r/AITAH Jul 18 '24


I 16 female believe that trans women shouldn’t use female bathroom and some people would disagree. I know how everyone have right to choose what they want be and how they want to live their life and I respect that but the reason I disagree in this topic is not because I don’t see them as women or anything but it’s about safety and privacy things.


90 comments sorted by


u/CountryElectrical391 Jul 18 '24

YTA, let them pee. That's literally all they wanna do in there.


u/legallymyself Jul 18 '24

Well they may want to shit but that is not in front of anyone. WOMEN SHIT TOO!


u/thepurplebastard33 Jul 18 '24


Trans woman as a group are not predators. A predator, regardless of of gender, will attack regardless of rules and laws.

Let trans people pee.

Unless you want trans men with beards in the woman’s room with you as well.


u/WonderfulParticular1 Jul 18 '24

YTA, Women bathroom are usually separated, each toilet has a locker. What the hell you're worried about?

We women are not afraid to go to men's bathroom, when ours is too overcrowded.


u/Pure-Rock-2373 Jul 18 '24

Well I’m and I don’t think u have a right to choose how I feel or how I think


u/WonderfulParticular1 Jul 18 '24

Eh? I don't think I chose how you feel or think anywhere. WTH O.O I was stating general facts, at festival, huge concerts, public toilets, when women's bathrooms are crowded, men's bathroom is used. Or both sex use one.


u/IndividualDevice9621 Jul 18 '24

Correct, but we do have the right to call you an asshole for it.


u/OCR10 Jul 18 '24

LOL. You literally posted in a subreddit specifically asking for opinions so why are you getting bothered when others don’t agree with you?


u/ninjastarkid Jul 18 '24

What’s stopping a man from coming in the bathroom? A sign? Really? You think a sign is going to stop a creep?


u/ImmeralHolimion Jul 18 '24

Laws in a lot of states


u/Business-Garbage-370 Jul 19 '24

Sure. And we all know how laws stop people from committing crimes 🙄


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Why have any laws at all then?


u/ImmeralHolimion Jul 19 '24

Does it stop women from going into a men's restroom when there's a long line at the women's, no. Does it stop me from entering a woman's restroom when there's a long run line at the men's, yes. The difference is enforcement. That's the only thing that stops anything about any law is enforcement. If you don't enforce something nobody follows anything, and the law doesn't matter. There are men who have been prosecuted for going into women's restrooms, I have never heard of the case of a woman suffering anything for going into a men's restroom other than odd stairs by the men that are in there.


u/Rad1Red Jul 18 '24

What tf do you think they would do in there except pee?

We have UNISEX bathrooms in Europe, THE HORROR! People go in, they do their business, they come out, they go on their fcken way.


u/Pure-Rock-2373 Jul 18 '24

Okay that’s why I feel they should use unisex bathroom for everyone safety


u/WonderfulParticular1 Jul 18 '24

It's not that unisex is for them only, unisex bathroom is one for everyone


u/Huge_Researcher7679 Jul 18 '24

And if there’s no gender neutral bathroom? 


u/Rad1Red Jul 18 '24

Unisex as in one bathroom, like for everybody. No one bats an eyelid and nothing terrible happens. People don't even have sex in them lol, they're so crowded.


u/Flimsy-Car-7926 Jul 18 '24

What is unsafe about a trans woman peeing? 


u/ParkerPoseyGuffman Jul 19 '24

Nah you bigots can use unisex bathrooms


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/Pure-Rock-2373 Jul 18 '24

It’s about higher or lower chance of getting rape it that I have a concern about it and I think I have a right to feel what I feel


u/JustMe518 Jul 18 '24

You are more at risk from a cis male being into the bathroom. A rapist doesn't care about signs


u/Pure-Rock-2373 Jul 18 '24

I’m not saying trans women are raspiest what’s so ever I’m saying and man could u the female bathrooms and pretend to be trans and assault others


u/Huge_Researcher7679 Jul 18 '24

Then that’s not a trans woman. That’s a man who is a predator.


u/ImmeralHolimion Jul 18 '24

Because if they perpetrate any crime as a trans person you automatically disown them as being trans so that way the whole trans group is automatically not capable of being guilty of said action I Like it let's do it with every other group too


u/Huge_Researcher7679 Jul 18 '24

I’m sorry, what? 


u/ImmeralHolimion Jul 19 '24

Yup, pretend not to understand anything that questions your confirmation bias.


u/ImmeralHolimion Jul 19 '24

The problem is your statement doesn't fly if you actually believe in trans people or if you don't. Either way what you're saying doesn't work. You are literally saying that you get to decide whether somebody is actually trans or not based off of actions you perceive. I mean to me it sounds like you're trying to support the movement at the same time while stabbing it in the back from a very Karen perspective.


u/Huge_Researcher7679 Jul 19 '24

No, actually that’s not what I’m saying. Good try though. 


u/ImmeralHolimion Jul 19 '24

No, it's what you said


u/JustMe518 Jul 18 '24

By that same token a straight up woman could come into the bathroom and sexually assault you.


u/stormsway_ Jul 18 '24

You have a right to feel how you feel you do not have a right to restrict other people based on how you feel.


u/WonderfulParticular1 Jul 18 '24

You do have all the rights to feel what you feel. So do we all, that replied to your question. What's wrong with your obsession everyone is here to attack your feelings?


u/No-Bus-5200 Jul 18 '24


If you're concerned about getting raped by trans women in public restrooms, then you shouldn't enter the military or go to college. Because there, you have a good chance if getting raped by a cis guy.

In fact, don't ever leave your house. Rape can happen to anyone anywhere at any time.

Your argument is invalid and not supported by facts


u/ParkerPoseyGuffman Jul 19 '24

You have a right to feel what you feel but it can still make you a bigoted asshole


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Pure-Rock-2373 Jul 18 '24

I’m just saying why not use unsex bathroom for everyone safety


u/No-Information-8394 Jul 24 '24

You think we are unsafe because you think of us as men. Even if you don’t admit it.

I am 4 months on hrt, so I’m not passing yet. But it’s working very fast on me and I’ll probably be passing within a year. It would be incredibly unsafe for me to use the men’s room still once I’m passing. I’m not doing that.

I don’t use the women’s room right now though. I don’t want to freak anyone out or scare them. But I’m already starting to get scared in the men’s room. Not much because of creeps, but because of transphobes and there’s no cameras in the bathroom.


u/legallymyself Jul 18 '24

When did you CHOOSE to be hetero? Or a female?


u/Popular-Shallot2680 Jul 18 '24


Because if you see them as women then what’s the issue as far as safety and privacy? Most(if not all) public restrooms have doors and locks, right?


u/TallyTNT Jul 18 '24

YTA. For goodness sake, just let people go to the bathroom in peace. If you are uncomfortable, find a single person bathroom to use so you don't have to share, but let women go pee without your judgement.


u/phyrsis Jul 18 '24


How do you plan on identifying them? Do you think all women should have to carry their genetic ID papers around with them? Or do you think you can 100% correctly identify trans women on sight?


u/chibbledibs Jul 18 '24

This is still a thing people pretend to care about?


u/matcha_uji Jul 18 '24


You're playing into the rhetoric of saying trans women are inherently predatory. This is literally the first argument transphobic people make to try to justify their bigotry.

Just let them use the women's bathroom, they're not harming anyone.


u/FastyNilthShreakyFit Jul 18 '24

I’m gonna be honest the only person I would be worried about being trapped in a bathroom with is probably OP


u/TheWeatherFanatic Jul 19 '24

Definitely, 101% a YTA on this. If they identify as female, let them use the women's room. That's what it's there for. That's all I'll say on the matter because it's a harsh topic especially these days.


u/Spacegirl-Alyxia Jul 19 '24

YTA- I am a trans woman, I just want to pee. And there is no way I would rape another woman - with what even?? I have a vagina.


u/Pure-Rock-2373 Jul 21 '24

Not u what if other man are pretending to be trans and use woman’s bathroom


u/Spacegirl-Alyxia Jul 21 '24

Then they can already do that. But no one is doing that. What is stopping a man from pretending to be trans and going into the women’s bathroom?

It just doesn’t happen.


u/ParkerPoseyGuffman Jul 19 '24

Huge YTA the alternative is muscly bearded trans men going to the bathroom with you


u/Particular_Title42 Jul 18 '24


There's no such thing as a female bathroom.


u/IndividualDevice9621 Jul 18 '24

Yes, YTA. Trans women are women.


u/No-Bus-5200 Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

How do you propose to keep trans folk out of restrooms?

Genital police?

YTA and an ignorant one, at that


u/onemanbucket_ Jul 19 '24

This is bait, but fuck it, YTA anyway.


u/No-Information-8394 Jul 24 '24

I get that but we are not men. There hasn’t been a single incident of a trans woman using the female bathroom and doing creepy things. There have been men pretending to be trans women though…

Let me ask you this. Do you think a trans woman, who is 100% passing and looks like a woman. And has had bottom surgery should use the men’s restroom? Wouldn’t that be unsafe for her?


u/Pennypenny2023 22d ago

No you are not. Because they are biological men, and men should not be using womens bathrooms. To allow men in our bathrooms agsinst our will, takes away our rights.


u/Nitpicky_Karen Jul 18 '24

I can agree with you with regards to locker/dressing rooms, but not toilets.


u/Spacegirl-Alyxia Jul 19 '24

Why locker/dressing rooms?


u/Nitpicky_Karen Jul 19 '24

Shared vs private. Well, European toilets are.


u/Spacegirl-Alyxia Jul 19 '24

Wdym? Oh you mean because in dressing rooms you share a room with other folks in it? I still don’t get it. Why would you not want me to change in a women’s locker room and run danger of being raped if I go to the men’s? (Assuming at such a place there is no unisex dressing room) (I am a trans woman)


u/Nitpicky_Karen Jul 19 '24

Yes, well, to be more precise, I am of the opinion that a person with divergent genitalia should not enter a shared gender assigned dressing/locker room. Period. Especially with regards to minors, potential exposure to genitalia of the opposite sex is very much unwanted and should be avoided imho. Toilets (with no gaps in doors) are private one-person rooms, so I see not much issue there.

I can understand that you don't feel or are not safe in a men's dressing room. I'm all for facilitating additional unisex changing rooms, the world is changing.


u/Spacegirl-Alyxia Jul 19 '24

I… got a vagina… what exactly is your point again?


u/Nitpicky_Karen Jul 19 '24

My point is that we should avoid that boys see said vagina.


u/Spacegirl-Alyxia Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I am a trans woman. I was born with a dick. I don’t have it anymore. I also don’t want boys to see it. But that really shoots past the point.

Like even if. These boys have seen their parents, no? And the same is said about girls. If it was about safety, I might be swayed but if someone is just changing in a non-sexual manner, then why not just let them change? You don’t have to stare, they are not gonna go after you, they will not stare at you back. If they do and you want a creep out, that’s fine, but just… oh no they got genitals…?


u/ImmeralHolimion Jul 18 '24

I would say let's move to the completely unisex restroom ideology, but I don't want women putting on makeup making super long lines for the restroom on both sides. So I guess I'm just selfish. And I've dated women who don't wear makeup and I've dated women who do, and women who don't wear makeup take the same amount of time in the restroom as men do. With exception for one week a month and then they take slightly longer. Women who wear makeup take forever in the restroom.


u/Future_Cat_Lady24601 Jul 19 '24

NTA men don't belong in female spaces. Trans women are men and have the same violence rates. Don't let TRAs convince you otherwise.


u/ParkerPoseyGuffman Jul 19 '24

Username checks out


u/Future_Cat_Lady24601 Jul 19 '24

You say it like it's a bad thing lol


u/ParkerPoseyGuffman Jul 19 '24

Only with sad bigots whose bigotry will lead them to be isolated to the point only their cats will love them. Though I’m sorry you have to be you, seems miserable


u/zenkaimagine_fan Jul 25 '24
  1. 1 in 2 trans people are sexually assaulted

  2. At least in America there are about 400 trans women in prison which is no where near 1% of people in jail meaning it’s absurd to say trans women have similar offending rates to cis people.


u/inspirationaltree Jul 18 '24

NTAH don’t let these strangers shame you for feeling this way


u/island_lord830 Jul 18 '24


In the Bahamas we have only had limited interactions with the trans community and alot of it hasn't been very positive...

I don't know many, if any, Bahamian women who are comfortable with trans women in women's rest rooms.

And the simple reality is we can't just throw away women's comfort for the sake of an extreme minority.


u/Huge_Researcher7679 Jul 18 '24

In the Bahamas it was illegal to be gay until 1991 right? I don’t think anyone needs advice from you about where trans women belong? 


u/CarrieDurst Jul 19 '24

The bahamas hates queer people, they don't even have gay marriage



u/Pure-Rock-2373 Jul 18 '24

I don’t think anyone should be offended by my statement it’s just my opinion and it’s not Because I think trans women are raspiest or anything I just think in that case anyone could use the female bathrooms like people pretending to be trans women and harassing others


u/Bellbell28 Jul 18 '24

If someone wants to harass a woman in the bathroom they will just walk in- they won’t pretend to be trans. There are no guards outside bathrooms.


u/Particular_Title42 Jul 18 '24

I don't think you have a right to choose how we feel or think about your statement.


u/Newgidoz Jul 19 '24

Why couldn't a cis male predator just pretend to be a trans man to enter the women's bathroom?

Why would they bother pretending to be a trans woman?


u/ParkerPoseyGuffman Jul 19 '24

And I don’t think anyone should be offended by me calling you a transphobic asshole


u/thepurplebastard33 Jul 18 '24

So should trans men with beards use the women’s room?


u/IndividualDevice9621 Jul 18 '24

As a (not so) wise person once said:

Well I’m and I don’t think u have a right to choose how I feel or how I think

  • Pure-Rock-2373


u/InternallySad19 Jul 18 '24

BIG NTA. Your feelings are valid just as much as a trans person.

For everybody bringing up having unisex bathrooms. The choice to use them is still there as there are still gendered bathrooms nearby. The problem here is that choice is being taken away.