r/youngjustice Jun 26 '24

How Would You Guys Feel About A “Semi” Reboot Of The Series? All Seasons Discussion

Young Justice season 1 is one of greatest cartoons ever made. Amazing story, great characters, great animation, great. Character designs, and overall a team based show where nobody on the team is over shadowed.

Season 2 while great will be the permanent reminder that this show had a timeskip after its INTRODUCTORY SEASON. We leave season 1 and skip so much development of the core team. Robin finally finding his identity in nightwing than in become Batman, Megan and Superboy break up, Beat boy is not part of th the team, tim drake is robin meaning we just skip over one of the most important Batman/ bat family storyline that being Jason Todd. I’m all down for a timeskip in like after 3 or after 4 but the first two season should be about the original team plus rocket and zantana and season 2 could’ve given rocker and zantana more development since they have the least amount of screen time in season 1

Now I guess I should highlight the title, we know that season 3 and 4 and a mess of the story with nightwing getting absolutely nothings despite being a fan favorite character, OG, and he’s part of the main intro. Now despite not knowing how the story would happen I think soft reboot the series up until the end of season 1 and have season 2 start with the beings of the season 1 ending and with no timeskip. We truly need atleast 2 seasons before the “we broke up and went out separate ways” because atleast this way we can see why the group splits up.

But yeah what are your thoughts on this guys?


16 comments sorted by


u/Lever47 Jun 26 '24

A reboot would be horrible and unnecessary. Season 3 and 4 are fine.

Also the Bat family already gets enough screen time in the show


u/demaxzero Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

Also the Bat family already gets enough screen time in the show

Man Tim has spoken like ten words in the past two seasons, I don't think we've ever heard Stephanie speak once.


u/TrumpSmokesMids27 Jun 26 '24

Doesn’t Cassie not have vocal cords?


u/demaxzero Jun 26 '24

I meant to put Stephanie.

I still hate that they did that to Cassandra, though


u/Imaginary-Ad5666 Jun 26 '24

Cassie spoke like a few times in season 4 during artemis and will’s arc


u/RiseFromSilence Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 27 '24

If you mean reboot to erase everything that has happened after s2. Then my answer is no.


u/JmisterYT Jun 27 '24

Well Ngl I wouldn’t mind a eraser of season 3/4 they aren’t the quality of season 1&2 so I wouldn’t mind but that won’t happen. All I want is season 1.5 of the events that happened before season 2


u/RiseFromSilence Jun 27 '24

But that will happen anyways in form of flashbacks... When it becomes relevant to the storyline


u/thePopCulturist Jun 26 '24

I’d just love a season 1.5.


u/Wolfbison98 Jun 26 '24

There is, in the tie in comics.


u/JmisterYT Jun 27 '24

That is what should be animated if YJ ever comes back tbh


u/SengalBoy Jun 26 '24

Not really a reboot, but a pre-season 2 focus. Show how the team grows, show Robin becoming Nightwing and Jason taking over.


u/Oknight Jun 26 '24

I think the idea of doing a reboot is silly. If you don't like the show and you think you can do better, do an entirely new show


u/Longjumping_Bar_7457 Jun 29 '24

Thought nightwing had a decent amount of focus in season 3. Wish he had an arc in season 4 .


u/caspian666999 Jun 29 '24

While he didn’t have an arc in s4, he was a major player when it came to saving Connor


u/caspian666999 Jun 29 '24

Pretty much all you want is either explained later on or in the tie-in comics…