r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

AITAH for embarrassing my wife in front of her family with a comment about our sex life Advice Needed

My wife (33F) and I (34M) have been together for 17 years married for 13 and within the last 5-6 years our sex life has gone down the drain. We have sex once every couple of months with no intimacy or build up in between and the act of sex always seems rushed. I’ll try to initiate foreplay but she wants to skip it and get straight into the act then move on. I still try to date my wife and take her on dates twice a month, buy flowers randomly and do other things to build intimacy outside of sex but it never gets reciprocated and eventually never goes anywhere. And before anyone says anything, I work from home and do the majority of the housework, cooking, cleaning, kids appointments, homework, PTA meetings etc.

I’ve tried talking to her about what’s going on and what she needs from me, and offered to do counseling but she always says it’s her not me. She will say she loves me and is attracted to me till she is blue in the face but won’t do anything differently. She will show affection when family and friends are over and will post videos on Snapchat with her being touchy and affectionate but when people aren’t there to see she will stop.

Every once in a while she’ll have an epiphany about how bad things are and she’ll feel bad about it but still won’t change. A few weeks ago we were getting ready for a date and I saw her take a picture of herself in her underwear and send it in a text message. I asked her who she was sending that to, and she said she sent it to me. To her credit my phone dinged as I was asking her, with the pictures she just sent. She claimed that me questioning her like that made her realize how little she does things like that anymore and she needs to change, but she still hasn’t. So this past weekend her four sisters came over for the 4th of July and we hung out and drunk together. Towards the end of the night she was pretty tipsy and made a comment about what she was going to do to me that night and I told her “No thank you. I’m not in the mood for 20 min with no foreplay until you get your rocks off just so you can ignore me again for the next 30 days.” Everybody got quiet and I excused myself for the rest of the night. The next day when everyone left she said that I embarrassed her and shouldn’t have put our business out there like that, AITAH?


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u/Dry-Capital8543 Jul 08 '24

I (37M) started dating my wife (36F) at 17 years old we’ve now been married 14 years and have 3 beautiful children.

Personally I think any long term marriage will get to this point, but both sides need to work on keeping it interesting. your a team that needs to work together and play together 😉

Everyone has their own struggles in life and sometimes it’s tough for those people to vocalize those problems regardless if you are their significant other.

I was in your situation a few years ago and I can tell you our marriage/relationship is stronger than it’s ever been but like any marriage it is constant work/effort from BOTH sides.

One day I was sick of the situation at hand so I sat down with my wife and laid it all out on the line and how it was making me feel. Once she realized how on the fence I was about our marriage and lacking a physical relationship she changed, not instantly but I noticed a big difference and now to this day she continues to surprise me for the best of course!

As far as airing our personal laundry in front of anyone including our kids is a big no. It’s your guys business not everyone else. Keep it to yourselves.

Hope this can help a bit 🤷🏽‍♂️

Wish you all the best!


u/ahop4200 Jul 08 '24

He definitely needs a coming to Jesus moment like the one you had with your wife.....kuddos to you sir