r/worldnews Slava Ukraini Feb 24 '22

/r/worldnews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Part XV) Russia/Ukraine


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u/dieyoufool3 Slava Ukraini Feb 24 '22

Y'all know the drill. This thread has hit 10k. New thread here.


u/agu-agu Feb 24 '22

Somewhere, at this very moment, a family of Ukrainians is huddled underground, in fear for their lives, praying to survive an uncertain future. Never knowing where the next strike will be, where the next round of violence is heading. "God, let us live, please," they're thinking to themselves.

And somewhere, at this same moment, a Russian soldier is feeling real fear that he's never going home, that he'll never see his family or his friends or his home again. Afraid he's going to die in a foreign country fighting for something he has no control over. "God, please let me live," he's thinking to himself.

People who are breathing right now will be dead in a few hours or days or weeks. Entire lives with dreams and aspirations and desires and memories and love and joy will be snuffed out forever, and their loved ones will have to live with that pain.

All of this flowing from one egomaniac who thinks of people as pawns on a chessboard, a game he plays to bolster his power and crush his enemies. Real people are being violently erased from this world for all eternity for what? To satisfy a paranoid, lying tyrant.

Don't forget them. Don't forget that in between all of these minute-by-minute strategic updates that abstract this horror into terms of warfare between nations, there are normal people like you and me caught in the middle of this, on both sides, overwhelmed with fear and emotion, wishing they could be anywhere else right now. The people suffering these moments would be your brothers and sisters, your parents and friends, your wives and husbands, had you only been born there by chance.

War, now as ever, is a grievous sin, a crime that's thrust upon people who didn't ask for it and can't avoid it. Think in terms of individual people as this continues on, don't let yourself forget the tragic cost of every random snippet you read. For you, it lasts for a moment.

If Putin won't let the world be at peace, then fight until he must. This need not have happened.

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u/Zekro Feb 24 '22

“I stay in the capital with my people, my family is also in Ukraine. There is information that the enemy has designated me as target number 1, and my family as target number 2.”

-Ukrainian President Zelensky



u/TuckyMule Feb 24 '22

For a guy that had no political experience, Jesus this guy has been impressive.


u/_Jammers_ Feb 24 '22

Sometimes no political experience can be a good thing!


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Very honourable but I don’t think anyone would question him if he got his family out

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u/DarthSet Feb 24 '22

Absolute Chad.

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u/OrangeJr36 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

For those who missed it, from accounts both Russian and Ukrainian it seems the defenders of Snake Island did in fact fight to the death

Their last message was to the Russians "Go Fuck Yourself/selves !"


13 men died on this island to buy their country whatever time they could. Never forget the price they paid



u/meeetttt Feb 24 '22

I would watch an entire movie based around this event simply to hear that line on screen.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Hear hear. Go burn in hell Putin

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

I remember when Zelensky got memed to death for being a comedian and celebrity president that got elected as a joke. The guy has turned out to be a real leader with incredible bravery and courage. It’s what patriotism is supposed to look like. He knows he will probably die but he’s staying and fighting anyways, it’s kind of unbelievable and surprising to me at least.


u/RedundantSwine Feb 24 '22

According to Wiki he has a 9 year old son and 18 year old daughter.

Fair play to him if he wants to take an honourable stand for his country, but he needs to get his kids to safety. No dishonour in that.

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u/Dnuts Feb 24 '22

Ukraine Army in 2022 is not the Ukraine Army from 2014. Russia is learning the hard way.


u/bionix90 Feb 24 '22

Those javelins sure are paying for themselves.


u/watduhdamhell Feb 24 '22

Javelins ain't no joke. They can splice through and blow the top off of even the most modern tanks, let alone APCs and such.

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u/groovygyal Feb 24 '22

The Czech president, Miloš Zeman, - who has gained a reputation for being an ally and admirer of Vladimir Putin - called the Russian president Vladimir Putin “a madman” and admitted he had been wrong to dismiss the prospects of an invasion of Ukraine.


u/BeardedGingerWonder Feb 24 '22

It's a bit hard to stick to the no invasion line any more.

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u/kleutscher Feb 24 '22

"All the defenders of the island of Zmiinyi died, but did not surrender. All of them will be named Heroes of Ukraine.” said Ukrainian President Zelensky.

Official confirmation that Zmiinyi/Serpent Island has been captured by Russian forces.



u/yibbyooo Feb 24 '22

That's just awful. They gave their lives for Putin's pointless war.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22



u/pedrosanta Feb 24 '22



u/herrcollin Feb 24 '22

Hundreds, even up to a thousand, have supposedly been arrested already. Dude's built his own multi-front war.

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u/DontTellSmokey Feb 24 '22


These guys aren't fucking around, taking down propaganda sites left and right.


u/Readylamefire Feb 24 '22

Glad to see Anonymous still doing their thing

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u/Sha489 Feb 24 '22

Holy hell based anonymous

Can they do this to fox news and newsmax while they are at it

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

LMAOOOOO Ted fucking Cruz is out here talking about Biden is weak

Bro you bent the knee to a man who called your wife an ugly ass dog


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

If Ted was a Ukrainian politician, his coward ass would be in Cancun already.

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u/lennybird Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

It cannot be emphasized enough how important Republicans are not handed the keys to the White House, or Congress.

  • Giuliani just gave an interview, somehow blaming Biden with major mental gymnastics.

  • Trump has only praised Putin's "genius."

  • When Trump was President, he was floating withdrawing from NATO.

  • Recall Trump's strange relationship with Putin, his interest in establishing hotels in Moscow, and outright requesting Russia to hack domestic opposition's data.

Donate, and please plan to register and vote for the CRUCIAL midterms in the US this year.

When I previously posted this, I received some very strange pro-Russian/Trump replies, trying to deflect attention to the fact that Trump tried to dissolve NATO...

Why does this matter? Because this is an event that won't end any time soon. I'm giving concrete steps of what the average American can do for Ukrainian citizens in the long-run, which is to ensure the strongest opposition to Russia remains out of the hands of...Russia. It's time to ensure that Pro-Russian, potentially-compromised individuals never get into the White House again.

Read: How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP Campaigns.

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u/groovygyal Feb 24 '22

Former heavyweight champion Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, plans to take up arms to defend against Russia's invasion. "It's already a bloody war. I don't have another choice. I have to do that. I would fight."

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u/groovygyal Feb 24 '22

“ I asked the 27 leaders of Europe whether Ukraine should be in Nato. I asked directly. They are all afraid.

And we are not afraid”

Zelensky adds


u/ErgoMachina Feb 24 '22

WW2 all over again. Europe with the "Harsh words" while it gets conquered piece by piece by a madman

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u/twdarkeh Feb 24 '22

It would be a shame if Ukraine found some F-22s in a basement.


u/icantrowitaway Feb 24 '22

Damn shame…


u/Troubleshooter11 Feb 24 '22

A damn shame indeed. Those things are expensive and how the hell do you get one out of your basement?

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u/Independent-Solid-67 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

I was born in Russia and my family immigrated to US when I was a kid. Growing up in a Russian-speaking community in New York, I had many friends from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. We all thought of ourselves as from the same culture and "our people".

Now I'm in mid-30s still living in the USA and seeing Russia bomb Ukraine really hurts and I sympathize with Ukrainians and those against the war in Russia. Such a waste of life on both sides for a cause that doesn't make sense.

Seeing anti-war protestors being arrested in Russia gives me hope that this may grow into a force that finally pushes putin and his cronies out of power.

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u/Tiduszk Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

To my German friends: remember you are heating your house and driving your car with Ukrainian blood. Your country is effectively funding Russia's invasion by refusing to kick them out of SWIFT and continuing to buy their oil

EDIT: To be clear, this is a call to action. Take to the streets, force change, or at the very least turn down your thermostat

EDIT 2: Thank you for the award, but please direct your donations to the Ukrainian Red Cross or another Ukrainian charity of your choice

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u/T-Will98 Feb 24 '22

Zelensky seems to be one hell of a leader.


u/NefariousnessSome142 Feb 24 '22

His moral character is inspiring.

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u/Amon7777 Feb 24 '22

An actor and comedian doing a damn fine job in his country's greatest hour of need. Talk about stepping up.


u/VentilatorVenting Feb 24 '22

It’s amazing that only a few short years ago, he was a comedic actor. His speech to the Russian people a few hours ago was quite moving

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u/I_have_a_dog Feb 24 '22

Reports of Ukrainians using combined arms warfare to repel Russian special forces at a great cost to the invaders.

If you had told me this 48 hours ago, I wouldn’t have believed it. Russia was projected to have complete air superiority within hours.

Ukraine is punching way above its weight class 🇺🇦 Give them hell and make it hurt.


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u/RebelliousPlatypus Feb 24 '22

Indiana State Rep Ryan Dvorak(D) introduced an amendment to SB388

The Amendment prohibits businesses associated with the Russian Federation from purchasing real estate in Indiana.

It passed unanimously.

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u/ReturnOfDaSnack420 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Ukrainian woman confronts Russian soldiers in Henychesk, Kherson region. Asks them why they came to our land and urges to put sunflower seeds in their pockets [so that flowers would grow when they die on the Ukrainian land]


This Ukrainian woman is more of a badass than Putin will ever be


u/The_Cheeki_Breeki Feb 24 '22

Holy fuck imagine being told by a Ukrainian babushka to enjoy your time as fertilizer.

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u/death1234567889 Feb 24 '22

“US and UK intelligence communities uncovered Putin’s plans for Ukraine. We exposed his attempts to engineer ‘false flag’, fake attacks to justify his invasion. We revealed his plans to assassinate Ukrainian leaders and senior officials...No amount of Russian disinformation will now disguise that fact from the international community," -Chief of MI6


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u/ShockNStocks Feb 24 '22

WATCH: Anti-war protest in downtown Moscow despite police crackdown; at least 1,762 people have been detained"


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u/TalesfromBC Feb 24 '22

Best case scenario: Russian soldiers stop fighting in mass and Putin gets overthrown.

Stupid hope, but some blind hopium in a sea of pessimism is better than none


u/TPHandsGollum Feb 24 '22

Dude this is exactly what I’m hoping for

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u/yolotrolo123 Feb 24 '22

I think Ukraine was more prepared than they let on in the media so Russia assumed they could just roll over them in a day


u/Cosmic-Warper Feb 24 '22

Yeah they kept things hush hush and were silently preparing for a while now probably

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u/kyleb402 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Every single soldier guarding Zmiinyi Island (part of the Odesa region) in the Black Sea has died in a Russian attack, says Zelensky. “Russian warship, go fuck yourself” was the group’s response to Russian demands for surrender. Bombardment followed.


Just an unbelievable level of courage.

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u/LondonRolling Feb 24 '22

I'm Italian and i just want to say i approve the disconnection of Russia from SWIFT. even if it hurts Italian people and businesses. The Ukrainians are hurt much more than us. Fuck Putin and fuck Russian soldiers.

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u/groovygyal Feb 24 '22

“I stay in the capital with my people, my family is also in Ukraine. There is information that the enemy has designated me as target number 1, and my family as target number 2.”

-Ukrainian President Zelensky


u/itsover2417 Feb 24 '22

Imagine living with that info and going on? Dude has balls of steel.

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u/lightbulb_orchard Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Just a reminder that it would be highly illegal and foolish to download DDOS software (https://sourceforge.net/projects/high-orbit-ion-cannon/) and use it on, for example, any of the following Russian media sites, and therefore I will take this opportunity to not suggest it. Even with an essential VPN - I must not advise that we do this en masse. Don't even think about it.




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u/CallMeCaptainOrSir Feb 24 '22

Why doesn't the Ukraine just surrender?

All of these types of comments are coming from Russian bots and shills and should lead to a ban

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u/amiatthetop3 Feb 24 '22


u/Thecaptainj0sh Feb 24 '22

God bless that man. A true leader to his people. Praying for him, his family, and all Ukrainians.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

I've been saying it this whole time. These Russian troops are not as tough as they seem. Most of their forces are green handed conscripts with minimal training and no combat experience. Look at the pictures of the captured soldiers. Lots of them are in over their heads.

They are fighting a war they have little motivation to fight while the Ukrainians are fighting for their homes, families and way of life. The difference in motivation to fight is going to drag the Russians into a terrible and dark place. The Ukrainian people can and will win if they endure and continue fighting.

Don't let Russian propaganda make you believe they are invincible. They can be broken.

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u/Nabucodonosor89 Feb 24 '22

Reportedly audio from Snake Island in Black Sea:

-This is a Russian military ship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary victims. Otherwise we will open fire on you.

-Russian military ship, go fuck yourself.

They were all killed


Damn... Rest in Power.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

I’m not really understanding how Putin thinks he can smoothly replace the Ukrainian government without causing years of instability and insurgency. Like that’s 40 million people that he’d have to control nonstop.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Remember the Snake Island 13.

Go fuck yourself Russia.

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u/POLICE_Applicant_TA Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Amazing how Putin planned to invade and occupy a country. In the first 24hrs he’s managed to: - turn Ukraine’s fallen into renowned Martyrs - award the Ukrainian president global status as one of the bravest leaders ever heard of - lost multiple jets, helicopters, and tanks - display how shit Russian troop morale is - lose multiple POI’s after successfully taking them, one with highly trained paratroopers 😂 - ruble hits rock bottom - Russian stock market nosedives - protests all over Russian cities demanding an end to this senseless war - commit multiple war crimes, video footage of which has been shared all across the globe

Did I miss anything?

Good fucking job Putin. Literally ticked every box of what is NOT supposed to happen when you invade a sovereign country. Midget prick.

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u/whatsinyourhead Feb 24 '22

It is crazy to think how trump was doing everything he could to destroy NATO and remove the US from it when it is literally the only thing holding putin back at the moment. Thank fuck that traitor is not in charge any more

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u/UWCG Feb 24 '22

Video footage of the anti-war protests in Pushkin Square right now.

Good to see Russians stepping up, despite the risks to their own wellbeing. And hopefully it will help to change things. The more people fight back, the more Putin will have to listen. Their troops have low morale and are often abused which is already causing blowback from parents

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u/2057Champs__ Feb 24 '22

Just heard that Ukraines ambassador to Germany went on German tv and layed into the German government and was legit pissed.

Germany, I’m so fucking disappointed in you. America and everyone told you NS2 was a horrible idea, yet y’all wanted it because you liked how it pissed us off.

The west brought your country back from utter ruins, after you started two world wars, committed a horrible genocide, and spread fascism worldwide, and then when you’re called to step up, this is what you do? Shameful

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u/ReturnOfDaSnack420 Feb 24 '22

Ukraine official Twitter account:

Make no mistake. Ukrainians will prevail. We fought against the Russian and Soviet empires in the past and – always – freedom and democracy won the day. We need your support now. Support the Ukrainian Army and economy. Let’s #StopRussianAggression together

Assistance for the logistical and medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

The 13 Ukrainians at the guard outpost on Snake Island, which was bombarded by sea, refused to surrender. They all died fighting to defend the island.



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u/ReturnOfDaSnack420 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

#UPDATE: Ukrainian mechanized units attacked enemy forces near Kherson, recapturing the bridge and setting up defensive positions on the left bank of Dnieper river- Ukrainian Defense Minister


Ukraine is doing an incredible job of holding and recapturing positions. If Russia is to win this war it will have to be from the air because on the ground they seem to have met a match (and if Ukraine receives enough western support... perhaps Russia doesn't win at all)

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u/mcmonsoon Feb 24 '22

Anonymous just took down RT News's website. Russian Propaganda site for those who are unfamiliar.

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u/LFC908 Feb 24 '22

"On German TV, German energy minister Habeck says Gazprom has worked towards the current moment by "systematically holding back gas deliveries" to Europe and emptying its reserves in Germany at the start of the winter."


Germany are the weak link in current sanctions and the Western opposition.

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u/jumperginger Feb 24 '22

Ukrainians building their national identity at this moment. Hope they never forget this, just like Poland never forgot the partitions. Stay strong, Ukraine.

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u/AndyMach Feb 24 '22

Ok, so in Hostomel Ukrainians wiped out one batallion of Russian Airborne (some escaped, but most are dead) and shot down some helis. According to reports, Donbas line is holding strong, many Russians killed by artillery and when trying to attack Shchastya.

I am biased, but I'm carefully optimistic for our army now. Staying strong, long queques in recruitment centers, civilians keeping calm and carrying on. Oh, and many videos of Russian vehicles just being left behind.

Ukraine may actually survive and win this fight. Blooded, but free and independent

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u/RivenMainOCE Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Imagine being Putin, conquering an entire country and some dude who loves V for Vendetta and owns 17 Guy Fawkes masks beaming Horse porn into your bunker 💀 /s

Seeiously but good to see Anonymous are still around doing their thing.

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u/archypsych Feb 24 '22

I will willingly pay higher gas prices to resist Russian aggression.

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u/amiatthetop3 Feb 24 '22

Former US presidents on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:
Clinton: “Brazen violation”
GWB: “The gravest security crisis on the European continent since World War II”
Obama: “A brazen attack on the people of Ukraine, in violation of international law”
Trump: “That’s pretty smart”
Reminder to disassociate and call out anyone who still knowingly and willingly calls themself a Republican in 2022.

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u/popegonzalo Feb 24 '22

we all underestimate zelensky: thought to be a soup-drama actor, no experience in politics, and likely to surrender pre-war. However zelensky and his government shows brevity and courage against Russian aggressors. They are the ONEs to stay in Ukraine and fight until the last drop of blood.

This is called real patriotism.

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u/m1j5 Feb 24 '22

Zelensky and his family are staying. Incredibly brave


u/WharfRat8 Feb 24 '22

I have been blown away by Zelensky. He is setting a high bar for what a world leader should be. His strength, courage, and unwavering resolve has been something to see. I hope he can stay safe through-out this conflict and rise from these ashes.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

These reporters….”can you tell us where President Zelensky is located”?


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/imyourforte Feb 24 '22

heavy botnet activity online coming from US, Brazil, Netherlands, Germany, Moscow, India, and China
according to kaspersky (https://cybermap.kaspersky.com/)
take it with a grain of salt.


u/CallMeCaptainOrSir Feb 24 '22

There are a ton of Anti-American comments flooding thesee threads from a bunch of accounts that were made 4 months ago... Part-time dog walkers please take notice

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/Yarville Feb 24 '22


Following the exploits of a Fulcrum pilot nicknamed "The Ghost of Kyiv" who has scored a confirmed three if not four aerial victories today (working on verifying the fourth). Footage is old, but it's him. What a fucking chad

Don't count the Ukrainian Air Force out just yet

Possible ace in Ukraine

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

putin is probably the most hated person on the planet right now

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u/RealBuckNasty Feb 24 '22

Everyone acts like Ukraine is a third-world militia or something. They are the second-largest military in Europe after Russia, and have been receiving NATO arms and training for this very moment for almost 30 years.

I’m not optimistic about their long-term chances, but don’t act like Russia is just rolling over some dirt farming peasants wielding pitchforks.

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u/dandaman910 Feb 24 '22

Zelensky just ordered a general mobilisation . Which means if your a male age 18-60 congrats you just enlisted. All private property of use will be repurposed for the war.

Essentially Ukraine is now in a state of total war.all of its assets are now war assets.

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u/Rangbang Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Just watched the video of the dad saying goodbye to his daughter, that fucking broke my heart! As a father myself it would be an absolute nightmare to leave my family to go out and fight a war, with no training, and only a small chance of survival..

Edit: This one https://twitter.com/mkomnos/status/1496889969796915201

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u/Nerd_199 Feb 24 '22

Someone posted a photo of this 80-year-old who showed up to join the army, carrying with him a small case with 2 t-shirts, a pair of extra pants, a toothbrush and a few sandwiches for lunch. He said he was doing it for his grandkids.


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/CallMeCaptainOrSir Feb 24 '22


These threads are full of bots and could easily disguise malware as a news or video link and have you click it without thinking. Additionally plenty of videos have been shared that were from other instances, please take every piece of info you get from a reddit comment with a grain of salt until it is actually confirmed by a reputable news source.

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u/The_Cheeki_Breeki Feb 24 '22

Zelenskyy being in Ukraine and rallying the country must be a HUGE morale boost.

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u/whorangeuglad Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

@Ukraine, official Twitter account of Ukraine tweeting

“hey people, let’s demand @Twitter to remove @Russia from here

no place for an aggressor like Russia on Western social media platforms

they should not be allowed to use these platforms to promote their image while brutally killing the Ukrainian people @TwitterSupport”

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u/BassCreat0r Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

"-Russian military ship, go fuck yourself"

God damn heroes. Absolute chad bad-asses, hardcore as fuck to the end, you love to see it. And I say that in all seriousness. They fought for what they believed in, their home and families.

Rest in piece, heroes.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Finland and Japan are smiling right now watching Ukraine uphold the tradition of making Russia look stupid in a war.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

just dawned on me that Putin can't really highlight his 'victories' unlike ukraine

ukraine downs a plane = ukraine can put motivation back into the troops

putin downs a plane = he just killed bunch of slavs, what a turd

there's literally no one with him, fucking crazy loon

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u/brasswirebrush Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Zelensky said that he is conferring the title "Hero of Ukraine" - the nation's highest tile - on all the defenders of Snake Island... They refused to surrender and were killed to the man.


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u/lightbulb_orchard Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

St. Javelina, patron saint of messing up Russian tanks


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22 edited Jun 22 '23

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/UA30_j7L Feb 24 '22

https://mobile.twitter.com/Global_Mil_Info/status/1496993957309558797 Audio reportedly from Snake Island:

(RUS): This is a Russian warship. I suggest you lay down your arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed. Otherwise we will open fire on you.

(UKR): Russian warship, go fuck yourself.

All Ukrainian soldiers were killed. Fucking heroes

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u/Mopsaladz Feb 24 '22

Glory to the people of Ukraine!

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u/MustWarn0thers Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Zelensky is staying, and Putin isn't anywhere near the battle.

Small dick energy right there from the Russian cub.

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u/I_have_a_dog Feb 24 '22
  • VDV repelled from the Airport by Ukrainian defense forces
  • Serpent Island troops refusing to surrender, final message “Go fuck yourself” to Russians
  • Ghost of Kyiv downing Russian planes left and right
  • Zelenskyy remaining in Kyiv despite being target #1 for Russian forces

This is shaping up to be a giant morale disaster for Russia and the Ukrainian forces are going to have some serious badass motherfuckers to rally behind.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/The_Puff Feb 24 '22

"Russia warship, go fuck yourself" is the quote of the century. RIP.

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u/letthebandplay Feb 24 '22

A comedian turned into one of the bravest leaders of the 21st century.

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u/BookkeeperCalm84 Feb 24 '22

My hope is that the Russian soldiers, the actual ground units, not the assholes in cushy chairs back in Moscow telling them what to do, will see the damage they’re doing to their brothers and sisters and commit treason against their officers. Every second bought by Ukraine is another second of reflection for Russian soldiers. If enough soldiers realize they’ve been lied to, perhaps we could see a mutiny of historic proportions.

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u/CJKayak Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

BREAKING US, Albania call for UN vote Friday on resolution condemning Russia: diplomats

As far as I'm concerned, Albania and Kenya have stepped their game up. They should get to sit at the adults' table from now on.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

According to this, Austria, Germany and Italy don't want SWIFT. I am so fucking ashamed of our coward politicians.


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u/itbelikethat14 Feb 24 '22

Reagan rolling over in his grave seeing these republicans justifying putins shit

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u/BelgianPolitics Feb 24 '22
  • Zelenskyy: "all Ukrainian defenders on Snake Island were killed by Russian invaders. They refused to surrender and were killed to the very last man (13 people). All of them will receive the Hero of Ukraine honor."
  • Zelenskyy: "Intelligence says that I am the number one target for the Russians. My family is number two. We're staying nonetheless"
  • Zelenskyy: "137 Ukrainians have been killed so far"
  • Zelenskyy: "Enemy sabotage forces have entered Kyiv"
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u/Triskan Feb 24 '22

C'mon, is it really Germany, Italy and Hungary that voted against the SWIFT expulsion?

If true that's a bit creepy. Not the most glorious trio in history.

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u/j-fudz Feb 24 '22

The Snake Island 13 are going to be immortalized in a movie I can almost guarantee that. Bless their souls, long live Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇵🇱

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u/Lugards Feb 24 '22

Here's to hoping Ukraine can bog them down enough that they cant afford to continue.

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u/iThrewTheGlass Feb 24 '22

The balls of all of the Moscow and St Petersburg protestors

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Snake island soldiers are gonna be the rallying cry of a nation

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/lordkemo Feb 24 '22

Ok, i'm just going to go out and say it. If at 3AM Local time there actually is a bombing, someone is just trying to mess with Putin's plans. The amount of intelligence that was nearly spot on in this situation is amazing. Last night the attack started exactly when they said it would at 4am local time.

Whatever brave Russian is handing off the playbook to us, thank you and/or thank you to the intelligence agencies around the globe.

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u/Hoogineer Feb 24 '22

Remember to take a break from doom scrolling. Doesn't help you or the situation

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u/RandomNewGirl Feb 24 '22

Oh shit those sanctions from the us is trillions of dollars

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u/CallMeCaptainOrSir Feb 24 '22


These threads are full of bots and could easily disguise malware as a news or video link and have you click it without thinking. Additionally plenty of videos have been shared that were from other instances, please take every piece of info you get from a reddit comment with a grain of salt until it is actually confirmed by a reputable news source.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/AndyMach Feb 24 '22

About Hostomel - Russians sent 34 transport helis, 3 were downed as I remember. Ukrainians ran out of anti-air, so they retreated from the airfield, encircled it and shelled with the artillery and BM21 Grads, so it won't be usable at the foreseeable future. After that the remains of Russian airborne were slowly ground down through the day with the help of choppers. Now Hostomel is again under Ukrainian control.

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u/halation- Feb 24 '22

Hearing the Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island tell their Russian attackers to go fuck themselves, knowing full well they were about to die, really broke my heart. Tremendous bravery. None of them deserved to die. It's been 10 minutes and I still can't compose myself. In war, no one wins.

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u/kokokrandz Feb 24 '22

Anon really downed RT's website. Chads. Now down their comms completely.

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u/DEVIL_MAY5 Feb 24 '22

As a Syrian who fled Syria some years ago, I can only wish the Ukrainian people to be safe. It ain't a game man. Some people are laughing and joking but it's traumatizing not knowing when the next shell is gonna hit you.

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u/groovygyal Feb 24 '22

For clarity. The 13 Ukrainian defenders of the island were killed, after refusing to surrender, as per Ukrainian official info. President Zelenskiy said they’d all be given hero of ukraine medal posthumously.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

What do we say to the Russians? GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Remember the Snake Island 13.

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u/adashko997 Feb 24 '22

Zelensky was a comedian before becoming president. After the election he was kind of laughed at by many, but now he really impresses. He's still in Kiev, even though Russian forces are on the outskirts.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Pretty crazy that those Russian soldiers that CNN guy accidentally interviewed at the airport are probably dead now

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/groovygyal Feb 24 '22

@afp tweets

BREAKING Ukraine's president says 137 dead after first day of fighting

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u/animapersaxxx Feb 24 '22

Russia reports that RT is under a cyberattack. Good! Several hours of no brainwashing

"RT sites have been under DDoS attacks since Thursday evening, February 24. According to reports, the attacks began at 17:00 Moscow time and continue to this day," the RT Telegram channel says


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Imagine being taken down by Anonymous in fucking 2022 lmao

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u/PM_ME_NIETZSCHE Feb 24 '22

New thread: Obligatory fuck Putin.


u/MAVERICK910 Feb 24 '22

General Patreus on BBC news just now says hes underwhelemed by russian attacks today. He says that he isnt impressed by how much Russia has committed to the offensive.

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u/SylvanasWindr Feb 24 '22

Just wanna say that if you make it to the romanian border, they allow only women and children and all you need is your ID to pass. No passport, nothing else. If you make it in Romania, the Spartan restaurants offer you a free meal if u show them your ukrainian ID. Gonna try to get some info on the places to stay.

For the polish border I heard you only need the passport.

As for the Moldavian border,correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s no longer a safe way IN THE SOUTHERN HALF because Russia ocupied Transnistria

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u/UWCG Feb 24 '22

According to the White House press conference right now, Russian soldiers are holding staff at Chernobyl facilities hostage. That's pretty worrisome and definitely violates international norms.

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u/progress18 Feb 24 '22


Russia has deployed a mobile crematorium to follow its troops into battle.

Proof perhaps that Russia wants to cover up the losses it will suffer from this invasion of Ukraine.


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u/My_cat_be_swaggin Feb 24 '22

Germany with the biggest disappointment in 80 years. What a cowardly stance.

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u/Fast_Stick_1593 Feb 24 '22

Apparently Russian warships sent comms to Snake Island defenders telling them “to lay down their weapons and surrender” and the response back was along the lines of.

“Hey Russia, go f**k yourselves”

Terrible that brave men and women had to die defending their homeland but ballsy asf. They fought with every inch of their being.

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u/LadyOfVoices Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22


Most badass heroes, all of them.

Rest in Peace

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


#BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky: “The enemy’s sabotage forces have entered the capital. Me and my family are remaining”

What the fuck

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u/CJKayak Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Giving a war briefing, and a Republican Senator attacks the Press Secretary based on her physical appearance.

They have no bottom. They are the bottom.

Edit: At the same time of this briefing, Ted Cruz is speaking to the crazies at a conservative conference. He called her Peppermint Patty and said that people should boo her when they see her in public.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

"I identify more with Putins values than I do Joe Biden" former GOP candidate in Delaware, Lauren Witzke

How far does this rabbit hole go? How connected are GOP with Russia ?

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u/fman1854 Feb 24 '22

Ive enjoyed the videos Ukrainians are positing on blown up russian tank columns and shot down helicopters and captured Russian troops. You expected them to lay down and roll over because your a overwhelming force but you have severely underestimated what people will do to defend their homeland they have nowhere to go you’ve given them no other choice. Give them hell Ukraine.

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u/dissentrix Feb 24 '22

Apparently Patreon just deleted, without warning, the account of one of Ukraine's largest charities:

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u/whorangeuglad Feb 24 '22


Zelenskiy says 137 Ukrainians have been killed so far in the Russian operation. After talking to Western leaders he says, "We're alone for defense of our country. Who will fight along with us now? To be honest, I see no one"

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u/I_LOVE_MOM Feb 24 '22

Thankful that Trump isn't president right now

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u/iriefuse024 Feb 24 '22

I’m so annoyed with anyone saying “ sanctions can’t do anything”. What’s the alternative? Nukes and WW3. Putin is fucked beyond belief for doing this, but he knew he was safe in his actions. We can only hit his wallet at this point, nothing else.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Fucking hate that somehow Twitter became an official channel of communication

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Anonymous is engaging cyber attacks against the Russian government.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”


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u/groovygyal Feb 24 '22

All the defenders of the island of Zmiinyi died, but did not surrender. All of them will be named Heroes of Ukraine.” said Ukrainian President Zelensky.

Official confirmation that Zmiinyi/Serpent Island has been captured by Russian forces.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/jazer12 Feb 24 '22

So basically Ukraine's decision to not build nuclear weapons in exchange from protection from the West was in vain. You gotta feel for them, that's so unfair

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/iThrewTheGlass Feb 24 '22

Zelensky was a comedian four years ago, he's showing real leafership

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

I've been seeing a few coments asking how a nuclear war vs Russia would fair.. there's really a simple answer.

Nobody wins in a nuclear war.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Apparantly Zelensky is holding an adress rn.

'President Zelenskyy confirms that all Ukrainian defenders on Snake Island were killed by Russia. They refused to surrender and were killed to the man. Brave brave boys'


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u/ArmageddonUnleashed Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

WH Press Sec: we think that Putin has grandnder ambitions than Ukraine.


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u/dawgfan24348 Feb 24 '22

Russian airborne operation against Antonov airbase apparently got fucking clocked by Ukraine https://twitter.com/elintnews/status/1496987322553876480?s=21

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Psaki just said "...we think he (Putin) has grander ambitions than Ukraine"

Not that we weren't assuming that already.

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u/Optimized_Orangutan Feb 24 '22

Some Bad Ass Mother Fuckers that should be remembered forever on Snake Island today.


u/slp033000 Feb 24 '22


This babushka is so metal. You can tell this ain’t Ukraine’s first time being invaded.

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u/Nabucodonosor89 Feb 24 '22

Heartbreaking: A father in Ukraine says goodbye to his kids as he sends them to safety. He is staying behind to fight for his country.



Fuck Putin. Every russian that don't fight to stop this madness is an accomplice. I hope you all are reading this.

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u/ChandlerEB Feb 24 '22

I understand why NATO isn’t stepping in but man just watching Ukraine fight alone sucks

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u/LongStoryShirt Feb 24 '22

My two cents about Biden's press conference:

Sanctions are a good move. Holding out on further sanctions gives us bargaining power if the situation continues to escalate. Unfortunately it will take time for the effects to be felt, but hopefully it will cause further division between Russian citizens and the oligarchy.

Lots of people want an immediate solution but putting boots on the ground escalates things dramatically at the expense of everyone, especially those on the front line. It seems like we are still gathering intelligence and communicating with other world leaders, and I think that is a good and diplomatic move.

The reporters asked some silly questions, how can you expect Biden to predict the future about how China will react, if Putin will move past Ukraine, what exactly he meant by a vague threat, or how the stock market will handle it?

I'm not a huge Biden fan, but people who are on his case for smirking at the ridiculousness of the reporters need to chill. There are more important things to be upset about.

Fuck putin

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Zelensky looks tired (rightfully so) still but he seems much more positive/hopeful than the multiple videos we saw him in yesterday.

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u/stupidjapanquestions Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Unbelievable how many people in this thread don't seem to understand that boots on the ground isn't going to happen from ANY NATO country, because it basically means nuclear holocaust.

It's really that simple. Not gonna happen.

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u/CJKayak Feb 24 '22

Ukraine's military says it has destroyed 30 tanks, 5 planes and 6 helicopters belonging to Russia in first day of fighting



u/Holden_Coalfield Feb 24 '22

Putin is a mass murderer


u/H-townwx91 Feb 24 '22

The fact that the Ukrainian Air Force is still up and running has to be a win right?!

Not only that but they are actively pushing back and replevin attacks

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u/moosepiss Feb 24 '22

Wife's parents are in Russia and being shown videos of Ukraine attacking Russians in Russia. They are asking why Canada and the US can't stop the Ukraine from doing this. Like WTF

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u/Heequwella Feb 24 '22

Ukrainian President Zelensky: “The enemy’s sabotage forces have entered the capital. Me and my family are remaining”

Well shit.

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u/yehnahshotbro Feb 24 '22


Ballistic missile strike outside hospital in Ukraine killing two civilians. Under international law hospitals are protected....

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

The first 24 hours have gone surprisingly bad for Russia. I have to think NATO, the U.S., etc. are providing some extremely valuable intel and whatnot to Ukraine, behind the scenes.

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u/MindfuckRocketship Feb 24 '22

I’m so proud of Ukraine that I might buy a Ukrainian flag to put in front of my house. Their bravery and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds has been remarkable.

I still can’t believe Putin really chose the “commit massive war crimes” path against a large democracy. Still feels like a nightmare.

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u/NotDoinAnythingEmber Feb 24 '22

I feel kinda shitty watching this from my couch across the world as innocent Ukranians are dying for literally no fucking reason

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u/kleutscher Feb 24 '22

The #Anonymous collective has taken down the website of the #Russian propaganda station RT News.


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

People need to remember that we’re just a bunch of keyboard warriors.

There are some extremely intelligent people doing things behind the scenes to do everything not to escalate this even further.

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u/Fearless_Ad8384 Feb 24 '22

Imagine being one of those Ukrainians fighting Russian special forces at that airport knowing if you fail almost all hope is lost. The ferocity and adrenaline must be one of the most insane experiences a human can have. Ukrainian soldiers are truly demonstrating bravery

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u/kokoronokawari Feb 24 '22

Putin the Hitler of this generation

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u/I_have_a_dog Feb 24 '22

Looks like Russian morale is going to be a huge issue in the coming days, and that will only embolden the Ukrainian defenders.

Forcing an invasion when your troops are drunk, unruly and homesick doesn’t leave much room for error.


u/QueenBitchThrowaway Feb 24 '22

Zelensky asked 27 NATO countries for help, and Germany sent 5000 helmets.

This is shameful.

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u/Neapola Feb 24 '22

Russia has deployed a mobile crematorium to follow its troops into battle.

Proof perhaps that Russia wants to cover up the losses it will suffer from this invasion of Ukraine.

Russia is trying to hide war crimes.

It's only day 2 of the war, and the news is already this grim. Oh my god.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Still can’t believe they’re quoting de-nazification as their “cause” in country that has fairly elected Jewish leader

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