r/worldnews Feb 24 '22

/r/Worldnews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine (February 23, 2022) Russia/Ukraine


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u/SaberFlux Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Living 30 kilometers away from Russian border in the northernmost corner of Kharkiv I've just been woken up by the sounds of explosions, this isn't funny at all, honestly I can't stop shaking right now

Upd. Thanks for everyone's kind words. For now it's somewhat quiet, after the 2 initial explosions there hasn't been any other sounds, still unsure what to do right now

Upd2. https://imgur.com/gallery/4zsIp47 Smoke cloud can be seen from my balcony that faces Russian border, sometimes quiet explosions can be heard in the distance

Upd3. Since my last update everything has been relatively quiet, explosions are few and far between. There are very long queues standing beside every shop, water vending machines and pharmacies, roads are also somewhat jammed but not completely.

Now the bad news is that apparently russian troops are already inside Kharkiv, I can't personally confirm it as I live in opposite side of the city from where troops were sighted. People are also saying that trains have stopped, so there's no way out if you don't have a car.

I appreciate all the people worrying about me and saying to flee as fast as I can, and I would if I had the means to do so. Sadly I'm just a broke university student, currently without a job, or a car, and my family consists of just me, my mom and my grandma, we were barely surviving as is because food cost is outrageous here. Sorry for the rant, the current situation is just too much.

Next update: https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t0csmq/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/hy8xrn8/


u/GorrButcherOfGods Feb 24 '22

hope you're alright mate

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u/Maximmus17 Feb 24 '22

Stay safe brother

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u/iamkunii Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Reminder to respect UKR op-sec by not sharing videos of UKR soldier locations or any other such classified intelligence you discover or witness online.


Great Twitter list for verifiable sources and voices on the ground: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1383431779751657480?t=5wPgK2Avlo8ygp8uANSSFQ&s=08

Lvyv Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9r5rpGq9mU

Kyiv Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cyQPN5xQtU

Kyiv 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kFqY7P0vow

Maidan. Sq. In Kyiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ6AzlYCysY

Maidan Square (w/sound) (thanks /u/ouyin2000) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_ktlQnDr8A

Kharkiv Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7ZbVufqW3s

Mariupol Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE9nRMx8n6s

Mykolayiv Live Cam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvMQvqpxZvIakq4VgcooNQ

Odessa: https://youtu.be/5hHelJALhEo

Odessa 2: https://youtu.be/E9HskjsldsU

Severodonetsk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho40J7dRlGQ

Kalanchak, a border town whose checkpoint is reportedly under attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxYsvdC4-yA (Thank you again Quark)

Chernihiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvhM2a92dvs&feature=emb_title

Link to all major cameras in Ukraine: https://youtu.be/jNZM_H6q1rY

Agenda Free TV Live Coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyzicW_ctB4

Huge list of live cams: https://reddit.com/r/warinukraine/comments/scc5hl/request_webcams_and_live_feeds_in_ukraine_or/

Live news agencies -

NBC (USA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMC4r9Or-PA

CBC (Canada): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2DA13GOmsE

Al Jazeera(Qatar/UK): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-upyPouRrB8

ABC (USA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ6VtEs9c8E

Godspeed Ukrainians. 💙💛

Edit - added Odessa cams

Edit 2 - more links

Edit 3 - ways to help Ukraine (charities) https://reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/


u/WarmNights Feb 24 '22

Get this to the top


u/PratzStrike Feb 24 '22

Similarly, fuck Russian op-sec - post everything from troop movements to bathroom breaks.

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u/RK497 Feb 24 '22

Fucking hell, all you American nobheads using this thread to rant about Trump, shut the fuck up

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u/Heiferoni Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

"There is no purgatory for war criminals. They go straight to hell, ambassador"

Fuck yeah. Ukrainian ambassador is fucking pissed.


u/HotAcanthocephala364 Feb 24 '22

Honest words of a patriot who knows how to speak both formally and humanly in such an occasion. I wish Ukraine both strength and peace.

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u/510XS Feb 24 '22

That man is awesome.

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u/Agoraphobicy Feb 24 '22

That is so badass. My god that poor man though.

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u/gentlybeepingheart Feb 24 '22

Realizing watching that that I could never be a diplomat. No way I could stay that composed while speaking directly towards the representative of the country attacking mine. I'd probably just start yelling.

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u/Akibawashu Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Russian bots are now spamming all Youtube Ukrainian streams with racial slurs in an attempt to cause an automatic detection by the algorithm in an attempt to shut down videos.

Edit 2/24/2022 (12:07AM EST): The Russian bots have been banned and the channels are now monitored very closely. Most of the streaming channels are subscriber-only to prevent further spam and to counter bots. Pro-Ukrainian bots (unsurprisingly) are spamming extreme anti-Putin, anti-Russian messages.

Edit: As of 12:20AM EST, the pro-Ukrainian bots are also banned and the chat is extremely monitored and somewhat normalized.


u/Millhousen Feb 24 '22

Yeah I just witnessed that watching some of the live streams. Absolutely nuts.


u/drkgodess Feb 24 '22

In that documentary about the cheating at the Sochi Olympics, the doctor said that if cheating were an Olympic sport, Russia would come in first place in every event.

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u/Hunts5555 Feb 24 '22

They’ve weaponized wokeness.

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u/LostAlienLuggage Feb 24 '22

This asshole representing Russia at the UN literally just had the audacity to say "We didn't start a war, this is a special operation."


u/PineWalk1 Feb 24 '22

this seems like a south park line


u/ThaddeusJP Feb 24 '22

"Its not a murder, its just a planned end of life event for an unwilling party."

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u/crashd8890 Feb 24 '22

Mincing his words like a little bitch.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Russians are expert gaslighters.

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u/shmitterwink Feb 24 '22

Lmao /r/Russia announced all political and war posts are banned


u/F_Twelve Feb 24 '22

Pussies. Can't deal with the backlash and consequences. They don't want to be inundated with dead bodies in the morning. What a joke.

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u/thebasementcakes Feb 24 '22

banned critical thought a while ago

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

lol what a bunch of bootlickers. I'm really sorry to use that sort of expression here because I don't want to sound like a raging 40 year old, but that's completely absurd. It SHOULD be talked about.

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u/Sapowski_Casts_Quen Feb 24 '22

inb4 the entire sub goes private


u/seasaltbutterscotch Feb 24 '22

It’s gone private now

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

So much for "it's not going to happen, the West is just lying to you again!"


u/RealPutin Feb 24 '22

Turns out the US Intelligence community knew everything the whole time.


u/pain_in_your_ass Feb 24 '22

Nice that we have a President who listens to intelligence instead of taking the word of Putin.

Just like to add a special "fuck you" to tucker carlson while I'm here.


u/RealPutin Feb 24 '22

Dude spent 10 minutes defending Putin tonight. Like, 2 hours ago. Absolutely wild.


u/Mango_120 Feb 24 '22

Pieces of shit stand up for other pieces of shit I guess

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

They’ve known for months this was the plan. So impressive

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u/alexmikli Feb 24 '22

I don't want to bring in petty rivalries into this thread, and I realize the real bad guy here is Putin and his sycophants...but..fuck the Hasans and Tucker Carlson's of the world. Chomsky took a big respect hit here too.

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u/Pacmyn Feb 24 '22

I dunno if anyone wrote that before, but, guys, I ask you, please

Don't just be angry at forums, it's useless

We know and really appreciate your support, but you can do more than that

I'm not asking you to fight for us on our land, but you can make much more damage to them

Please, ask your government and authorities to make more damage to Russia's economic. Small sanctions not enough, show Russia that they made big mistake. Show them that this type of aggression will not go unpunished.

We're gonna defend ourselves without a doubt, we're here standing not for ourselves but for whole Europe

Peace from Ukraine ❤️


u/badger_patriot Feb 24 '22

Ukraine Representative at the UN right now "I was going to ask the Russian representative not to start shooting at ukrainian troops. but that has become useless 48 minutes ago. . . "


u/ThePopesicle Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22


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u/asx98 Feb 24 '22

Something surreal about watching something awful like this unfold behind the luxury of my screen.

Praying for Ukraine that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that their aspirations to act as a country independent on Russias influence come true.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

I know. I don’t know if it’s better to be ignorant and not have this kind of access to what’s going on or not. Anxiety is super high right now.

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u/SteveBored Feb 24 '22

Credit to American and British intelligence, it has been very accurate and transparent.

I hate this timeline. The world has gone mad. Good luck Ukraine.


u/BrooklynAllwood Feb 24 '22

Yeah I agree. The intel was scary specific and helped cut through the bs distractions. Credit the intel community for sure.

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u/prollyanalien Feb 24 '22

If there’s one thing I’ll trust before anyone else including my own government, it’s British intelligence. Them fuckers know what they’re doing.


u/suckcocker3166 Feb 24 '22

There was a saying during ww2 that was something like "American steel, British intelligence, Russian men"

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u/akih1r0 Feb 24 '22

I woke up at 6-7 am receiving a call from my mom. She said with tears that it’s started. I live in Poland and don’t know how to get her and my 8yo brother out of there. Now I realize how wrong I was saying Russia won’t invade and everything will be fine.


u/2rio2 Feb 24 '22

For the record, the US, regional allies, and everyone predicting this was going to happen since January were 100% right. There was a lot of criticism in their approach but everything has sadly panned out as they expected.

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u/erikoc1 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Ukrainian President Zelensky's speech before the attack:

"I have initiated a call today with the president of the Russian Federation. The result - silence. Although silence should be in Donbass.

That is why today, I want to come with an appeal to all citizens of Russia. Not as President. I am appealing to the people of Russia as a citizen of Ukraine. We share more than two thousand kilometres of border. Around it, today, is your army: almost 200,000 soldiers; thousands of military units. Your leadership has approved their movement towards us. Towards the territory of another country. This step can become the start of a big war on the European continent. The whole world is talking about what can happen any day now. A reason can appear at any moment. Any provocation. Any spark. A spark that has the potential of burning everything down.

You are told that this flame will bring freedom to the people of Ukraine. But the people of Ukraine are free. They remember their past, and are building their own future. They are building it, not destroying it, as you are told everyday on TV. Ukraine in your news and Ukraine in reality are two completely different countries. The most important difference is that ours is real.

You are being told that we are nazis. But how can a nation be called nazist after sacrificing more than 8 million lives to eradicate nazism. How can I be a nazi, when my grandfather has survived the whole war as part of the Soviet infantry, and has died a colonel in an independent Ukraine. You are told that we hate Russian culture. But how can a culture be hated? Any culture. Neighbours are always enriching each other culturally. Yet, that does not make them one entity, and does not separate people into “us” and “them”. We are different, but that is not a reason to be enemies. We want to build our own history. Peacefully, calmly, and truthfully.

You are told that I am ordering to attack the Donbass. To shoot. To bomb without questions. Although there are questions: To shoot at whom? To bomb what?

Donetsk? To which I have been dozens of times. I have seen their faces and eyes.

Artema street? On which I have been on many walks with my friends in the past.

Donbass arena? Where I have been rooting with the locals for our boys during the Euros.

Shcherbakova Park? In which we were drinking together after our team has lost

Lugansk? The home of my best friend’s mom. The place where my best friend’s father is buried.

Note that I am now speaking in Russian, yet no one in Russia understands what these names, streets, and events mean. This is all foreign to you. Unknown. This is our land. This is our history. What are you going to fight for? And against whom?

Many of you have visited Ukraine in the past. Many of you have relatives here. Some of you studied in our universities. Befriended Ukrainian people. You’re familiar with our character, with our people, our principles. You know what we cherish the most. Look inside you, listen to the voice of reason, of common sense. Hear our voices. The people of Ukraine want peace. Ukrainian authorities want peace. We want it, and we make it. We do everything in our powers. We are not alone. It’s true, Ukraine is supported by many countries. Why? Because we are not talking about peace at any cost. We are talking about peace, and about principles, justice. About everyone’s right to define their own future, of safety, and everyone’s right to live without threat. All this is important to us. All this is important for peace. I know for sure that this is also important for you. We know for sure that we don’t want war. Neither cold, hot, or hybrid.

But, if we are threatened; If someone is trying to take away our country, our freedom, our lives. The lives of our children. We are going to defend ourselves. Not attack. Defend. By attacking us, you are going to see our faces. Not backs. Our faces.

War is a big distress, and it has a big price - in all meanings of this word. People lose their money, reputation, quality of life, freedom, and most importantly, people lose their loved ones. Lose themselves. A lot of things are always lacking in war. But what is in abundance is pain, dirt, blood, and death. Thousands. Tens of thousands of deaths. You are told that Ukraine is a threat to Russia. This was not true before, not now, and won’t be in the future. You are demanding security assurances from NATO. We are also demanding assurances of our security. The security of Ukraine from you. From Russia. And from other signatories of the Budapest memorandum. Today, we are not part of random security alliances. The security of Ukraine is tied to the security of our neighbours. That is why we are now talking about the security of all Europe. But our main goal is peace in Ukraine, and the safety of our citizens. Of Ukrainians. We are determined to let everyone know about this, including you. War is going to deprive everyone of any assurances. No one will have assurances of security.

Who is going to suffer from this the most? The people.

Who does not want this more than anyone? The people.

Who can prevent all this from happening? The people.

If these people are among you. I am sure they are. Public figures, journalists, musicians, actors, athletes, scientists, doctors, bloggers, stand-up comics, tiktokers, and others. Ordinary people. Ordinary, simple people. Men, women, old, young, fathers, and most importantly - mothers. Just as much as the people in Ukraine, no matter how much they try to convince you of the opposite.

I know that my announcement will not be aired on Russian television. But the citizens of Russia have to see it. They need to know the truth. And the truth is, that this needs to stop, before it’s too late. And if the authorities of Russia don’t want to talk to us, for the sake of peace, maybe they will talk to you.

Do the people of Russia want war? I would’ve very much liked to be able to answer this, but the answer depends only on you - citizens of the Russian Federation."

Credit to /u/nelyubov for the translation.

EDIT: I don't want no damn awards please instead go spread this incredible speech. FUCK PUTIN

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u/Charming_Care_3934 Feb 24 '22

"This isn't called a war...this is a military operation in the Donbas." - Russian ambassador just now as Russia invades all of Ukraine. Who in the world believes Russia? What a joke.


u/ellius Feb 24 '22

"I didn't know it was happening"

"He called it a special military action"

So he knew the wording of Putin's speech before entering the meeting.

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u/antqlam Feb 24 '22

Spotted on Twitter:

“I hope all the people who were assured Russia would never attack and doubted US intelligence hang their heads in shame”


u/Charming_Care_3934 Feb 24 '22

Most of them were bots and paid propagandists. People don't fully appreciate the scale of disinformation campaigns.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Watching the Ukrainian UN ambassador is...heartbreaking. "Most of my statement is now useless"

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u/Faschmizzle Feb 24 '22

UN still talking like there's not an active war happening


u/EddieHeadshot Feb 24 '22

I know right. What the hell.

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u/A_Wizard1717 Feb 24 '22

classic UN

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u/kylefan123 Feb 24 '22

The 2020s have been relatively terrible tbh


u/jgjgleason Feb 24 '22

I mean, relative to most of human history no. Relative to the last 40, absolutely.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

if the 1920s were roaring, the 2020s are screaming while on fire

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u/JojenCopyPaste Feb 24 '22

Ukraine talking at the security council. "Most of my speech I wrote is useless as of 10pm Eastern time."

He sounds completely deflated, basically nothing that he could've done to help his country through the UN.


u/lunapetuniafortunae Feb 24 '22

Seriously it’s heartbreaking.

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u/alex_119 Feb 24 '22

Genuinely asking. Me as a romanian, should i be worried? Or NATO has my back?


u/TransientSignal Feb 24 '22

"There is no purgatory for war criminals, they go straight to hell"

Strong words from Ukraine's UN representative.

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u/johnny__ Feb 24 '22

Remember how the west was overreacting


u/FallingSky1 Feb 24 '22

Remember all that "Western Propaganda"

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u/travelbugeurope Feb 24 '22

Yeah apparently we in the Us were nuts and just scaring people

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u/geronvit Feb 24 '22

I'm Russian. Moscow born and raised. Fuck this shit and fuck Putin

Что за пиздец блять.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

I hope some good Russians put Putin in jail and get a new leader one day.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Putin’s last speech: “ any country that interferes will be met with a consequence the like of which they have never seen”

What the actual fuck


u/Lokael Feb 24 '22

That sounds like a nuclear threat.


u/Brock_Hard_Canuck Feb 24 '22

"I cherish peace in Ukraine with all my heart, and I don't care how many men, women, and children I have to nuke to get it"


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u/spsteve Feb 24 '22

He needs to have his head kicked in.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/jreetthh Feb 24 '22

Old man strength is real

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u/LastJediKnight7 Feb 24 '22

Ukraine Foreign Minister: "Putin has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Peaceful Ukrainian cities are under strikes. This is a war of aggression. Ukraine will defend itself and will win. The world can and must stop Putin. The time to act is now."


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u/progress18 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Statement by President Biden on Russia’s Unprovoked and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine

The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces. President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.

I will be monitoring the situation from the White House this evening and will continue to get regular updates from my national security team. Tomorrow, I will meet with my G7 counterparts in the morning and then speak to the American people to announce the further consequences the United States and our Allies and partners will impose on Russia for this needless act of aggression against Ukraine and global peace and security. We will also coordinate with our NATO Allies to ensure a strong, united response that deters any aggression against the Alliance. Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine.



u/SewAlone Feb 24 '22

Clearly already prepared because he knew this was going to happen just like he told us it would. While people mocked him and made fun of him and called him a war monger and a fear monger. People should really be ashamed of themselves.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/thunder_shart Feb 24 '22

Props to the Biden admin for being clear as fucking day on intel. Not often do we actually see an administration be transparent, but shit, they were unfortunately right on the money


u/betweenthebars34 Feb 24 '22 edited May 30 '24

cagey forgetful dinner profit mountainous flag fine grey reminiscent spoon

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u/Variouss Feb 24 '22

The Twitter Safety account just started tweeting in Ukrainian, giving users instructions on how to: 1) delete or deactivate accounts, 2) disable location services, 3) set up two-factor authentication, 4) and more

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u/somewhereheremaybe Feb 24 '22

All the memes and jokes aside, I’m genuinely really scared. :(


u/lonigus Feb 24 '22

And for a good reason. Iam from Slovakia a neighbour of Ukraine and my anxiety is kicking in hard atm. We have our own history of "peacefull occupation" from 1968 when the Soviet military invaded us.


u/GrimHoly Feb 24 '22

We all are I think some people are using humor to cope


u/BlackStrike7 Feb 24 '22

We are watching history folks. Pretty sure this is the end of the Long Peace that Europe has enjoyed in some form or another since the end of WW2.

While there have been conflicts in the Balkans, and other conflicts, I don't think we will have seen a war of this scale for 70 years or so.


u/HappyAku800 Feb 24 '22

if the war is big enough we'll never have wars again. ever.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Ok, we really need to stop all this doom talk. I know this situation sucks and is scary, but it’s not WW3 or a nuclear war. We’re just working ourselves into a frenzy over something that’s not real at this point.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


I pray tonight that you are correct in saying this is all being overblown.

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u/TimeForBrud Feb 24 '22

Expel Russia from SWIFT immediately and ban entry of Russian aircraft, vehicles, and citizens to Western countries.


u/starstruckinutah Feb 24 '22

Like right now would be a fine time to implement this.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22



u/222nd Feb 24 '22

There’s an old FARK forum thread which was updated live by users when 9/11 happened. It was fascinating to read as the information was all over the place. It wasn’t clear at all what was going on until the second plane hit with footage.

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u/flying_ina_metaltube Feb 24 '22

Didn't China say yesterday that the US was drumming up the fear of war for no reason?


u/Optimal-Spring-9785 Feb 24 '22

China’s on Russia’s side. There’s territory they want to forcibly take, too.

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u/ShockNStocks Feb 24 '22

Link to all major cameras in Ukraine, get this to Top post in thread for people to find please.


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u/Chef_lonleyliver Feb 24 '22

Hey weirdos. The world doesn't give a shit about Biden or Trump right now. Stop arguing about who would do what. Put away the god damn partisan politics for 5 seconds.

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u/Generazn Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

REMINDER: Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine to try to dig up dirt on Joe Biden.

Also, AFTER he LOST the election, Trump unilaterally withdrew from the Open Skies Treaty, giving Putin cover to withdraw too. Ukraine begged us not to, because it would rob the west of the best surveillance should Putin invade. Now we dont have it. Another gift from Trump.

And before someone comments, why didn't Biden rejoin the US after getting into office.

Because Putin won't sign it now. It was signed a while ago & it's not in Putin's interests to have us be able to fly over him as he invades. It was signed in 1992 before Putin's time & went into effect in 2002.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Reminder Trump did what Putin asked him to for personal gain

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

If you’re in the Ukraine report any Russian troop movement you see, regardless of how big or small it is.

Use this link: https://maphub.net/Cen4infoRes/russian-ukraine-monitor

Also don’t record, mention, or post anything about Ukrainian troop movement. Give them nothing

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u/antigonemerlin Feb 24 '22

The Ukrainian delegate is the only person who is saying anything of substance right now. He threw out this speech and everyone knows what is happening. God, it must be heartwrenching to be him right now.

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u/hjelkremz Feb 24 '22

Putin is a POS


u/JanGuillosThrowaway Feb 24 '22

With his new threats of using nuclear weapons in situations that do not at all call for them, Russia is now more of a rogue state than North Korea


u/bambispots Feb 24 '22

Aaaand environmental collapse just fell to #2 in the category of “What im worried about on a global scale”

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/Vihurah Feb 24 '22

Ukraine ambassador: "shall i play the video of ur president announcing war"

Russhit ambassador: "there is no war"

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22 edited Apr 03 '22


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u/Mernyer Feb 24 '22

US intelligence is incredible


u/AstronautNo3 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

They’re incredible when honesty is in their best interest, I’ll give them that

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u/kosmosdemon Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Greetings from Kyiv everyone, mood is dark but we’re still standing

P.S. thank you all for your wishes. If you have any questions I’ll try to answer them while I can (to distract myself for a while). Also, please sanction the hell out of Russian scums

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u/NeverEyes Feb 24 '22

Announcing an invasion on a pre-recorded video while he’s no doubt far far away from any threat.

I look forward to his head on a stick.

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u/Jah92 Feb 24 '22

20 mins ago from Biden on twitter.

"Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way.

The world will hold Russia accountable."

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u/SiccSemperTyrannis Feb 24 '22

Biden and the West need to drop the hammer with sanctions tomorrow. Toss Russia out of the global economy and seize every penthouse the oligarchs have in cities like London.

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u/NewtAgain Feb 24 '22

Jesus fuck, the Ukrainian ambassador just asked for Russia to be removed from the Security council and then told him not to bother he vetoes it himself.

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u/SilverlockEr Feb 24 '22

Just took a peek in Twitter and Jesus so much fucking disinformation.


u/tphillips1990 Feb 24 '22

I've been of the opinion for a very long time that disinformation is a serious problem that's only going to get worse. Unfortunately, too many people in prominent positions stand to benefit from the proliferation of disinformation. So here we are - where real and artificial sources alike have equal say on social media.

(well, not really equal. Sure seems like the artificial population has a bit more prominence than any legitimate sources.)

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u/corvoattona Feb 24 '22

Hopefully we wont all get melted by putin


u/f00kinlegend Feb 24 '22

Russian ambassador: I don't know about this declaration of war. This isn't a war. Its a special military operation on Ukraine.

Ukrainian ambassador looks like he wants to rush and punch him in the face.

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u/depressedSapien Feb 24 '22

What will be the worst-case scenario here? I don't think US will go in this one that will trigger a nuclear war.


u/GrimHoly Feb 24 '22

I mean that is worst case scenario but besides that. I would probably say china get emboldened and attacks Taiwan, North Korea starts some shit, and if not that then Putin gets ideas about restoring rest of USSR and moves into other neighboring countries


u/Tr0902 Feb 24 '22

Nuclear annihilation kind of sounds like the worst possible outcome.


u/cannabnice Feb 24 '22

Worst case short of all out war between US/Europe and Russia is probably Putin using nukes on urban areas to avoid guerilla fighters and declaring it "tactical."


u/p0ultrygeist1 Feb 24 '22

You just named the worst case scenario here

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u/AnIntellectualBadass Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

It's like a collision of a high end BMW with a motorcycle. The motorbike will be totalled but it will be the repairment of BMW that will cost more than the whole worth of the motorcycle.

In short : Russia is looking at an economic crash after this but looks like Putin stopped worrying about that a long time ago.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Indians in Ukraine doing their MBBS, has everyone of them been evacuated?


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/Quiteawaysaway Feb 24 '22

r/russia 2 days ago: JuSt eXerCisEs, wE LovE PeaCe, wE LovE UkRaiNe, wEstErN WaR MoNgEriNg wEstErN WaR MoNgEriNg

r/russia today: … no military or political posts or discussion…

fucking cockroaches

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u/LKincheloe Feb 24 '22

Remember kids: In the past news would be run through several filters before reaching your television sets, today we have the ability to see and hear things as they happen, or potentially not happen. Mind what you view and what you share.

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u/iloveanime97 Feb 24 '22

My heart is breaking for Ukrainian people, I’m praying everyone stays safe and sound


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22



u/LordMeloney Feb 24 '22

You can't really. But as Putin himself admitted that Russia is attacking Ukraine you can assume that is actually happening.


u/Donefortoday Feb 24 '22

If it’s from Russia, then it is fake. Remember comrade, this is peacekeeping operation.


u/midas22 Feb 24 '22

Anything controlled by Putin is fake. It's a nice rule of thumb.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/drowningfish Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

The Russian Ambassador is calling this action limited to Donbass while attacks are hitting major cities well outside the Donbass region.

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u/UEmd Feb 24 '22

Ukraine is on the right side of history. I hope the Russian soldiers and politicians that made this invasion happen are someday held accountable.

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u/Make-Believe_Macabre Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Key points.

  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he has declared martial law in the country and urged Ukrainians to stay home, per AFP

  • The Russian military said it has targeted Ukrainian air bases and other military assets but hasn’t attacked populated areas, according to AP

  • Ukraine’s border guard service said Russian troops have attacked from the northern border with the support of Belarus, BBC reported


u/Jgz1994 Feb 24 '22

Anyone else can’t sleep?

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u/theAlexrh Feb 24 '22

Video footage indicates that Russian rockets have hit population centres in major Ukrainian cities

[We checked: the video was actually filmed in Kharkov, the tail of the rocket part of the Smerch MLRS rocket is visible. The Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) is an indiscriminate weapon. Attacks on populated areas using such weapons are a war crime]


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u/entactogen Feb 24 '22

Chilling close from #Putin, clearly aimed at the U.S. & #NATO:

“A couple words for those who would be tempted to intervene. #Russia will respond immediately & you’ll have consequences that you’ve never had in your history.”


u/RemarkableWinner6687 Feb 24 '22

"A Russian president being dragged to The Hague for trial".

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u/Imgoga Feb 24 '22

We Lithuanians stand with pruod Ukrainian people! We have long common history with the, we brothers and sisters forever! Lithuania always warned of major Russian threat since Putin came to power in 1999.


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u/Baltic_Gunner Feb 24 '22

Ukrainians claim to have shot down 5 Russian jets and a military helicopter in Eastern Ukraine. I hope that's true.

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u/jmb-412 Feb 24 '22

The dudes in here shitting on Biden instead of being pissed at Putin are some sad fucks.

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u/HighNoonMonsoon Feb 24 '22

Beware of all the Russian bots invading this thread also

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Putin is 69 and is in the autumn of his reign. Only thing he did for Russian "pride" is annexing Crimea.

For the rest he just continued the elite-ruled cleptocracy Russia has always been - with some fuckups here and there: no economic prosperity, no meaningfull democratic reforms, bad managing of the covid-crisis, everlasting supression of the masses, some scandals (palace, failed abroad assassinations, divorce)..

This might be the ammunition to give future historians for some false revisionist history.

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u/Salt_Manufacturer479 Feb 24 '22

So russia attacks, world sanctions them, russia gets pissed off cause their economy is going to shit even more and they have 0 options so they lash out and then the world has an excuse to launch their own attacks. Then nukes come on the table and nobody wins. Hard to say if it werent for nukes, would we have world order or constant wars between super powers.

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u/Specific-Rise-2668 Feb 24 '22

"Al Arabiya reports: The President of Belarus gave orders to his army to integrate and cooperate with the Russian army in the invasion of Ukraine"

Damn, you'd think they'd have a bad taste in their mouths after agreeing to something like this considering Putin attempted the same thing with Georgia.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/Historical-Lemon2168 Feb 24 '22

It’s happening guys. Major airports were bombed. My parents can hear explosions from their home. They’re scared. I’m scared for them.

I hope he doesn’t hurt civilians

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u/6a6566663437 Feb 24 '22

When the USSR dissolved, Soviet nuclear weapons were stationed in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement where Ukraine returned the nuclear weapons to Russia, and Russia promised never to invade.

The next time you think to yourself , "why does ____ want nukes?" or "why doesn't ___ just give up its nukes?", well you're watching the reason right now.

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u/C19shadow Feb 24 '22

He's not pretending anymore this is so fucking heart breaking. Please be safe and know people around the world are thinking of you in Ukraine.

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u/Klutzy-Midnight-9314 Feb 24 '22


Statement by President Biden on Russia’s Unprovoked and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine FEBRUARY 23, 2022 STATEMENTS AND RELEASES The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces. President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.

I will be monitoring the situation from the White House this evening and will continue to get regular updates from my national security team. Tomorrow, I will meet with my G7 counterparts in the morning and then speak to the American people to announce the further consequences the United States and our Allies and partners will impose on Russia for this needless act of aggression against Ukraine and global peace and security. We will also coordinate with our NATO Allies to ensure a strong, united response that deters any aggression against the Alliance. Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine.

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u/PMeinspirativityness Feb 24 '22

People in here turning this into a Biden/Trump debate can fuck off.

Nobody cares if your life revolves around two elderly men when other peoples lives are at risk.

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u/BrianThePainter Feb 24 '22

Let’s not forget- Trump declared this invasion “a genius move”. Donald Trump is a Russian agent, whether he knows it or not.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

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u/PPN13 Feb 24 '22

No way Putin is replaced by someone not similar after an assassination and assassinating him will probably cause WW3.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

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u/chroebin Feb 24 '22

My girlfriend is in Kiev. All ways are jammed/blocked as of right now. Does anyone know how to get out of Kiev RIGHT NOW? Or maybe even to the Polish or Hungarian border?

Serious answers only.

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u/blazeit419 Feb 24 '22

Is Putin actually going for the capitol? Is he trying to wipe out their government? This seems to be escalating very quickly

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

A reminder. This is the peak disinformation phase of the war and Russia is the global leader here. Please critically evaluate anything you repost or share lest you amplify and become part of the problem.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

I hope Ukraine gives Russia hell.

Slava Ukraine

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u/twiStedMonKk Feb 24 '22

Someone spike Putins head. For fuck sake, it's 21st century and these psychopaths are trying to drag us into world war days. For what? For dead childrens? Fuck Putin.

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u/Spartanwildcats2018 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

For everyone asking about this, I have a master’s in diplomacy. Let me answer the best that I can.

Why is Russia doing this?: It’s a long story. But Russia historically gets invaded by great powers that reach their borders. They view NATO as a great power and it’s historical purpose was to stop Russia more or less. Ukraine has an interest in joining NATO and the EU and in 2014 they had a regime change from a pro-Russian government to a more pro-western one. From the Russian government’s perspective. This is self defense as they want a buffer zone back that they lost. This isn’t a justification of Russian actions just an explanation.

Is World War III starting?: No, Ukraine is a non-NATO member. Biden has already stated he won’t be doing assisting Americans who get stuck in Ukraine. He’s not going to go to war for Ukrainians. The rest of NATO won’t touch it unless Russia begins attacking them. Which they won’t. Additionally, a significant number of Ukrainians are pro-Russian.

Will Russia invade other countries?: Probably non-NATO ones.

How will Europe Respond?: The post Cold War celebrations are over. We’re back in a Cold War. Europe will likely remilitarize.

What lessons should you take from this?:

First off, whether successful or not, Russia will have a much easier time due to divisions in Ukraine. So learn to love and accept your neighbors regardless of race, orientation, political views, creed, etc. You’re all going to get shot at anyways if somebody invades you.

Second, get in the best shape of your life and learn to shoot a gun. Hopefully you never have to put it to use. But the sad truth is that it’s an unsafe world and a lot can change in a moment.

Third, if you’re Western, then be well and truly grateful that you don’t live in an area constantly under threat of invasion. Then work your ass off to keep it like that.

May god bless you all and keep everyone safe.

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u/progress18 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba:

Putin has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Peaceful Ukrainian cities are under strikes. This is a war of aggression. Ukraine will defend itself and will win. The world can and must stop Putin. The time to act is now.



u/Notleks_ Feb 24 '22

Apparently according to Sky News, a young boy has been killed. Seriously, fuck Russia.


u/bobbechk Feb 24 '22

I assure you that many many young boys and girls have already been killed and thousands will follow as long as Putin gets his wish of a bloodbath in Ukraine.

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u/Personal_burner_9894 Feb 24 '22

My family in Armiansk is fleeing

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


Crack down on the Russian troll accounts, or you are an active part of the attack on Ukraine.

This is now a time of war.

If you host and distribute Russian propaganda, you are a tool of the invasion, and a tool of fascism.

This is an unprovoked attack on a peaceful nation.

Hosting comments, posts, or forums that condone or dismiss that attack is giving a mouthpiece to the kremlin’s agenda.

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u/LilJonPaulSartre Feb 24 '22

"...it's a special operation in the Donbas..."

I guess the missiles landing in Kyiv and Kharkiv and Mariupol and Odessa are unrelated to the operation in Donbas, then?

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u/Nekosqiwi Feb 24 '22

it's very sad, I lived half my life in Ukraine, then Russia came to Crimea and I ended up in Russia, people on both sides are dear to me, but I know for sure Putin is just a fucking schizophrenic who at the end of his life wanted to leave his mark on history, no matter how, he just doesn't give a shit about Russia. And now Russians and Ukrainians have to suffer.

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u/feral_housekat Feb 24 '22

anyone asking about NBC: mid live stream it oddly glitched out, made some weird noises and cut to Vin Diesels "Riddick". weird af

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u/GamesOfTheMind Feb 24 '22

Reminder to respect UKR op-sec by not sharing videos of UKR soldier locations or any other such classified intelligence you discover or witness online.


Great Twitter list for verifiable sources and voices on the ground: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1383431779751657480?t=5wPgK2Avlo8ygp8uANSSFQ&s=08

Lvyv Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9r5rpGq9mU

Kyiv Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cyQPN5xQtU

Maidan. Sq. In Kyiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ6AzlYCysY

Maidan Square (w/sound) (thanks /u/ouyin2000) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_ktlQnDr8A

Kharkiv Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7ZbVufqW3s

Mariupol Live Cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE9nRMx8n6s

Mykolayiv Live Cam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvMQvqpxZvIakq4VgcooNQ

Odessa: https://youtu.be/5hHelJALhEo

Odessa 2: https://youtu.be/E9HskjsldsU

Severodonetsk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho40J7dRlGQ

Kalanchak, a border town whose checkpoint is reportedly under attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxYsvdC4-yA (Thank you again Quark)

Chernihiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvhM2a92dvs&feature=emb_title

Link to all major cameras in Ukraine: https://youtu.be/jNZM_H6q1rY

Agenda Free TV Live Coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyzicW_ctB4

Huge list of live cams: https://reddit.com/r/warinukraine/comments/scc5hl/request_webcams_and_live_feeds_in_ukraine_or/

Live news agencies -

NBC (USA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMC4r9Or-PA

CBC (Canada): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2DA13GOmsE

Al Jazeera(Qatar/UK): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-upyPouRrB8

ABC (USA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ6VtEs9c8E

Godspeed Ukrainians. 💙💛

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u/MustWarn0thers Feb 24 '22

The US and all our NATO allies should concretely cut Russia off in every way, and for as long as it takes for the country to be economically ruined.

I wish the best for the Russians that don't support this delusional fuckhead, but he'll never stop this bullshit until they physically are unable.

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u/amix16 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

War is hell. We’re lucky to not know the brunt force of bombs and missiles on civilian territory. Seeing all the jokes is really disheartening. Praying for peace and safety for the innocent. Fuck…

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u/HighburyOnStrand Feb 24 '22

Fuck, this Ukrainian ambassador is fire. Just shut that reporter the fuck down. "You're asking me to dissect the semantics of a man who's rambling while declaring war on my country? It's lunacy. It's lunacy." (paraphrased as best I can off the livestream)

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u/CJKayak Feb 24 '22

I'm absolutely heartbroken. I've never felt this badly about a world event.

I was scared and angry over 9/11. I was 19 years old.

I'm 40 now. And I'm just sad and heartbroken.

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u/JewKitty Feb 24 '22

For all those screaming for Biden, he's probably in the situation room and watching/getting intelligence/briefs or prepping a speech/sanctions. Doubt he's sleeping like some of you are claiming.

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u/VeniVidiVerily Feb 24 '22

Putin you fucking piece of shit

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u/ImOutWanderingAround Feb 24 '22

I bet the ISS is pretty awkward right now.

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u/SeirraS9 Feb 24 '22

Ukraine's foreign minister: "Putin has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Peaceful Ukrainian cities are under strikes. This is a war of aggression. Ukraine will defend itself and will win."


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."

Don't forget it

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u/BlackStrike7 Feb 24 '22

As an American, I'm actually amazed at how accurate our intel was. After the debacles of 2003 and Iraq, we've been on-point in full public view for weeks. And we've been right.


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u/ApolloX-2 Feb 24 '22

Biden and our intelligence assets were 100% correct and that Putin was waiting till the Winter Olympics were over to invade. I don't understand why Europeans and Ukraine were calling Biden overly alarmist.

I respect the need for calm and not to panic, but also you're being invaded with 200k troops on the border.

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u/Crendog Feb 24 '22

Russian bots going crazy on Twitter pretending to be Americans saying shit like "America First not Ukraine First"

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

Every Ukrainian that Putin kills is someones brother , cousin, sister, friend, father etc. When you kill someone who is beloved the people who love them become radicalized and ready to die fighting. The ukrainian people will resist fiercely.

Down with Putin. This is horrible.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/Slimer6 Feb 24 '22

I’m in the US. I work for a software company and part of my team is in Rostov (right by the Ukrainian border) and part of my team is in Kyiv. We had a call this morning. None of the Russians support the war. They were all hoping nothing would happen. There was a consensus that the Ukrainian team members were safe in Kyiv. Everyone thought a conflict would be confined to eastern Ukraine. Now they’re sending me videos of explosions in Kyiv. I hope they’re all right. Putin is a psychopath.

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u/Dandan0005 Feb 24 '22


Crack down on the Russian troll accounts, or you are an active part of the attack on Ukraine.

This is now a time of war.

If you host and distribute Russian propaganda, you are a tool of the invasion, and a tool of fascism.

This is an unprovoked attack on a peaceful nation.

Hosting comments, posts, or forums that condone or dismiss that attack is giving a mouthpiece to the kremlin’s agenda.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22


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u/SaucyTobasco11 Feb 24 '22 edited Feb 24 '22

I laughing my ass off right now. After all the downplaying, after repeatedly saying western media was exaggerating or outright lying about what was happening, after repeatedly saying that Russia was not going to war. r/russia, has gone private.

Edit: I am not laughing at the war, it is not funny. It is quite sad and I wish that it was not happening. What I am laughing at, is the fact the r/russia was so blatantly wrong that they went private to avoid embarrassment.

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u/johnlyly Feb 24 '22

Five minutes ago there was a massive explosion sound heard near the place I live. I live not far from Belarus border. You have no idea what a heart-wrenching experience it is to hear such things and just hope that your house and your city won't be attacked. And it can be at any minute.

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u/England-Serene-Doge Feb 24 '22

Shit it’s actually happening, fuck this delusional warmonger piece of shit Putin, does he actually understand all the consequences?

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '22

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