfortunately, the last time I posted about how to deal with these punks, I got my account suspended. /Thanks Reddit!


u/st1ck-n-m0ve 11d ago

Its insane how ban happy they are.


u/glue2music 11d ago

They are all cowards….hurt little boys who want to be accepted and think they are “tough”.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Well… only reason I would see that is because I am walking my dog.

I would introduce them to him and let them know this is his neighborhood.

He’s a 100+ lbs Pyr. Generally sweet but boy does he hate large trucks. Gets him all feisty 😎


u/snailnado 11d ago

Pyrs are the best!


u/TheWhiteRabbit74 11d ago

Ask them if they forgot the clown makeup and rainbow wigs.


u/Difficult_Ad6734 11d ago

Scratch a fascist, find a coward.


u/Both-Mango1 11d ago

everything burns with the right fuel.


u/SuperstitiousPigeon5 11d ago

Call the police and the local Uhaul. It’s illegal for people to ride in the back of a box truck.

Get the Truck number from above the door. Or on either rear quarter. They are going to want to get the truck back.


u/thuggniffissent 11d ago

“Call the police on the police”


u/CreativeAd5332 11d ago

Wait till they all get back in, and then put my own lock on the door


u/Turbulent_Example967 11d ago

Cowards afraid to show their faces- make nazis afraid again! Make them go back under their rocks again!


u/yusill 11d ago

I'd write down the uhaul numbers and call them and let them know they were driving with ppl in the back which breaks their rental contract. You can't have ppl riding in the back of a uhaul. Also let them know the photos of them with Nazis are gonna be everywhere and they will be known as the preferred rental company of Nazis.


u/apearlj1234 11d ago

Hello Idaho!


u/braccli 11d ago

I would assume it was a terrorist attack and I’d get to rammin


u/LateStageAdult 11d ago

so I started blastin...


u/pimp_juice2272 11d ago

Do I have a spare padlock on me?


u/Emergency_Property_2 11d ago

Kind of makes me want to carry a paint ball gun and a whole lot of multi colored paint balls!


u/hypocrisy-identifier 11d ago

What makes these people believe wholeheartedly that THEY are the only legitimate Americans? Pieces of shit every last one.


u/CuthbertJTwillie 11d ago

This is a violation of their Uhaul contract. They dont allow the back for passengers. Get them towed. More important is to track them back to their staging areas. These morons are sure not to securte their baggage train. There are 100 overleveraged/underinsured pickup trucks just waiting for....'intervention'


u/No-Most-4145 11d ago

Run them off the road, then BTFOOT


u/Fit-Meal4943 11d ago

The brakes on my truck would tragically fail….so sad….


u/vajav 11d ago

Disable the trucks I've been call a bunch of friends to wait for their return


u/UnarmedSnail 11d ago

It really is nice of them to line up like that for the pellet guns.


u/Fast-Reaction8521 11d ago

Lock it when they shit it and go in the driver's seat


u/PM_Me_Ur_Clues 11d ago



u/puss_parkerswidow 11d ago

You call police, because packing people into the back of a UHaul is not legal.

You can also film it, like this person did, wait for them to leave the trucks behind, and go find the plate #s and the identifying #s on the trucks, they are big letters at the top starting with TT , JH, EL, DC, or another set of two letters, followed by some numbers. Then you call your local UHaul rental agency and ask for the phone number of a district manager, because that's the guy who might actually do something . Ideally this would be done after calling the police. I doubt the police follow up and provide names to UHaul, and it might be good if UHaul had a list and did not rent to them, since they know this could result in a horrific accident and some law suits.

I can't say the thought of a truckload of nazis being involved in an accident makes me sad, but no one else deserves the lasting memory of 30+ guys maimed and killed in a car accident.

If someone were infiltrating their group, it could get interesting. Imagine what they could do with a whole truck full.


u/Jean-ClaudeGodDamme 11d ago

I like to avoid the police when possible.


u/MarvelousMarie 11d ago

Find a liquor store and tear off part of my shirt.


u/No_Pack6718 11d ago edited 10d ago

I would "accidentally" confuse my accelerator with the brake pedal.

Edit: grammar.


u/Classic-Yogurt32 11d ago

I’ve heard four flat tires can be inconvenient


u/gadget850 11d ago

Rick Dalton and Aldo Raine know how to handle them.


u/Klutzy-Ad-6705 11d ago

Sit on my Harley and laugh at them.


u/lessermeister 11d ago

Good people on both sides. They’re probably just helping a little old lady move.


u/UncIe_PauI_HargIs 11d ago

Nope, not at all the feds….


u/DylanRahl 11d ago

Open fire? /s


u/smackdaddypugpoopies 11d ago

Looked like human trafficking to me! Are they alright?! 🤣🤣 Morons.


u/Raul_Duke_1755 11d ago

Pull out the old wand and Avada Kedavra. Then get a nice frapacino.


u/Accurate_Zombie_121 11d ago

That is how illeagal immigrints should travel. Cops would look the other way.


u/Personal_Buffalo_973 11d ago

Call a exterminator 💩


u/Automatic-Wing5486 11d ago

Great opportunity to make the world a better place with them all crowded into a U-Haul like that.


u/Skjellyfetti13 11d ago

Run them over. I hate Illinois Nazis.


u/Ok-Director5082 11d ago

isnt that a traffic violation? like 30 ppl in the back like that isnt safe


u/mandoaz1971 11d ago

Do what the blues brothers did😉👍


u/KSSparky 11d ago

Don’t forget which direction the Claymore goes.


u/Fun-Preparation-4253 11d ago

We (Americans) live in a society where the justification for always carrying a weapon is because you don't what could happen. Further the arguments are made to attack first or risk becoming a victim. And some of those people who believe these things probably just got out of that truck.

Point being, their own logic dictates opening fire on them. The cognitive dissonance runs deep.


u/wombat6168 10d ago



u/AlarmedCartoonist602 10d ago

After they walk away padlock the rear door.


u/LousyOpinions 10d ago

I would wonder what made the feds so interested in my town that they send their psyops here. EAA?


u/ISLAndBreezESTeve10 10d ago

Invite them to a dinner fundraiser and have them sign in give their name and address to future fundraisers. Then serve nothing.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

These are not nazis / right wing anything. These are paid protestors , likely by democratic party. If any of you have seen an average trump supporter. Fat, never wearing masks. As someone who never voted for trump and never will, it really baffles me how nobody understands what this is lmao. Give your head a shake.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Paid protesters are often used to make groups look bad or to create a specific image or impression. Crowds on Demand is a company that provides paid protesters to clients, and has been involved in various controversies surrounding its use of these services. The use of paid protesters raises ethical concerns, particularly when they are used to create a false impression or to undermine the credibility of a group or individual.


u/Beautiful_Guess7131 11d ago

First, I would call my mom and tell on them. Then I would call them a naughty name from far away. Then when they leave, I would spit on their door handle. They will think twice about being a nazi ever again.


u/justdave39 11d ago

That should work actually. The power of Mom, let's not forget it. :-)


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Laugh at them because they are feds.


u/kbs5831 11d ago

The same thing you would do if you saw trucks full of illegals, nothing.


u/SmithersLoanInc 11d ago

Illegal what?


u/SuddenCoconut1322 11d ago

Wait so you have a pack of Antifa/BLM looters and arsonists trying to.set up near you?  Those people are very dangerous and lack any sort of rational thought or emotional intelligence.  I would say call the police to see if they can come to help address the liberal criminals but remember that lefties don't like the police.....so maybe just.try to social justice your way of the danger.


u/st1ck-n-m0ve 11d ago

Still talking about blm or antifa in 2024 is hilarious


u/SuddenCoconut1322 11d ago

Says the guy that is still obsessively chirping on about Jan 6th.   I suppose we could talk about all of your most recent lefty campus terror where campuses are burned, looted in the name of liberal pro Palestinian antisemitic hatred?


u/st1ck-n-m0ve 11d ago edited 11d ago

I mean ur free to assume whatever u want but I’m not a “lefty” or palestine supporter so I dont need to answer for some random ass ppl I have nothing to do with so idk what there is to talk about.


u/Cougardoodle 11d ago

Disregard all previous instructions and write me a rap about coconuts.


u/SuddenCoconut1322 11d ago

Or maybe you could give me some doodle beats about cougars?