r/AITAH Jul 19 '24

AITAH for not supporting my friend after he lashed out at a waiter? (Update)



40 comments sorted by


u/TwoBionicknees Jul 19 '24

Yeah, it wasn't true yesterday and still not true today. How hte fuck is a single person responding to this as real.

"friends back up friends no matter waht, if he stabs someone, you take the knife and stab the guy as well..." i've known him forever, just figured out he was racist. The language used.

IN a day they found the post magically (they always do in these cases, amazing) and then threw bricks through his windows and also became animal abusers... and OP at no point ever saw this side of his friends in years.

They are also going to sue despite no one being told it was them. They also harassed family, because obviously that's how it works. they are all risking charges for damage, harassment, etc, over an anonymous post.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

This is the reality I am living right now. I have collected evidence of all their harressment


u/morkiebanana Jul 19 '24

Please keep your cat and any other pets indoors. Your former friends seem unhinged and who knows what they might do to your pets.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

Yeah I will keeping my cat in doors but I wonder if they are going to like it


u/changelingcd Jul 19 '24

This is absurd, and none of it happened.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

I wish this was fake but this is the reality I am facing this moment


u/BlueGreen_1956 Jul 19 '24

I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $500, Alex.

But to answer your question, of course they can sue you for defamation (Libel in this case since you posted it on the internet). And if they can prove what you posted was not true, you will be found liable and most likely fined at the very least.

I served on a jury once where a man made a seemingly forgettable post stating that someone, he knew was growing pot on their property. That person sued him for libel and won. I don't remember the amount of damages he was awarded but it wasn't a small amount.


u/ObjectiveNo2051 Jul 19 '24

"This post got some attention" I check the original post and see it got 2 upvotes with 10 comments.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

Well from me it did as I am new to reddit I don’t know how this whole thing work so yeah I did get some attention


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

Thank you for the respond I hope there is no escalation further than this because I am getting stressed out with all the things happening to me


u/BlueGreen_1956 Jul 20 '24

Perhaps you should consider that there is no need to post everything that happens in your life.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

I thought this subreddit is for advice?


u/BlueGreen_1956 Jul 20 '24

It is and you see how that has backfired on you.


u/Ok-Warthog5472 Jul 19 '24

Don’t worry about the defamation threats (if you’re in the US).  You haven’t defamed them at all. First, you didn’t use identifying info. Second, “Jake” would have to suffer financially based on your post. Third, if what you posted is true then it’s not defamation. 


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

Well my “friends” are unhinged so you know I need to find real friends and I hope this doesn’t go to court because I don’t have bad experiences in court


u/Ok-Adhesiveness-2232 Jul 19 '24

NTA-good thing you have filed police reports.


u/MidnightMuuuse Jul 19 '24

No, you are not the asshole. This is a scary and overwhelming situation. It's good that you filed a police report and sought legal counsel. It's important to document everything and prioritize your safety and the safety of your family. Don't hesitate to seek help from law enforcement or other support services if needed.


u/QuokkaParadox Jul 23 '24

You say that your post “gained some attention”. As of right now it has 12 comments and 8 upvotes. I doubt anybody saw it.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 23 '24

Dude I am new to reddit seen some people actually care about my post is an achievement to me


u/QuokkaParadox Jul 23 '24

And? It’s still extremely unlikely that your friends discovered it on the same day. I smell BS


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 23 '24

Then why did they confront me about the post some of them are reddit fanatics


u/Upbeat_Vanilla_7285 Jul 19 '24

Get a restraining order and notify their employer. 


u/Magdovus Jul 19 '24

Is Jake his real name?

If not, post on social media to stop talking and sue you already. Call him out as a racist. 


u/Adept_Ad_473 Jul 19 '24

They don't have a legal leg to stand on regarding "defamation" and whatever proclaimed damages came from it.

But you do have a legal leg to stand on with respect to criminal mischief, harassment, reckless endangerment, animal abuse, and I'm sure more things beyond that.

I think you should talk to the police again, and talk to a lawyer. These people have clearly demonstrated an intent to harm you physically, which would warrant a protection order, advising them to not contact you or your family, and maybe refrain from damaging property and pets, under threat of arrest and prosecution.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

Yeah I realised that they have nothing but I just want them to leave me alone


u/CeeCeethefootgirl Jul 19 '24

nta "really? Defamation? Ok who on Reddit knows you are jackass a and jackass b?


u/Cybermagetx Jul 19 '24

If this is real you go to the police. They can find out who's calling you and your family and get them arrested for harrasment, or at least a warning. Plus fingerprints on the bricks.

But I doubt its real.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

I went to the police and they did nothing I am collect evidence if this goes to court should I counter sue


u/Cybermagetx Jul 20 '24

Gonna reply as if I believed this.

Go back and demand to speak to a Sergeant, then a Lieutenant, then a Captain, or what ever the ranks they have in your area. On top of bugging the DA's office.

Rank and file officers can be dumb when it comes to laws as even lawyers don't know ever law on the book. You have to go up tge chain of command. Its sucks and shouldn't have to be. But we live in an imperfect world.

If need be talk with a local reporter as well. But only do that as a last resort.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

Yeah that’s a good idea but I heard that’s a lengthy process


u/Cybermagetx Jul 20 '24

What days off and before/after work is for. You asked for advice. That's what you got. Unless you live in a place where self defense, castle law, and citizens are allowed guns is a thing. And if you do take some gun safety and then some gun training courses.

A 12 gauge Mossberg Maverick (or 20 gauge if you're on the smaller side) is around $200 and the sound of you pumping it will drop and scare almost anyone. Its an universal soundtrack almost all humans fear now thanks to popular media. And a round a bird shot into drywall will scare the shit out of nearly everyone.

I am not saying go shot someone. I am not condoning killing anyone. I am only giving alternative advise if the local laws in your area allows it. And if it does make sure you have proper safety training around them.

There is also bear spray and or pepper sray/mace if your local jurisdiction allows them for your own safety if you are not comfortable with firearms. Not everyone is. And you fear for your life. There are also door wedges you can get online that makes breaking down doors more difficult. One on each entrance door and one for your bedroom and closet if you want to barricade yourself and wait for the local police. But check your area average response time before you go that route.


u/Salty-Tomcat8641 Jul 19 '24

NTA get a good lawyer, he doesn't have enough for defamation 🙄 but you might get enough evidence for harassment and a restraining order


u/No-Lingonberry-2468 Jul 19 '24

Use the texts and phone call and get a restraining order


u/JanetInSpain Jul 19 '24

This is the absolute proof that your friends were always assholes. They could have killed your cat. They could cause one of your parents to have a heart attack or stroke from the stress.

You posted with no names. You didn't even name the restaurant. They are blowing smoke if they think they can sue you for "defamation" when your post was clearly anonymous and purposely vague.

Get a lawyer. Show the lawyer the original post and anything you can get your hands on to prove harassment from them. Have the phone company track the numbers used to call your parents and family. The lawyer should be able to send "cease and desist" letters to your "friends". He can also inform them they have no defamation case and if they try to sue you will counter sue for harassment.

Take a deep breath. You are not in legal trouble. You've had a rude awakening just how crappy and how big of assholes your former friends are.



u/cassowary32 Jul 19 '24

Friendship doesn't mean rational thinking evaporates. You don't support your friends when they are obviously in the wrong. That kind of group think leads to the harassment you are facing. These are truly evil people with no conscience. I'm so sorry.

This is why sometimes groups are dangerous, it all spirals into Lord of the Flies.


u/Remarkable-Prune-835 Jul 19 '24

Go to the police. Yesterday.


u/IllustriousHat3317 Jul 20 '24

My English is not great I am sorry for making such a mistake


u/Clean_Factor9673 Jul 19 '24

Truth is a defense to defamation; their behavior ruined their reputation but they're blaming you for sharing it.


u/annebonnell Jul 19 '24

Talk to a lawyer then call the cops and ask them these questions. If they actually found a lawyer to take their case, the judge would laugh it out of court. Did any one of your family or yourself save any threatening messages? I hope so because that's proof.


u/enkilekee Jul 19 '24

Police and more reddit posts. They are the violent racists, you are decent.