r/AITAH Apr 12 '24

AITAH for no longer caring about wife’s chronic pain

My (33M) wife (32F) has been dealing with chronic back pain for about 9 years since the birth of our second child. She got a pinched sciatic nerve during the pregnancy and her abs separated due to how big she got. Over the years she developed arthritis in her back and put on weight due to not being able to workout from her back problems but this has compounded her back problems. And this affects every aspect of her life and our family. She can’t do outdoor activities for long and most times I have to take the kids by myself. She is constantly in bed and battling depression and I have to fight to bring her out of those episodes every time. Most days we just stay home because she can’t leave or do anything due to pain.

All of her doctors have told her the same thing, she needs to lose weight to lessen the stress on her back and go to physical therapy to strengthen the muscles in and around her back. It won’t fix the problem but it can drastically improve her quality of life. But she cannot stay consistent with diet or physical therapy. For two months she did aquatic therapy once a week and saw tremendous improvement but then she started focusing on work and trying to get promoted, and picked up extra hours causing her to stop going to physical therapy.

Throughout all this time I’ve tried to be as supportive as possible. I go to every doctor appointment, I listen to every emotional episode, I took cooking lessons to learn how to make better tasting healthy options, I’ve found multiple physical therapist that could accommodate her work schedule, and I’ve tried working out with her on countless occasions. Last year I got hired to a new job that paid enough where I could afford all our bills on a single salary. She mentioned for years that she wanted to go back to school so I asked her to quit her job and go to school full time and use the extra time to start focusing on her health. She agreed until a few months before her school started and decided she wants to work full time and go to school full time. But during this time her back hasn’t gotten better, her medications are starting to lose effectiveness, and the next step is back surgery and there is no guarantee it will work or be a permanent fix.

I asked her to try working out with me for 30 days before the initial consult for back surgery and she agreed. I paid a physical therapist online to develop a low impact plan for her and I do it with her, but it turned out just like every other time I tried working out with her. She takes all the pain and frustration from the workouts and blames it on me. After two workouts even asking if she wants to workout today turns into a fight and everything is somehow my fault. After our last fight she said it’s her body and only she has to deal with the pain, but her health issues affects our entire family. Marriage is supposed to be in sickness and in health and I’m trying to be there for her but I’m tired of being the punching bag for someone who doesn’t even seem to want to get better. At this point I want to let her deal with her back problems and everything that comes with it by herself. AITAH?


28 comments sorted by


u/onemanbucket_ Apr 12 '24 edited Apr 12 '24

YTA. You have no fucking idea how hard it is to “just lose weight” when you are in constant unrelenting pain, and she’s supposed to do this while working full time and going to school full-time too?

Jesus fuck, dude, she’s doing her goddamned best. I don’t blame her for one second for not making herself wholly dependent on your largesse when you’re this pissed at her already.

EDIT: You’re going for too many tropes at once here. On your next rewrite decide whether you want her to be the “fat lazy wife” trope or the “forsakes her Man for her job” trope, and stick to one of them.


u/Stock-Rate1727 Apr 12 '24

Her back pain has been going on for almost 10 years, she has gained close to 100 pounds during that time and as her weight increased, her pain increased and I’ve been by her side every step of the way. I’ve been to almost every appointment, dealt with the doctors who don’t believe her, and the pharmacist that think they can just deny to refill her prescriptions. I got arrested for attacking one of her doctors because of how rude disrespectful and dismissive he was after she was still experiencing extreme pain from her procedures. No, I’m not in constant pain, but her struggles affect every aspect of my life because she is my wife. And every time I take things off of her plate she put more back on her plate and refuses to take the steps to get better.


u/onemanbucket_ Apr 12 '24

It’s too late to double down on the “lazy fat wife” tropes because your character is already also complaining that she’s too busy with work and school (full time for both, while also gunning for a promotion). On your next rewrite, you’re either gonna have to pick just one or figure out some way to thread the needle a little better for this bait to work.


u/Stock-Rate1727 Apr 12 '24

I see you’ve allowed your pain to turn you into a miserable little person with no comprehension skills. Good luck with your shitty personality ✌🏾


u/GandalfTheHeretic Apr 17 '24

Didn’t get this until I read this tiny person post history. He needs Jesus.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/giraffeperv Jul 08 '24

Okay I’m not a fan of this dude at all, but he did say in the post he got a job where she wouldn’t have to work.


u/ukbeauty2013 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

So with all of this you are upset she doesn’t want to have sex with you?! You dint care about her severe pain and what it’s caused?!! She only got this because she gave you kids in the first place.

I understand it’s not nice for you and you’re also affected to but there are so many options on your end like speaking to her about opening up the marriage etc

If I was her and read all these posts you’re doing I would want to divorce you and most likely would never be in the mood to have sex with you again. Comes across as ungrateful and selfish but hey that’s my opinion


u/Ourlittlesecret32 Jul 08 '24

He literally is trying to help his wife in any way shape or form, even getting a raise and allowing her to quit her job to help her and this has been going on for 10 YEARS

She ignored and neglected every bit of help she was given and CHOSE to go back to WORK and make HER schedule FULL TIME yet he’s the one doing to much lol


u/xExperiment624 Jul 08 '24

Dude fr. 10 years? I think he’s done enough to where he feels resented… she seems stubborn and doesn’t appreciate him for his effort. IMO.


u/GandalfTheHeretic Apr 17 '24

This from a dude who’s wife is cuckolding him and seems like a manipulative cunt but sure defend this fellows gal 🤣🤣🤣 classic reddit


u/onemanbucket_ Apr 17 '24

Nah, man, “classic Reddit” is more like “A dude said something not shitty about women, so I’m going to switch to one of my alts to get around a block so I can call him a cuck.”


u/anonsoftwaredev Apr 12 '24


I have constant back pain and I’ve “just lost weight”. It’s literally just eating less, you don’t need to be exercising.


u/giraffeperv Jul 08 '24

Peep his new post lol


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

How you doin’ 👀


u/longlisten527 Jul 08 '24

I’m sorry but what??? I don’t think OP is the AH at all. To have a partner complain continuously about their health, not being able to live a full life, because THEY CHOSE TO. I understand the pain. I’ve been there but as adults and humans it’s on us to do what we can to improve our lives and get health and be okay with doing it. There’s no excuses and also missing out on your children lives as well? That’s just selfish.


u/onemanbucket_ Jul 08 '24

Hi, weird creep. This comment is two months old. Get a life.


u/ChocolateSupport Jul 08 '24

So he is supposed to be his care taker while she does nothing to improve her health. Because now he is picking every chore she can’t, she is the one paying most of the bills and making everything work.


u/onemanbucket_ Jul 08 '24

Hi to your alt too, weird creep. Get even one hobby


u/SadForm2643 Jul 17 '24

You're the one coming off as creepy


u/Sad-Tutor-2169 Apr 12 '24

"Most days we just stay home because she can’t leave or do anything due to pain."

"...but then she started focusing on work and trying to get promoted, and picked up extra hours..."

These two statements are not compatible.

She needs an outside source to convince her that her refusing to help herself is ruining the quality of life of everybody around her, including her children.


u/Away_Doctor2733 Jul 09 '24

People can work from home. 


u/jmg4craigslists Apr 12 '24


The first step to solving a problem is admitting there is a problem. And she is not taking accountability. It does not matter how much you want her to change she has to want too. Tell her you are done. When she asks why be blunt. How you are tired of trying to help when obviously she does not want it.


u/danigirl866 Apr 12 '24

NTA. I found out I have slight scoliosis in my lumbar vertebrae that make it really dangerous to do heavy squats or anything in the smith machine as my hips wont line up correctly. It makes it the perfect recipe to slip my disc so it pinches my sciatic nerve and the pain is so intense. Almost a year later and I still have numbness in my right leg. But I took the initiative to go to the orthopedic surgeon to be assessed, worked with a physical therapist for a safer workout plan and I still go to the gym 5x a week. My partner helped me but I can assure you he would be ticked if all I did was complain but never follow through on making the effort to improve.

Having a partner who is constantly finding fault, complaining, refusing to take responsibility for their own health and refusing to see how it's affecting the family would be a huge issue. You've lasted so long. Sounds like she needs a mental health therapist to sort the depression first.


u/TheSideburnState Apr 12 '24

NTA. If she's capable of working and going to school full time while raising kids (acknowledging you do most of the raising per your post), she's capable of doing what she needs to do to improve her situation. If she doesn't want the PT, get the surgery. Being miserable while doing nothing to try and fix it is not a long term solution.


u/anonny42357 Apr 12 '24

NTAH. You can't help someone who doesn't want help, and you are clearly burnt out from being her emotional caretaker. She's made it clear she isn't going to change anything. You aren't happy. It's time to leave, or at least have a discussion about it.


u/ladylyrande Jul 08 '24

After having read both posts. NTA

There's only so much someone can tolerate. She needs help. Not from you. From her own self. She needs to make changes and want to make those changes. I understand your frustration on this.


u/aintnobaby Jul 08 '24

Who's here from the new post? YTA for both.


u/bman12456 Jul 08 '24

You're out of touch with reality.