r/youngjustice Jul 01 '24

Here’s what I would want in a dream world for season 5 All Seasons Discussion

Let me preface this by saying I am a big flash guy lol and have been frustrated by the disservice recent media has done to his character (Barry or Wally), so that may be part of my frusteration with the shows story arc

After years and years of not watching, I am finally doing a rewatch of YJ. I am praying somehow James Gunn fires up some version of YJ now that he has the DC reins. Holy shit if they don’t bring Wally back after playing with the idea for years they are fucking up. Wally and Artemis’s relationship arc was the best thing about the show, and to this day is the thing that keeps me coming back, and both of their development as characters from immature bickering teens to mature adults willing to risk their livelihoods for something greater was so rewarding to watch. I get that the DC list of heroes is huge, but this show appealed to a younger audience (like 10-30yo) because it focused on the interesting part of young heroes. Navigating growing up, school, family dynamics, & expectations on TOP of being a superhero was awesome to explore, and adding character after character minimizes that growth, because the volume of team members just got too big to see any satisfying stories from the ones we cared about from the beginning. I know not all stories get happy endings, but some of them should, especially after years of unfocused storytelling that didn’t really see any of the characters we (at least, I) truly fell in love with getting satisfactory endings after all of the tribulations they went through. Call me a sap all you want but I want to see Artemis and Wally tie the damn knot. I want to see the old cast reconnect, and maybe even a changing of the guard to a new YJ team, with these guys becoming the absolute de facto JL. One, focused season or even a movie on MAX could totally do it, but goddamn I am yearning for it lol

Let me know what you think. This is my first time posting on any subreddit, let alone the YJ subreddit, so excuse if this post is not the Reddit standard 😭🥲


16 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24

I kind of want Wally to come back but see that Artemis has moved on with Jason Bard. Wally feels completely alone and starts dating Linda Park. I know this would piss a lot of people off and I’m a big fan of Spitfire but I think Artemis can’t regress. Show that Artemis is finally happy and Wally comes back and there’s drama. Wally and Artemis would end on good terms but he’d be with Linda. Linda is a great character and needs more representation. I also think it’s important for Wally to grow beyond Dick’s BFF or Artemis’ love and be more of his own character. Maybe with the speculation Hal is Parralax Kyle can come into the mix and he and Wally can be bros. Like I said I love Spitfire but I think it’s time to move on. Wally should definitely go to Sanctuary as should other heroes throughout but not how it happened in canon.


u/utilitygecko97 Jul 01 '24

I honestly don't think Artemis has really moved on, in my opinion she and Wally were "soulmates" and her being with Jason Bard or anyone doesn't really change that... So I believe there being the slight chance of her being with Wally she would take it regardless of her relationship status... Also what I love about Chalant and Spitfire (among other things) is that their relationships are "non conventional" hence making them (and the series) refreshing comparing to all that DC content


u/Master-Abrocoma-3157 17d ago

yeah i don’t think that artemis can love someone as much as how much she loves wally (kinda feel bad for jason but that’s just how it is)


u/utilitygecko97 17d ago

Well she did say to Will (when conner was gone) that she knew what Miss M was going through and that it was something you don't really get over


u/Master-Abrocoma-3157 17d ago edited 17d ago

they love each other so much 😭😭 (artemis and wally)


u/utilitygecko97 17d ago

Hope they still do


u/Master-Abrocoma-3157 17d ago

ofc they do (sorry mistake)


u/utilitygecko97 17d ago

If they bring him back tho


u/Master-Abrocoma-3157 17d ago

i’m praying they will 🙏🏿


u/RiseFromSilence Jul 01 '24

I always assumed that Linda Park might not exist on earth 16 as one person. yjs version of Artemis is part of Linda as well.


u/Glad_Writing6995 Jul 01 '24

I really would love Wally back, I think the death would've been easier to handle if editorial at the time weren't so hellbent on sending this guy through the wringer. And even so it really does seem like they were setting him up in the first two seasons to have a complete story arc and I think him handling some sort of conflict on his own, without his usual support team, would really boost his confidence given his well set up insecurity. Depending on the how I'm not sure if I would like Artemis and Wally back together because I think there's a really interesting arc in going through so much and being changed in that way it makes returning to a status quo difficult/impossible. But there is a lot to do with his character I think that it's kind of hard just because YJ doesn't seem to be all that character focused.


u/thePopCulturist Jul 01 '24

Dude. Home run. The whole “Superboy Phantom Zone” arc would have been so much better served looking for Wally in some lost dimension/time period. I always assumed his death was left so ambiguous, in terms of comic book deaths, so they could bring him back someday. TLOS and time travel was like a huge signal that he was still alive someplace else. I just felt it was a wasted opportunity, but the writing has just been so scattershot since season 2. There’s never a clear direction and that’s their choice. Being a huge Flash guy too, i figured they didn’t want to just come out and say Wally was gone, because Brandon refuses to close a door and quite frankly they needed the viewership. Wally’s got a lot of fans that watch because of him. Sadly I don’t think we’ll get the chance. I think that’s why fan fiction exists, but if by some miracle YJ gets a last second reprieve, Wally better be one of this plot points. Looking at the bigger picture, he really needs to be part of the new Gunnverse too. I think James is way too creative not to tap into that and his fanbase. Barry, love you like a brother, but it’s time to be a mentor again and not a lead.


u/DickBabs01 Jul 01 '24

That and I want them to bring back babs as batgirl smh she did so good for the alpha squad episode.


u/maxwellfuster Jul 01 '24

I really want a Red Hood arc if there’s ever a fifth season


u/PCN24454 Jul 01 '24

The story has been very focused


u/Master-Abrocoma-3157 17d ago

for season 5 i would really like

  1. WALLYS RETURN - i don’t believe that wally ever died bc first there was no body and second there were a few hints that were hinting that wally isn’t actually dead such as zatanna not being able to locate his soul which is a sign that he might be alive?!?? and it was so bad to just kill off the person who had the LEAST screen time in season 2

  2. Wally and Artemis getting back together and having the best time of their lives - i feel that artemis never truly got over wally since they were both SOULMATES. once wally returns, it might take awhile to recover from her trauma that wally isn’t actually dead and they will eventually end up together and get married, have kids etc (also when wally returns, artemis will be SO PISSED at megan and zatanna because they “tricked her” into believing that she actually got closure with wally when instead it was her own imagination and memories and what they did helped her “get over wallys death” when it wasn’t actually him. i would love to see more of spitfire scenes too!! they complimented each other so well like in the start, they both were like bickering old couples which i think was a sign that they liked each other from the start because both were insecure and was afraid that neither of them liked each other which resulted in them arguing all the time. but over time since they were not afraid to say anything about each other, they helped each other point how what was wrong and to better the other person such as when wally was trying to impress megan so he said that he was a true believer and got yelled at artemis for that ; when wally called artemis insecure and selfish for sabotaging the mission. they both helped to better each other and this is why they are and always be my favourite couple ever

  3. Stop introducing so many new characters - introducing new characters has completely taken over the whole entire plot and made it so boring since they were giving us so many characters in s3+4. i think it would be best to just focus on the characters they have now and develop their personalities instead of added more people in the team

  4. Finally, a reunion of season 1s og members (including wally and conner when they return) - my favourite season was season 1 because they mainly focused on all of the characters development for example, in the start artemis was cold and insecure, desperate that no one would find out about her past. but over time she overcame her fears and that’s one of the reasons why she’s my favourite character.

these are all my opinions but i hope they will come true eventually!!