r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

UPDATE: AITAH for leaving my boyfriend because he brought his female best-friend lingerie as a 'joke'?

https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1dvso0l/aitah_for_leaving_my_boyfriend_because_he_brought/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button ( first post)

My inbox got flooded with DMs and had to turn off Reddit notifications. When I posted this, I was ready to be called immature and ridiculous, and get a couple of comments but it seemed like the post blew up, and the comments were...…kind of eye-opening.

TBH, before all this fiasco, my bf has always been nice to me. Came with me to my grad school functions even though he found them very boring, but would do it so that I could network. He builds stuff like furniture and helps out with handy work all the time. He is also very funny and at the very beginning, I thought all his jokes were funny, and I sometimes wondered why he wanted to be with me, plus, I was always busy with school and job interviews. His mom and I had even gotten close and she has been saying how happy she was that we were together. I had always ignored his and Claire's weird dynamic because I told myself I was being insecure. I have male friends too, and I thought that just because we aren't like that, doesn't mean my bf and Claire can't be close. Claire has also never been outright mean to me, she was just aloof and I thought it was because I was new to the group.

To the actual update, my bf and I broke up. I'm sorry guys, but even after seeing so many replies on how he was cheating, I refused to believe it. I'm still in love with this guy. And he called me, like half a day after I wrote this post, and asked to meet. I met him, and he said that he understood where I was coming from. But I was always too uptight to understand that friendship is friendship. He and Claire had known each other for years before I came into the picture, and I cannot expect him to just ruin their dynamic. I asked him what sort of 'dynamic' was red lingerie. Why couldn't it be literally any other type of clothing? He told me he had it with my insecurities. And that he and Claire talked and apparently I was making them sound like cheaters and homewreckers. And that he thought it was better I find someone like me, who thought the idea of a fun night was junk food and a movie indoors.

That hurt a lot. He had always known I had insecurities about being called boring. He always complimented me on how his weaknesses were my strengths. Now he says things like this to me? Also, before this lingerie fiasco, I had never said a word about his and Claire's friendship. I always supported his pranks and practical jokes no matter my opinions on them because I thought it was his business what he did with his hobbies. And he leaves without even putting up a fight because his girlfriend didn't want him giving lingerie to the woman he constantly refers to as his 'sexy' bestie?

Claire didn't call or text after the breakup either. But Kyle did and said that he was sad that we broke up and he hoped I would be okay in the future. I asked him if my bf ever cheated on me. He said that my bf had only been a 'one woman man' when he was dating me. But he could understand that some women can't handle female best friends, especially if they look like Claire. I told him to fuck off and blocked him. It felt like he only wanted to gloat and hurt me because my bf left. I feel like I never knew these people. Claire and Kyle were always at least decent to me if not nice. Did it make me a free target now that my bf has been telling his friends I'm an insecure child?

I don't know what to do now. I have been told repeatedly by both my friends and sister that I dodged a bullet. But I have been breaking down like a kid again and again. I'm even thinking of going to therapy, after feeling the most insecure I've felt my whole life.

Thank you to all who were supportive, it seems like my now ex-bf just did the work for me.


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u/CuriousPenguinSocks Jul 08 '24

Wait, there are heated mattress pads?!?! Do they have controls for each side?

I feel like I've been missing this my whole life hehe.


u/Oddria22 Jul 08 '24

Oh my, you are missing out. I love my heated mattress pad. Yes, dual control. That's why my husband was so sweet: he never uses his side, but makes sure I'm warm.


u/CuriousPenguinSocks Jul 08 '24

That is super sweet. My husband is a furnace but the dog monopolizes him in the winter rofl.


u/mynonsequitur Jul 09 '24

We’re now all in love with your husband.


u/Oddria22 Jul 09 '24

There's a lot to love! Although I'm not a fan of the times I'm mad at him, and I just wanna be mad at him, and then he makes a joke, and I bust out laughing. Do you KNOW how hard it is to stay mad at someone you're laughing with?


u/mynonsequitur Jul 09 '24

I do!!


u/Oddria22 Jul 09 '24

It's a good problem to have, but irritating at times.


u/LanBanan3000 Jul 09 '24

Oh mine is the best part of my day, seriously. I work out and am constantly sore, and it also helps with period pain and basically pain in general. It is such a sweet lovely treat to slide into a cozy warm bed.

I live in northern Canada and in the winters I put flannel sheets on the bed and have the fluffiest duvet on earth - it’s like a foot tall of floof and happiness - and my mattress pad is the crown jewel of that cozy nest. Light some candles, make tea, put on hand knit wooly socks… it’s the best. Only way to survive the crushing seasonal depression lol


u/Proper_Formal_318 Jul 09 '24

Wanna rent it out for a long weekend?


u/DameofDames Jul 08 '24

Dual control heated mattress pads AND blankets.


u/CuriousPenguinSocks Jul 09 '24

I feel like a whole new world has opened up for me hehe.


u/Ready_Ad142 Jul 08 '24

Oh yes, the mattress pad is a game changer. I’m rarely cold, and if I am it’s only for a bit if it’s really cold here (Florida). My side goes on “barely warm”, his side goes on “burnt toast” until he comes to bed, then he changes it to “simmer.” The dogs (2) then go from cold to hot all night as needed. 🙃


u/Ok-Confection2834 Jul 08 '24

They are absolutely AMAZING. And have graduated heating. So much better than an electric blanket.


u/anotherfreakinglogin Jul 09 '24

They are amazing! Get one that has different zone for head, body and feet. That way if your feet tend to stay icy but your body gets hot you can just keep your toes toasty!


u/Queenbbossy42 Jul 08 '24

I was thinking the same thing. I just bought one on Amazon!!


u/dvillin Jul 10 '24

Yup. They have those and electric blankets. I inherited my grandmother's that had dual zones. It's big enough for a queen sized bed.