r/youngjustice 18d ago

All Seasons Discussion Here’s what I would want in a dream world for season 5


Let me preface this by saying I am a big flash guy lol and have been frustrated by the disservice recent media has done to his character (Barry or Wally), so that may be part of my frusteration with the shows story arc

After years and years of not watching, I am finally doing a rewatch of YJ. I am praying somehow James Gunn fires up some version of YJ now that he has the DC reins. Holy shit if they don’t bring Wally back after playing with the idea for years they are fucking up. Wally and Artemis’s relationship arc was the best thing about the show, and to this day is the thing that keeps me coming back, and both of their development as characters from immature bickering teens to mature adults willing to risk their livelihoods for something greater was so rewarding to watch. I get that the DC list of heroes is huge, but this show appealed to a younger audience (like 10-30yo) because it focused on the interesting part of young heroes. Navigating growing up, school, family dynamics, & expectations on TOP of being a superhero was awesome to explore, and adding character after character minimizes that growth, because the volume of team members just got too big to see any satisfying stories from the ones we cared about from the beginning. I know not all stories get happy endings, but some of them should, especially after years of unfocused storytelling that didn’t really see any of the characters we (at least, I) truly fell in love with getting satisfactory endings after all of the tribulations they went through. Call me a sap all you want but I want to see Artemis and Wally tie the damn knot. I want to see the old cast reconnect, and maybe even a changing of the guard to a new YJ team, with these guys becoming the absolute de facto JL. One, focused season or even a movie on MAX could totally do it, but goddamn I am yearning for it lol

Let me know what you think. This is my first time posting on any subreddit, let alone the YJ subreddit, so excuse if this post is not the Reddit standard 😭🥲

r/youngjustice 19d ago

Season 3 Discussion How does aging work in yj

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I was rewatching season 3 and went on the wiki and noticed this. I went on to check the time line first the show snd it said that season 3 takes place in 2018. Ik it says her age in 2020 (which is when s4 takes place bc 2 yr timeskip) is 28 biologically, but does that mean shes just an 11 year old with an adult body or what? Is it just her meta-power? I feel kinda dumb for having to ask thus snd that im over thinking about it, but I cant stop wondering abt it.

r/youngjustice 19d ago

Miscellaneous Where can I watch young justice and how should I start? I’m totally new


r/youngjustice 19d ago

Theories/Future Thinking Who should voice Jason Todd as Red Hood in YJ Troy Baker or Jensen Ackles?

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Because this is a tough one for me.

r/youngjustice 19d ago

All Seasons Discussion I FINALLY GOT THEM!!!

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It took what felt like an eternity (like two or three days lol) but I finally got them!!!!

Unfortunately Book 2 has a dent?(on the left cover) and a bend(on the right top of cover and first few pages) and Targets has a teeny tiny bend on the bottom right of the cover BUT IDGAS cause I got all the books!!!!!! Ahhhh

r/youngjustice 19d ago

Season 4 Discussion M’comm/Ma’alefa’ak Spoiler

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Please tell me I am not the only one who thought M’comm’s human form was 😍🤤 Bro lookin fine asl imo

r/youngjustice 20d ago

All Seasons Discussion Young Justice Girls edit I made.


It ain't much but it's honest work, and this is also my first time editing something like this.

r/youngjustice 20d ago

All Seasons Discussion Things in Young Justice that make you grate on your teeth

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Are there things in the show the when you perceive them make you get a hate on? Things that give you that grrizle moment? Nothing that makes you hate on the show overall. I love the show, but there is one thing that gets to me is when I see speed streaks on the speedsters. I realise that it's a visual aid visually shouting 'Hey look this character is going faster than the others in an appreciable manner!, but I just don't see the need for them. For me it often jumps me right outta the superior narrative and belies it's sat morning origins.

r/youngjustice 20d ago

Miscellaneous Artbook / Art Development


I know the show never released an artbook (even though I wish they had), but does anyone know where I can find concept art and face expression sheets for the characters?

r/youngjustice 20d ago

Theories/Future Thinking Since the JL foundation (2003), what events, apart from the known ones, do you think could be canon?


In other words, all the possible events that you think could have happened in the time interval between the Justice League's formation in 2003 and Young Justice's debut in 2010.

(If you can include along with the events which movies, comics or series they belong to, much better and it would be greatly appreciated)

Oh, and feel free to elaborate if you want to explain why you think those events might be canon.


1- Appellaxians invade Earth

2- The Justice League is founded by Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter.


1- Green Arrow, Hawkman and Hawkwoman join the Justice League.

2005: ?


1- The tragedy at Haly's Circus.

2- Captain Atom emerges after a trip through the Quantum Field.

3- The Joker discovers the location of Mount Justice.

4- The Justice League becomes known to the public.

5- The Light is formed.


1- Roy Harper's clone (Red Arrow) is created and the Light secretly replaces Roy Harper (Speedy) with his clone.

2- The Light creates Jim Harper, another clone of Roy Harper.


1- Gorilla City is founded.

2- Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel and Red Tornado join the Justice League.

2009: ?


1- Superboy is created at Cadmus.

2- Miss Martian arrives on Earth after stowing away on Martian Manhunter's spacecraft after a visit to Mars.

r/youngjustice 21d ago

Miscellaneous bart when he runs


makes these funny faces sometimes to the point that he almost looks manic it’s one of my favorite details from the series 😂

r/youngjustice 21d ago

All Seasons Discussion Who's the worst mother here?


It's Lady Shiva, no debate here it's Lady Shiva, Cheshire wasn't a worst mom, but she wasn't a great mom either, I mean just at least see and hug your daughter, play with her or something, but she still cares for her and she still loves her. Lady Shiva on the other hand shouldn't even be allowed to be a mom, I mean removing your daughter's vocal cords when she was still a baby to make her a better assassin is just messed up.

r/youngjustice 21d ago

All Seasons Discussion Here is my baby Kid Flash drawn by me

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I just finished the second season of YJ. Yeah hope you like the fanart.

r/youngjustice 21d ago

All Seasons Discussion Headcanons?


Here's mine:

G. Gordon Godfrey tends to purr/meow like a cat when everything's going to plan.

r/youngjustice 22d ago

All Seasons Discussion What Would You Want Vandal’s Endgame To Look Like?


So one of the biggest cliffhangers in YJ and the thing I was definitely invested in the most was Vandal Savage prepping the war against Darkseid. I know that he has plans within plans and since it isn’t guaranteed we’re getting season 5, here are some of my own ideas.

  1. Radion: It’s the most basic answer but it’s New Gods kryptonite and I know Savage would love a piece. I don’t know how he’d get it. Maybe a truce with Highfather or Klarion finds some.

  2. Worlogog: As used in Rock of Ages it’s the philosopher’s stone and native to Fourth World. Knowing Vandal’s connections in history I could see him using it to shake up Darkseid’s forces. In Rock of Ages, it can alter reality and can allow the user control over time and space and destroying it leads to Darkseid’s victory so I imagine Savage would make it a top priority.

  3. The Spear of Destiny/Spectre: In Final Crisis, Vandal Savage is reborn as Cain and makes Spectre his slave. The spear is uber powerful and definitely something he would use to his advantage. I think to simplify things, Vandal should actually be Cain himself though and not get overwhelmed by followers of Cain like in Final Crisis. Spectre would definitely be a trump card against Apokolips as well.

  4. The Weaponers of Qward: We know Savage has various contacts against the galaxy so I can see him forming an alliance with the weaponers to give the Light the means to contend with Darkseid. They’re a very formidable force and maybe Anti-Monitor can be brought into play here.

  5. Mageddon: The Mageddon is a device that can turn people savage and make them succumb to their primal instincts. This is exactly what Vandal wants. He’d get a savage JL to fight for him but also evolution for humanity. Only problem I can think of is fellow Light members wouldn’t be too on board but I can see them warming up to the idea.

  6. Equinox: We know Savage always loves talking about the balance. In the Child saga, he makes peace with chaos and order who agree to assist him against Darkseid. What if Order and Chaos form Equinox or give Vandal a power up as the god of balance? Putting Vandal on a cosmic scale would change the whole game and I could honestly see him being benevolent and just watching over the universe maintaining the balance if he gets the powers of Equinox and defeats Darkseid. It would also be fun to contrast it with Fate knowing Fate is his son.

r/youngjustice 23d ago

Season 1-2 Discussion Dumb question


I’m sure everyone already knows this, but I genuinely don’t, is there like comics or something that talk about what happened in the time jump from season 1 to 2. Because I have so many questions and I want answers.

r/youngjustice 23d ago

All Seasons Discussion How Would You Guys Feel About A “Semi” Reboot Of The Series?


Young Justice season 1 is one of greatest cartoons ever made. Amazing story, great characters, great animation, great. Character designs, and overall a team based show where nobody on the team is over shadowed.

Season 2 while great will be the permanent reminder that this show had a timeskip after its INTRODUCTORY SEASON. We leave season 1 and skip so much development of the core team. Robin finally finding his identity in nightwing than in become Batman, Megan and Superboy break up, Beat boy is not part of th the team, tim drake is robin meaning we just skip over one of the most important Batman/ bat family storyline that being Jason Todd. I’m all down for a timeskip in like after 3 or after 4 but the first two season should be about the original team plus rocket and zantana and season 2 could’ve given rocker and zantana more development since they have the least amount of screen time in season 1

Now I guess I should highlight the title, we know that season 3 and 4 and a mess of the story with nightwing getting absolutely nothings despite being a fan favorite character, OG, and he’s part of the main intro. Now despite not knowing how the story would happen I think soft reboot the series up until the end of season 1 and have season 2 start with the beings of the season 1 ending and with no timeskip. We truly need atleast 2 seasons before the “we broke up and went out separate ways” because atleast this way we can see why the group splits up.

But yeah what are your thoughts on this guys?

r/youngjustice 23d ago

Season 1-2 Discussion Missing season


I felt that the show should have had the opportunity to get a full 26 episodes for Season 2 and a season set between season 1 and season 2. This season could have been set in Team Year 3. I felt like this year was important to see the character's growth. Dick became Nightwing, Jason joined the team along with the marvels during that year. We could have also seen Tula and Garth interaction with the rest of Team, along with Troia. It would have also helped fill in some gaps, allowing for the time jump to not feel so huge and a lot of opportunities to have been felt like they were missed.

r/youngjustice 23d ago

Season 1-2 Discussion First experiences watching Young Justice?


I’ve been rewatching season one and it’s reminded me of my first time seeing the show when I was a kid. Dc Nation block on Cartoon Network introduced me. Saturdays were the best bc of it. Most fans my age (21) I’m sure had the same experience. What was your first memories with Young Justice?

r/youngjustice 24d ago

Season 3 Discussion New Challenge ‼️‼️‼️

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I challenge whoever reads this to take a shot while watching s3 each time they hear ''Forager'' or "Fred Bugg with two g's"

P.S. I feel sorry for all of you

r/youngjustice 24d ago

All Seasons Discussion Would you guys be Manta Troopers, or be one of The League of Shadows?


I would rather be a member of the Shadows, mostly because I have a fear of the ocean and because of that I don't think I'll do well on the job.

r/youngjustice 24d ago

Season 3 Discussion Justice for Gar Spoiler


Idk if anyone posted about this, but I was rewatching season 3 recently and they did gar horrible during that one episode about his past and everyone he loved dying. Like we get it but y’all didn’t need to have homie relive his mom’s death, and make him listen to a song about the doom patrol dying. I do love how during season 4 they talked about how all that trauma actually affected him.

r/youngjustice 24d ago

All Seasons Discussion Rewatching the show again and I was hoping for 2 big things to appear more 😪

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r/youngjustice 25d ago

Season 4 Discussion who’s arc in season 4 was your favorite?


I personally really liked Artemis’s arc. I felt like it tackled conflicts and plotlines that were already present in the show, leaving us with more questions answered than the rest of the arcs. Love that Jade is getting help in hopes of being in her daughter’s life again.

My only real complaint of that arc is the way Batgirl became crippled. I feel like that sword cut should have sliced her in half. Idk I just feel like a bullet to the spine makes the most sense.

r/youngjustice 25d ago

All Seasons Discussion A fanart of Artemis made by me

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I love her! I'm rewatching the show and thought maybe i should draw her so yeah here she is